Topic: Maschke's Website
liedoctor Member
posted 01-07-2008 07:32 AM
Does anyone have any idea how much it costs to maintain a site like AP.Org? I mean with all the downloads, bullitin boards, and visitors I would guess the monthly charges must be pretty significant...Wonder where Maschke get the $$$$$ Liedoctor... IP: Logged |
Buster Member
posted 01-07-2008 07:41 AM
I would assume that others who have an axe to grind contribute and donate. He can't do it on his own.IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-07-2008 08:16 AM
By estimates I received when I sought to create my own polygraph, multi-topic members only forum with great graphics and the latest forum templates, blog, news, and reading room;$150 per month with $300 down. chicken feed compared to the impact and reach. 
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stat Member
posted 01-07-2008 08:55 AM
I have a question, and I must preface my question with a couple of affirming statements. I married into a Jewish family. I love every aspect of Jewish culture---even the food (strange but true.) I think people need to have variety in their family to better understand people. I loathe every aspect of anti-semitism, and I am keenly aware of such in all walks of life. George's last name "Maschke" is a Jewish name. There are several Holocaust survivors named Maschke, several Russian Jews and Isreali Maschke's as well. Unremarkable---in and of itself. He has long been accused of working for the "Iranians"----but since his latest work was a Persian translation of the Jewish movement in Iran----it suffices to say that the infamously anti-semitic Iranian governement or fascist corporate interests would not appreciate him contributing to the education of that historically maligned minority (indeed un understatement.) George seems to be very informed on a host of Department of Defense subject matter---heck I even suggested last year that he actually was a perfectly disguised gov informer---a faux activist. Seems unlikely.George has no doubt kept his professional life perfectly hidden from his celebrity----which on the surface seems impossible. How can an entire group of intrepid investigators and various spooky types come under fire, and yet not one person can tell me what exactly ---and I mean EXACTLY ---George does for a living. Is this sooo hard to know? Perhaps he works for the Isreali government, who just happen to have a very active and well known operation in the Hague. So having established that the questions of George's cultural/ethnic background is likely of the Jewish people----and that such heritage is something to be proud of and should never be instantly confused with being disloyal to the US---I am left with little clues other than to ask if George works for the state of Isreal. If he is in fact Jewish by mother, and considering his US military experience, training, and language skills----e certainly would be an attractive hire, and he would always have a home in the promised land. I always wished I had a backup country with a welcome mat----I suppose Canada will have to do.

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J.B. McCloughan Administrator
posted 01-07-2008 10:15 AM
Stat,I posted on this some time ago but will repost for your question. I am assuming, given that he has indicated he is still in the Hague, that he is still employed in this capacity. George Maschke Graduate Student, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, UCLA Translator, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, The Hague George Maschke Graduate Student, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, UCLA Translator, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, The Hague
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stat Member
posted 01-07-2008 12:04 PM
I just spent the last hour researching the Iran/US Claims tribunal. Dry stuff, but suprisingly informative. In 1998---around the time George moved to The Hague, the Tribunal's volume of cases dried up severely---going from dozens a year from 1983 to a handful since 1998 (10 yrs.) This kind of runs contradictive to the opening of trade in 2000. The largest law firm in the world, Baker & McKenzie have settled some very pricey cases with Iran on behalf of both US and Isreali companies----most notably oil companies. Odd to me is that many of the settlements paid to the US by Iran (over $3 billion total) have been by virtue of and by proxy of Algeria (terrorist airliner settlement and oil stuff). Why does Iran fork the bill for Algeria?---despite the fact that Iran is still on the s___ list of America due to Iran's recent adaptation of trading in Euros---much to the furious disagreement with the US, as the dollar is so weak next to the Euro. (?) Heady stuff for a good'ol'boy from Indiana.Is it possible that GM has his job STILL as a result of the 30 plus year-old hostage crisis? wowI scoured the regulatory bodies for not only the Iran/US Claims Tribunal for internal bi-laws on ethics and behavior----but I also looked at the UN's charter on Claims Tribunals and arbitrator behavior codes. Nothing found. I looked for such due to George's strange propensity to avoid talkin 'bout the ol' day job. Makes me wonder if he is hiding something. His employer is most definetely aware of his activism, but why aren't we aware of his employer? As always, when you look at international relations, you find yourself being cynical at what's going on. In conclusion, when US and Iran have had disagreements and crisis, you see an uptick in the amount of inter-country arbitration. Iran is typically the payer to US firms, and there are fewer Iranian winning settlements (or even filing for that matter.)Oddly, despite the ongoing issues, the US/Iran world court is quiet. The most arbitration from Iran involves Isreal's oil pipeline that was canceled due to an Isreali court declaring Iran as a terrorist state (no suprise) which Baker and McKenzie are hammering in France right now, but also problems with Russia, China, and North Korea. Incidentally and on an unrelated note, I read a report where Haliburtin (Dallas, Tx) in 2005 sold some nuclear technology hardware to Iran--via an oilfield relationship between the two governments. Gee, I though we were supposed to be curtailing their nuclear developments. 
