This is the Defense Security Service's (DSS's) response to's Freedom of Information Act request dated 5 September 2001 for "All Department of Defense Polygraph Institute (DoDPI) materials describing the R/I (Relevant/Irrelevant) Screening Test, whether on paper, videotape, computer media, or in any other format." DSS has issued what amounts to a blanket denial of this request. See also's follow-up reply to this letter. For discussion of this FOIA request, see the message board thread, DSS Withholds R/I Screening Documentation.
ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314-1651
NOV 09 2001
Mr. George W. Maschke
Hart Nibbrigkade 22
2597 XV Den Haag
RE: Freedom of Information Act #126-21(2)
Dear Mr. Maschke:
This correspondence is in furtherance to our electronic mail dated September 10, 2001, wherein we acknowledged your request for "...materials describing the R/I (Relevant/Irrelevant) Screening Test...".
The documentation you are seeking is not releasable in accordance with the mandatory disclosure provisions of the FOIA, and therefore being withheld in its entirety in accordance with Title 5 United States Code 552(b)(2)(high), as information which relates solely to the internal rules and practices of the Department of Defense, Defense Security Service, and Title 5 United States Code 552(7)(E), which applies to the disclosure of investigative techniques and procedures, the release of which could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law.
As you know, pursuant to FOIA's "reasonably segregable" standards, DSS has determined that because the proportion of nonexempt material is relatively small and is so interspersed with the exempt material, the entire R/I Screening Test can be withheld.
These actions constitute a partial denial under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts. The Initial Denial Authority (IDA), Mr. Leslie R. Blake, Chief, Office of FOI and Privacy of DSS directed the partial denial of your request. You may appeal these actions in writing within 60 days from the date of this letter.
If you decide to appeal this decision, you may do so through this office by writing to: Attn: Office of FOI and Privacy, Director, DSS, 1340 Braddock Place, Alexandria, Virginia 22314-1651. In any such appeal, you should provide a copy of this letter, along with sufficient justification upon which the Director may base a decision.
If you have any questions regarding this response, please contact me at (703) 325-9448. In any such contact, be sure to include the FOIA/PA number assigned to your request.
Tanya R. Layne
FOIA/PA Specialist
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