Hi I am from Australia, I am in desperate need of help. Is it possible for people who, on the outside show no signs of any disorder, but function in a normal world however hide bouts of depression, be a pathological liar, manipulator, someone who with out a doubt beleives their own storys, ie: escalating a lie over a 3 year period to the point where the person is so convinced that what they believe has happened, therefore pass a cvsa, although that person is blatantly lying. This is the case with me, I demanded (for personal reasons) my own mother (who I obviously new well)??? ( of her behavior) have a cvsa to prove what she was telling everyone was a lie ( the 3 year build up), I was convinced she would fail but my worry was that she beleived in her story so much over a long period of time that she would pass, even the instructor who took the test was convinced also that she would fail due to what she knew, and she was surprised that my mother passed, but said the test NEVER fails, and i should just accept it, NO WAY i know she is lying, therefore she now beleived my mother, i was devestated although bought on by yours truely, i now am out to try to prove them wrong that she is so delusional that she beleives her own crap therefore passed this test. Now I don't have a leg to stand on, as she now waves her test to show every one, see... see... i'm not a liar.
I have researched her behavioral patterns and she shows alot of symptoms of bipolar, she beleives she does not have a problem and that it's every one else, always in denial, blames everyone else, spends mountains of money, gets very depressed, very euphoric, VERY contolling, etc etc, the instuctor dismissed all of this and said that the test NEVER FAILS!!!!! Please some insite in phycological disorders
(diagnosed or not) and the way they can affect an outcome of a cvsa. Thanking you.