Hot Topic (More than 15 Replies) so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads (Read 20399 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box compscigeek
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so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Nov 2nd, 2004 at 12:16am
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There are posts on this website from cops and gov. agents admitting to using illegal drugs, past or present.  There's even cases of cops who admit to lying and trying to deceive lie detectors.  It's hypocritical of you folks to go out and arrest people for smoking marijuana if you do it (or have done it) yourselves.  And a question for you LE folks, do all of you have quotas? I mean, can't you get raises by doing something other than harassing people? How about helping people out instead?  Anyway for the deliberate liars...i hope all of you know what you stand for, and reflect this in service to the people you're supposed to protect (..catch the real criminals...not the grandmas going 5 over; reflect your values...etc) Otherwise you will have geeks like me making counter counter does a motion sensored polygraph, cvsa, brainwave synchronizer combination sound?   That should get your heart beating again...
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box nunyun
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #1 - Nov 2nd, 2004 at 7:50am
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whatever dude, unlike you I do not stereo type entire groups of people as you have done, but that is why I am out here on the street and you are just a youngsetr mad at the world thinking your smarter than everyone else because you learned ho to use a computer......Don't hate the player,  hate the game
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box compscigeek
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #2 - Nov 2nd, 2004 at 8:31am
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First, i'm not trying to stereotype, im referring to a specific group of people within law enforcement.  I am aware that most cops are great people who have a strong code of ethics and morals.  It is just this small group that gives the rest a bad name, but not even within my eyes...ask the general public.  They create and laugh at shows like RENO 911 for a reason.  Second, I'm not mad at the world at all.  I enjoy my life and environment very much.  Third, I never said nor meant to give the impression that I am smarter than anyone, I just use the knowledge that I have and wherever...combined with common sense and logic to come to what I think are educated assumptions/conclusions.  I enjoy being proven wrong because I learn something, but you have not tought me anything, you're hating the player yourself.  And what game are you talking about anyway?  That reference was made about getting multiple women without each one knowing what is going on...doesn't sound like you know what you're talking about...oh i guess you're a...
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box nunyun
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #3 - Nov 3rd, 2004 at 6:41am
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that's your problem you watch too much TV if you think Reno 911 is based on real LEO's.  If you want to see real police work come on out to my agency of 10,000 leo's and I will take you on a ride along otherwise give up on the college life as "life experience" and when you get back from going around the block give me a call and we'll talk. Wink
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box anxietyguy
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #4 - Nov 3rd, 2004 at 7:53pm
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The fact is that cops make mistakes like everyone else in their lives. We are only human, I think there may be some underlying reason why you are so critical of law enforcement. I think it is unfair that you critisize law enforcement when you have not walked in our shoes. We are doing our best to keep YOU safe. Speeding, arresting people for drugs may be slim and meaningless to some people. but it is part of our job regardless of what we have done in our past personal lives. I think putting our lives on the line everyday may overshadow our human mistakes in the past. I know what I stand for, and it's helping people. What do you stand for? Wink
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box nunyun
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #5 - Nov 3rd, 2004 at 8:44pm
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Thanks anxiety I was tired and just got home from work so I was not up for a debate nor having anything substanitive to say (obviously), You just get sick of people on the whole cop hater kick after a shift......
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box compscigeek
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #6 - Nov 7th, 2004 at 9:27am
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I dont hate cops, and im not trying to use college as my one and only experience in life...I mean...c'mon.  I'm very grateful for the cops that are helpful to society, but I've seen many (too many) cops that In my opinion, should not be cops.  There is no doubt in my mind that they should not be cops.  I think they should screen candidates more thoroughly, especially psychologically and academically speaking.  And of course cops aren't like reno 911 characters...if they were I would lose all faith in them.  But that is one reflection that the public has held whether you like it or not.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box nunyun
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #7 - Nov 11th, 2004 at 6:33am
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Based on your original post, you seem to stereo type all LEO's with a statement of, for all of you who have smoked dope. That would be a blanket statement along with harrasing people and writing tickets, don't I have anything better to do?

