Quote:I can tell you that DUI is a RELEVANT question on the pre-employment polygraph examination that I administer.
Well, sure, you can tell us that. You can tell us that the sky is green on a clear day and that the moon is made of limburger. But we're not obliged to believe you. By the way, what agency do you work for?
Quote:In the past several months, I have seen you and others on this site wrongly identify relevants as controls, controls as relevants, irrelevants as relevants, etc, etc, etc. I can assure you that on several occasions you and the others have in fact advised readers to augment their reactions to RELEVANT QUESTIONS...
I want examples, too. I was one of the ones identifying questions as this type or that. I have never misidentified an IQ as an RQ or CQ, I know an RQ when I see one, and I state my CQ knowledge as best I can. I don't think I have missed one. If so, for the sake of a clearer debate, nonombre, you should be happy (you don't have anything to hide, do you? Is there anything you would like to clear up? There must be...

) to enlighten me. Also, to all who read this, if you have to ask yourself if it's a CQ or RQ, treat it as an RQ. Please. Don't spike an RQ.
Quote:...because YOU, Mr. Maschke did not have a clue what you were talking about...
Sounds like something Gelb would say. Or perhaps someone in the APA hierarchy. An ancient way of deflecting the veracity of an argument is to cease honest debate and assail the messenger. It's called an
ad hominem attack. Presidential candidates, Marc Antony, and polygraphers seem to use this device frequently. Sorry, I don't accept the maneuver as legitimate debate. Again, perhaps you can give us some examples?
Quote:In summary, PLEASE double check your facts before handing out dime store advice. You don't know as much as you think you do...
I don't think George's facts are in doubt. I believe him. I associate myself with his remarks. It's not dime-store, nonombre. And he may know more than what he thinks.
I'll tell you this, too: I have taken polys, and I have used CM's, and I have assured my passing through their usage. I should have passed anyhow, and probably would have, but I slam-dunked passage by using them, copiously and unapologetically. Now, if your machine can divine my truthfulness, and at such high rates, those last two sentences should mean nothing to you.
Do they matter at all to you, nonombre? Are you bemused, concerned, angry, or apathetic to what I just said?
Quote:Mr. Maschke, this is people's LIVES here.
Yes. So if a DWI makes a difference, do a background check. Do the legwork. Do the research. Don't rely on a needle, cursor, and BFB track. Why in God's name would you -ever- trust a subjective practice over objective reality? Alice In Wonderland comes to mind.
Quote:You risk careers and futures by the "information" you so confidently provide (e.g., the identification of a test question by one type or another). You then defend your "information" with purely subjective assertions such as ..."I find it hard to believe?"
ad hominem tactics. Sorry, had to identify it; it's embarrassing how obvious it is. And I have yet to hear a reason as to why your department would ask an RQ about something you could call up the local PD and find out (or go to NCIC).
Quote:Where is YOUR "double blind" study, Mr. Maschke?
I find it impossible to believe, myself. This whole argument I would be laughing at if it were not so serious. Nonombre, we, I myself, am laying all my points out. I hold nothing back (truth).
Now, in a polygraphic setting, you want us to tell you everything, bare our souls to you. It's not too much for this board to ask you to do the same. Why not come clean, tell me, us, everything about you and the magic box?
Whom, I ask again, do you work for?
What questions did this site, perhaps I myself, misidentify?
What material advice did this site, or I myself, get wrong?
Come on, big fella, clear everything up that you're holding back, share it with us, and by the way we -know- you're holding stuff back

We're here to help you, here to go to bat for you, to work with you, not against you. We want you to understand our points. We need you to agree with us.

Sound familiar? Sounds and smells like canned sardines gone out of date to me, but...
The difference between my saying that half-comically (I do believe you are misrepresenting yourself, such as your inner beliefs on how well the poly works, and I think you're discussing this in bad faith by not addressing the arguments presented to you) and you saying it "seriously" is that this site is here for honest discussion and
full disclosure. Knowledge is power, and the truth will set all of us free. So why not dissect every part of the magic box? Of what are you -really- afraid? Lost paychecks?
Quote:Sorry sir, you know I am not going to provide you with examples of question types.
You don't need to, nonombre. I think George and the rest of us have them committed to memory by now.
Quote:However, I will ask you again for the sake of people reading this site and taking for "gospel" the things you say. PLEASE double check everything. You have been wrong a lot lately.
I have posted my opinions, too, nonombre, and I know that the world can see them. I consider this issue very important, as I have to deal with the poly when I feel I should not (nor should anyone). My statements are from my heart, and I stand by all of them as much as if I were the admin here. Thus, what you say to George, you're saying to me, for he and I seem to agree for the most part.
So I will ask again: what should I double check? Where have I been wrong? I don't believe you or your box, big guy; I live in facts and empirical evidence, not statements of "j'accuse!" I've been wrong? Then give me chapter and verse and let's rap about it. What questions? What statements? You've made the counterpoint, so it's your job to back it up. Will you do so?
Quote:Mr. Maschke, whether you care to believe it or not, you have hurt the unsuspecting with your arrogant assertions and the opinions you present as unmitigated fact.
How has he, Eos, how have I done so? Again, I want examples. When I assert to you that Christ is my Saviour, and that I can be redeemed through Him, I will tell you my sources... John 3:16 and Romans 10:9, in the New Testament. If you want to debate Scripture's reliability or accuracy, using factual argument, that's legitimate. Stating that I am a kook for being Christian and leaving it there is personal and of no usage probatively.
Did I mention that I debated in high school? Yep, I did, and you can find that out for yourself (assuming you can find me 8) ) by examining my school records.
Quote:I ask you again to check your sources, look at both sides, and consider all possibilities before you advise the naive to engage in behaviors for which you have to date refused to take responsibility for...
I myself have looked at both sides, keeping as open a mind as possible. And I'm just an unsolicited contributor; I haven't made this a personal cause.
Last time, nonombre: what sources do you find fault with, what have I said that is in error? I take full responsibility for what I say, and I am sure every other serious poster does as well. What possibilities? That your machine can finally be shown for what it is? I don't think getting rid of something that failed to catch Aldrich Ames
twice, that is admittedly subjective, and that uses unquantifiable measurements in an attempt to get confessions not by the machine per se but by its secondary or tertiary use (or pretended use) is such a bad idea.
The rest of your statements are
ad hominem, as before, and I won't use bandwidth on them...