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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) CLASSIC EXAMPLE!! (Read 16557 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman (Guest)

Reply #15 - Sep 11th, 2002 at 10:37pm
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Congrats, you have officially joined the ranks of the "I CONFESSED EVEN THOUGH I WAS INNOCENT" Club.  Have to ask, if admitting to 30 times of drug usage didn't work, would you have been willing to admit to selling drugs?

There seems to be a common thread amongst several of the "innocents" who post here.  "I didn't do it, but that witchcraft they call polygraph, or that evil police interrogator, or my personal circumstances, or my personality weaknesses, made me confess."

Come on folks, take a little responsibility here.  Either we are living amongst a bunch of lilly livered individuals who don't have the backbone to hold to the truth, or we have a group of folks who might be inaccurate in their recollections of past activities (Is that acceptable wording for "liars" Anonymous?).


Batman doesn't right a horse, he drives a badass car!   Grin

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anonymous

Reply #16 - Sep 12th, 2002 at 1:43am
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Apparently Abdallah Higazy and Daniel King are qualified to join your recently named "I CONFESSED EVEN THOUGH I WAS INNOCENT" Club.  You might note though that these gentlemen apparently received a bit of help from polygraphers and/or investigators in so doing.  It would further appear that this gentle push is not held in high regard by the relevant court systems.  You might care to read the recently posted and released documents relating to the Higazy matter and the presiding judge’s serious concerns about contrived admissions/confessions,

I suspect that if some of our lesser-known victim/posters on this site were to have there polygraph examinations scrutinized as was done with these more celebrated matters, we might well find evidence of similar coercion.  I don't know whether you fell of your horse or ejected from the Batmobile while still in the Bat Cave, but your lack of reasoning, modus operandi of investigation through accusation, and insistence on drawing unfounded conclusions would suggest a serious bump on the noggin.  Perhaps you might care to check...
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box wnthomp
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Reply #17 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 4:33am
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???It makes me angry when I know my brother has been in the Adam's County jail in West Union, Ohio for over a month because of a 5 hour session on a polygraph. He told me his arm went numb and the band cut his back that was around his chest. James Thompson my brother never harmed anyone esp his friends grandaughter. This is so rediculoius that the State of Ohio's prosecutor is pursuing this case souly on the word of a twelve year old girl that has been threatened by her estrainged mom to tell lies or else and a botched lie detector test. Please someone help my brother!!!!!!!
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Fair Chance
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Reply #18 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 5:14am
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Dear WNThomp,

I find it hard to believe that any polygraph examiner would want to ruin his equipment in an attempt to "cut into the skin " of an examinee.

I do not like polygraphs but I cannot buy into your arguement.  The diaphram coils are rubber coated and would be rendered useless by such tension.

Try feeding this line of bait to another website because nobody here is going to bite.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Reply #19 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 8:55am
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Could you tell me more about your brother's situation? Did he sign any stipulation agreement beforehand, whereby the polygraph results would become admissible as "evidence" in court? An overly tight blood pressure cuff and pneumograph tube(s) may be an indication of willfull manipulation of the "test" outcome on the part of the polygrapher. Was the polygraph interrogation audio- or videotaped?

Fair Chance,

I would not be so fast to discount what wnthomp has told us. He/she never said that the pneumo tube "cut into the skin," but rather "the band cut his back that was around his chest." In the context of a polygraph interrogation, I would take this to mean "dug into" (causing physical discomfort) without breaking the skin.

I would also note that Ohio seems to be one of the states where the courts, prosecutors, and law enforcement are most willing to rely on lie detector results. The infamous case of Floyd "Buzz" Fay, wrongly convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison based largely on his having "failed" a stipulated polygraph "test," was tried in Wood County, OH. (See pp. 264-67 of David T. Lykken's A Tremor in the Blood: Uses and Abuses of the Lie Detector for further details.)

Given the emotionally charged nature of the relevant questions in this case, it is especially easy to understand how -- even without any willfull misconduct on the part of the polygrapher -- a truthful person falsely accused might respond more strongly to the relevant questions than to the "control" questions.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Fair Chance
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Reply #20 - Oct 27th, 2002 at 5:52pm
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Dear George M.,

Without your long history of exposure to these types of postings, I would have believed that this posting was left by a proponent of polygraphs to waste our time.  My law enforcement background is showing.  I have worked around many brilliant and manipulative minds (on both sides of the law) which tend to make me very skeptical.  I thought they were having some fun on a Saturday night.