Yes, 18 years ago I smoked dope twice in college and after 6 years in the Marines and three conflicts (Saudi, Somalia and Haiti) and six years on the job I don't feel like a hypocrit when I bust people for LARGE amounts of drugs. I think I have proven myself and do not hold minor indescretions of my past against me.  Second I don't feel I am "harrassing people" when they blatently blow a light or a stop sign at a busy intersection when it could cost someone a life.  No I don't waste my time on a lot of civil violations such as traffic but I do do my job and I don't turn the other cheek and pretend like I don't see blatent violations.

If you did not mean to bundle entire groups of people into your stereo type comment you should rethink your original post.

I do agree and have stated in the past, that I feel that every agency should do a better in depth background on prospective candidates and I have always disagreed with using this site to beat the box for blatent lies to cover your past. But do support this site to protect yourself from false positives which can ruin careers of good people being falsely accused.

I still am taken back at the fact that you have come to this site being aggressive, and on "attack mode" since your few post you have posted challenging several people here.  But that is what is nice about this site compared to others, is the fact that it is not as strictly moderated as other sites so your opinion is welcome.

BY the way HAPPY 229th Marines Wink
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box dimas
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #8 - Dec 7th, 2004 at 11:06am
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compscigeek wrote on Nov 2nd, 2004 at 12:16am:
There are posts on this website from cops and gov. agents admitting to using illegal drugs, past or present.  There's even cases of cops who admit to lying and trying to deceive lie detectors.  It's hypocritical of you folks to go out and arrest people for smoking marijuana if you do it (or have done it) yourselves.  And a question for you LE folks, do all of you have quotas? I mean, can't you get raises by doing something other than harassing people? How about helping people out instead?  Anyway for the deliberate liars...i hope all of you know what you stand for, and reflect this in service to the people you're supposed to protect (..catch the real criminals...not the grandmas going 5 over; reflect your values...etc) Otherwise you will have geeks like me making counter counter does a motion sensored polygraph, cvsa, brainwave synchronizer combination sound?   That should get your heart beating again...

1) It is not hypocritical to bust people for marijuana, it is called enforcing THE LAW.  A person who willingly chooses to engage in something illegal should have the balls to face up to it when caught.  Obviously you didn't and that is why you are so mad.

2)  Quotas?  what friggin' planet do you live on?  There isn't nor will there ever be a quota given to officers for arrests.  Harrassing people?  So if an EMT renders aid to an injured person he is now harrasing them by your standards?  Wait, better yet I now see what you are saying.  I feel so harrassed every time a fireman pulls me out of a fire Grin  Point is we don't harass people, we enforce the law, if they didn't break it then we wouldn't have to "harass" them.  It is unfortunate that in your petty little mind you equate harass with doing one's job.

3)  Catch the real criminals?  Yes, we do and if we didn't have to waste our time giving tickets to people who can't understand the simple concept of a speed limit perhaps we could do that.  Oh wait, don't cars kill more people than guns in the U.S.?  hmmm........

4)  I have never said I was against the Poly, if anything I am all for it, however, I do have the stipulation that it not be used as the sole factor to disqualify an applicant.

Obviously, you are bitter about something and fail to have the ability to rationalize that when you are dealing with HUMANS you will always deal with varying degrees of professionalism and ethics.  Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Counselors and  even PRIESTS all have their bad apples.  Grow up young one, you may realize someday when you emerge from the confines of your little dorm room that the world is much larger than yourself and your petty little arrest for possession most likely caused by your inability to follow the posted speed limit. Embarrassed

Either way, as for your attempt to be witty against Nunyun's "Don't hate the player, hate the game" is a very poor attempt at making an attack.  The statement in and of itself can be applied to any activity that involves a person who engages in it.   Therefore, to assist you in understanding, the player = the cop and the game = the law.

In the future you may want to THINK before you act and if you decide to act in an illegal manner, at least be man enough to take blame for being dumb enough to have done it.  


"But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet; tread softly, because you tread on my dreams."&&
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box nunyun
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #9 - Dec 8th, 2004 at 7:29am
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That's why your the FTO who can rationalize and I just prefer to put on the gloves and take'm to the house.

