compscigeek wrote on Nov 2
nd, 2004 at 12:16am:
There are posts on this website from cops and gov. agents admitting to using illegal drugs, past or present. There's even cases of cops who admit to lying and trying to deceive lie detectors. It's hypocritical of you folks to go out and arrest people for smoking marijuana if you do it (or have done it) yourselves. And a question for you LE folks, do all of you have quotas? I mean, can't you get raises by doing something other than harassing people? How about helping people out instead? Anyway for the deliberate liars...i hope all of you know what you stand for, and reflect this in service to the people you're supposed to protect (..catch the real criminals...not the grandmas going 5 over; reflect your values...etc) Otherwise you will have geeks like me making counter counter does a motion sensored polygraph, cvsa, brainwave synchronizer combination sound? That should get your heart beating again...
1) It is not hypocritical to bust people for marijuana, it is called enforcing THE LAW. A person who willingly chooses to engage in something illegal should have the balls to face up to it when caught. Obviously you didn't and that is why you are so mad.
2) Quotas? what friggin' planet do you live on? There isn't nor will there ever be a quota given to officers for arrests. Harrassing people? So if an EMT renders aid to an injured person he is now harrasing them by your standards? Wait, better yet I now see what you are saying. I feel so harrassed every time a fireman pulls me out of a fire

Point is we don't harass people, we enforce the law, if they didn't break it then we wouldn't have to "harass" them. It is unfortunate that in your petty little mind you equate harass with doing one's job.
3) Catch the real criminals? Yes, we do and if we didn't have to waste our time giving tickets to people who can't understand the simple concept of a speed limit perhaps we could do that. Oh wait, don't cars kill more people than guns in the U.S.? hmmm........
4) I have never said I was against the Poly, if anything I am all for it, however, I do have the stipulation that it not be used as the sole factor to disqualify an applicant.
Obviously, you are bitter about something and fail to have the ability to rationalize that when you are dealing with HUMANS you will always deal with varying degrees of professionalism and ethics. Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Counselors and even PRIESTS all have their bad apples. Grow up young one, you may realize someday when you emerge from the confines of your little dorm room that the world is much larger than yourself and your petty little arrest for possession most likely caused by your inability to follow the posted speed limit.
Either way, as for your attempt to be witty against Nunyun's "Don't hate the player, hate the game" is a very poor attempt at making an attack. The statement in and of itself can be applied to any activity that involves a person who engages in it. Therefore, to assist you in understanding, the player = the cop and the game = the law.
In the future you may want to THINK before you act and if you decide to act in an illegal manner, at least be man enough to take blame for being dumb enough to have done it.