There were many postings of questionable validity appearing at the same time.  I checked the calendar and it was not a full moon.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Seeker
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Reply #21 - Oct 28th, 2002 at 12:04am
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Fair Chance
Perhaps a frustrated and bitter group of proponents who sense the inevidable end of their beloved trickery?
Have they found themselves to be the fool, and in anger attempt to project their feelings onto those who help expose them for who and what they are?
It also seems that those whose livelihood based on a fallicy would go to many extremes to thwart efforts to expose their fraud.  Perhaps this was a diversionary tactic?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Fair Chance
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Reply #22 - Oct 28th, 2002 at 2:01am
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Dear Seeker,

I might have read too much into the message.  There is a very long road to remove the polygraph tool from prescreening.   I enjoy a good discussion.  I just do not like people who are not sincere.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Polyman2002
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Reply #23 - Oct 29th, 2002 at 11:38pm
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Obviously you weren't honest Steve.  Think about what you said. "If I were lying".  Well if you know you weren't lying, then the "if" word should not be in your vocabulary.  You weren't honest and the polygraph caught you Steve. Admit it.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Reply #24 - Oct 29th, 2002 at 11:53pm
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Your conclusion that Steven was lying based on his use of the word "if" has no logical basis. He simply asked a question: "Anyways, I was never showed my charts and if I did lie, wouldn't I sweat and heart rate go up and breathing rate too?"

Do you use the same methodology you used to determine that Steven was lying to decide whether those you polygraph are telling the truth?

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Polyman2002
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Reply #25 - Oct 30th, 2002 at 12:35am
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Mr. Maschke,

It's funny you used the word "Methodology".  It appears that you have acquired some interview and interrogations skills.  Maybe we attended the same seminar. You know as well as I do, a truthful person would not use the word "If".  By doing so, they have already made an admission.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Skeptic
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Reply #26 - Oct 30th, 2002 at 1:59am
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Polyman2002 wrote on Oct 30th, 2002 at 12:35am:

Mr. Maschke,

It's funny you used the word "Methodology".  It appears that you have acquired some interview and interrogations skills.  Maybe we attended the same seminar. You know as well as I do, a truthful person would not use the word "If".  By doing so, they have already made an admission.    

Or perhaps he doesn't wish to be more forthcoming in a forum that doesn't require it.  Suspect what you want; you don't know for certain whether he's lying.

Verbal analyses (such as those taught in the classic "Identifying Lies in Disguise", by Rudacille) can be very helpful in spotting deception.  But there are exceptions to every rule, and every person is different.  It is not logical to assume you know the truth solely because of a well-placed "if", regardless of the quality of the seminar you attended.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Seeker
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Reply #27 - Oct 30th, 2002 at 2:07pm
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Well made point.  One of my brothers teaches computer programming.  One of the basic programming sequences is the If...then...else.  It has more than once raised an eyebrow with the LE John Wayne's who's free time is spent reading the often erroneous material out there about deception.   
I have found several times in here instances of people being judged deceptive because the word "if" was in their post somewhere.   
I believe the notion that one is deceptive because the use of one word is injudicious and negligent.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box nolie4u
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Reply #28 - Oct 31st, 2002 at 10:26pm
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I spent 180 days in jail and took 2 polygraphs to help convince the DA that I was innocent, but according to the examiner I failed his tests. After the 180 days the alleged victims recanted and admitted to making false statements that I messed with them at the same time while they were sleeping. They said this; I found out later, to get even with me and get there boyfriends back after a night of partying. Keep in mind that I weighed not much more than these girls and the police were notified approximately 20 days later from one of the girl’s mothers (both were over 18 BTW). Anyways I was held without bail because I was in violation of my probation resulting from this incident. The girls stated that I'd allegedly taken advantage of them while they slept after inviting me over to their place from a party. The polygraph examiner asked me questions related to their statements, which stated that I just messed around with them while they were asleep, but stated that I didn't have sex with them. I said, why don't you ask me if I had sex with them? The examiner was like why? I said because I had sex with one of the girls and she's making it all up. The examiner didn't know what to say. When he reset the questions the polygraph showed that I didn't lie on any of his initial questions concerning their statements and that I was innocent in that respect but the sex question which I had answered, "yes I had sex with one of the girls", he said showed up as a lie and that I had not had sex with one of the girls which created a paradox on the test. The examiner was really confused now and didn't know what to do. I then took another test months later and just stuck to the original questions this time but he said I was lying about them also this time. (Originally, I had passed these questions the first time.) I told him that makes no sense and that they are the ones that are not telling the truth. After all that the DA found out that they were making it up after all and I was released. 
My first “court appointed” attorney sent me to this guy for the 2 tests. It wasn’t soon after that I fired him and got a real attorney and the charges were dropped and I was freed. When I hired the new attorney and he said that the examiner was a retired cop and is famous for trying to fry people. He also said that just about everyone he examines according to the examiner is lying. Anyways my situation proves that polygraphs are not reliable and barbaric. And it took real investigative work to find out the truth and not a machine that measures nervousness.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box skeptic7

Reply #29 - Oct 31st, 2002 at 11:58pm
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Be Real. This looks similar to a few other posts that I've seen on here. Are there more than three or four people posting on here.
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