By the way getting cold where you are is it not? doors open for a vacation guest when you can't take the cold anymore,  PM me if you want to trade a patch, I am looking for a any K9's you can get.....
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box dimas
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #10 - Dec 12th, 2004 at 12:36am
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Unfortunately, you cannot always rationalize with idiots, but I try my best to drive the point through.  Ignorance is ultimately very rampant in our society.  I try my best to keep my cool with people like this "compsci" guy.

Actually it has been quite nice lately, not too cold during the day (with the exception of the early morning) and just perfect throughout the day. 

« Last Edit: Dec 12th, 2004 at 10:22am by dimas »  

"But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet; tread softly, because you tread on my dreams."&&
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dippityshurff
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #11 - Aug 21st, 2005 at 5:10pm
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sort of on-topic I think.  Recently, some folks called and complained about one of our units speeding on I-75, and "He wasn't even going anywhere"  I took the complainant and foolishly now, thought I had a learning opportunity.

Like many large cities, our metro area is over 100 miles from the north end to the south end.  Our patrol car gets on the Interstate after 3:00PM (1500 for cops and military types) and IF he travels the speed limit, proceeds to back up traffic up to 40 or 50 miles behind him.  Why?  Because most drivers will not pass us.  So we instruct our people to get out of their way.  Yes, that means speeding.  If he doesn't speed, the Traffic Management Center is screaming at us to know why we are fouling up the traffic flow and creating problems over the horizon to our rear.  I explained this to the citizen complainants. It fell on deaf ears.  Imagine that.

Pardon the vent. It was a long week!  Stay safe
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box WalkerTR
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #12 - Sep 21st, 2005 at 12:37am
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compscigeek wrote on Nov 2nd, 2004 at 12:16am:
There are posts on this website from cops and gov. agents admitting to using illegal drugs, past or present.  There's even cases of cops who admit to lying and trying to deceive lie detectors.  It's hypocritical of you folks to go out and arrest people for smoking marijuana if you do it (or have done it) yourselves.  And a question for you LE folks, do all of you have quotas? I mean, can't you get raises by doing something other than harassing people? How about helping people out instead?  Anyway for the deliberate liars...i hope all of you know what you stand for, and reflect this in service to the people you're supposed to protect (..catch the real criminals...not the grandmas going 5 over; reflect your values...etc) Otherwise you will have geeks like me making counter counter does a motion sensored polygraph, cvsa, brainwave synchronizer combination sound?   That should get your heart beating again...

It is ridiculous and useless to accuse LE for being hypocritical. First, some LEO's may have done it in their past, but it isn't something that they continue to do. Second, despite what the LEO's past is, it doesn't have anything to do with someone violating drug use and distribution laws. You simply sound like a user yourself that is bitter about yourself or people you know being arrested for what you think is insignificant. Next time you hit that pipe, think about how that dope got to you and how you are supporting what they do to get it in your pathetic hands.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dippityshurff
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Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #13 - Sep 21st, 2005 at 1:16am
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I agree. This contributor has an axe to grind.  But for the record, I don't smoke marijuana, and I don't take any drugs without a prescription.  As far as quotas, we don't have one.  Our Sheriff says write all the tickets you want, or write none at all.  We have no pressure to generate revenue from ticket-writing, but I feel fairly certain that some City agencies may feel such pressure.

PS. for all the complaining going on from this contributor, I am now depressed and may not be able to meet my quota *G*

Stay safe my friend
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box COPBUSTER

Re: so cops do lie, smoke pot, and speed on roads
Reply #14 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 8:50am
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NEVER feel like you can speak to a cop and expect them to tell the truth.  What sucks about law enforcement is they feel entitled to manipulate your statements in order to obtain a conviction.  There is something very wrong in a country that tolerates these antics to "make a case".  If you cannot be convicted by actual facts and the police need to manipulate your statements to convict, we are all in serious trouble.  Moral of the story, NEVER MAKE A STATEMENT TO POLICE, take the 5th and demand an attorney.  I don't care if the police are asking you what time it is just smile and move on.  People make the mistake of thinking they can tell their story to police and be set free.  Expect your words to bite you later and no judge ever doubts law enforcement.  I am moving to Mexico, at least in Mexico it is well known cops are crooks and you can cut a cash deal and walk away from most crimes.  Cops are just bad boys who want to beat people up legally......we are in serious trouble in this country, in this police state. Cheesy
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