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liedoctor Member
posted 01-07-2008 12:23 PM
Here is an interesting tidbit. In one of the last posts by Mr. maschke on the below link, he states his wife is from Beijing.BEIJING??? Okay, let me get this straight, George Maschke who spends his days sipping tea with the Iranians (our enemy), goes home at night and sleeps with a Chinese National from Beijing (our other enemy?). Who drives him to work, Usama Bin laden??? --------------------------------- * Teheran & Tehran Professor Bell's observation of the replacement of "Peking" with "Beijing" brings to mind the replacement of "Teheran" with "Tehran." ... As for "Beijing," it has no problems phonetically in English, and I can see some advantage in adopting the Pinyin transliterations of Chinese place names in English. Perhaps I find the Peking -> Beijing transformation more palatable than Teheran -> Tehran because my wife is from Beijing..... George Maschke Graduate Student, Near Eastern Languages & Cultures, UCLA Translator, Iran-United States Claims Tribunal, The Hague Home Page PGP Public Key IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-07-2008 12:31 PM
Nice work!!!!Also, The US Iran Claims Tribunal organization offers no scholarships or tuition reimbursement----they are implicit with this fact in a "hiring Section" of policy. A UCLA PH Graduate degree is very pricey. VERY PRICEY. He either is under tremendous debt, or he inherited a significant estate. I don't see much data suggesting that he accomplished much for UCLA in the manner that someone under a "work study" program would be involved with-----which suggests to me that he paid for the degree more than worked it off. I suppose he could have washed windows at UCLA, but he didn't have much time or geographical ability. Where did he get the $? 
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liedoctor Member
posted 01-07-2008 12:49 PM
Okay, here is one plausible scenario:Farsi linquist, army intelligence officer, and graduate student George Maschke is targeted and rolled by Iranian intelligence, who working in concert with the Chinese, arrange for him to be introduced to an attractive asian collector (known in intelligence circles as a "honey pot"). The rest is as they say...History? Hmmmm....... [This message has been edited by liedoctor (edited 01-07-2008).] IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-07-2008 01:48 PM
Interesting.I found an article on energy conservation written by George Maschke at this site---Knowing it might be a different GM, I clicked on his hyperlink and his appeared. He wrote the energy saving tips in 2004. He also has been used by various media sources ("Gina Cobb" and "Conservative Nut") zines and online blogs to comment on the Bin Laden video which had several minutes of freezed frame. Goerge seemed to like pitching in with the investigation and gaining some media attention. I searched for the most popular female Chinese first names along search terms such as "Maschke, The Netherlands, wedding, births, Chinese-born"----and found nothing. It seems that George's wife is not a scientist or any public professional of any kind---from my searches.
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stat Member
posted 01-07-2008 01:53 PM
More news. I have identified George's ex-wife. Her name is Mertha
 OK, just trying to keep a sense of humor here.
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arch Member
posted 01-07-2008 06:44 PM
WOW, I don't blame her for giving him the boot...she's a looker!IP: Logged |
jrwygant Member
posted 01-07-2008 08:47 PM
To return to the question about what George's web site might cost, I think it is probably very little. He uses YABB for the bulletin board, which is a free, open-source product. The remainder of his site is relatively uncomplicated. If he has a modicum of web savvy, which I think he does, he might have no more expense than a $25 2-year registration fee for the domain name and about $10/month for a hosting service.IP: Logged |
J.B. McCloughan Administrator
posted 01-07-2008 11:12 PM
I side with Jim on this.A tech savvy person can run a great website for a year with approximately the same amount it costs some on this site for one night at their local watering hole.
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stat Member
posted 01-08-2008 07:48 AM
I agree with Jim also. The quote I recieved was for a secure website with credit card accepted membership, auto-email for membership renewals (I wanted to charge $15 a year). Cedit card company membership processing fees alone were the majority of the cost of my estimate.------------------ "This is our hill and these are our beans."---- Leslie Nielsen as Lt. Frank Drebin, Naked Gun 1988
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stat Member
posted 01-11-2008 07:50 AM
Could either Sancho or Barry, or any other professional investigater please crush nopolycop for his assinine post at anti, the thread is Polygraph Policy^Calif. Hwy Patrol^ reply #11. There is a perfect oppurtunity to feed him rocks.
 I think we can dispatch him with a little love and specific reasoning. Funny, the biggest smart arse in recent months is actually a man with a teaspoon of redemptive qualities-----qualities that we can gently use against him. If we show him some respect---just some....I theorize that he will lighten up quite a bit. It appears he wants to catch bad guys, a trait we can all find commonality with. [This message has been edited by stat (edited 01-11-2008).] IP: Logged |
ebvan Member
posted 01-11-2008 09:33 AM
Sancho has invited him to compare other methods used in hiring police officers t polygraph. Maybe he will begin to realize that no method of selecting candidates is perfect and that some have a higher potential for error than polygraph.
------------------ Ex scientia veritas IP: Logged |
skipwebb Member
posted 01-11-2008 12:48 PM
We could provide him with the Phillip Crewsen Study comparing polygraph's diagnostic ability to a number of medical and pyschological tests wherein polygraph does extremely well against the MMPI, DSM and MRI and other medical tests. It might create some more controversy over at the AP site about "perfect" tests.IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-11-2008 01:34 PM
excellant idea Skip. I am cooking up a new strategy---one that will serve as a flank tactic of (hopefully)putting the anticrowd in a position of changing their language. Perhaps if we could make a soft ultimatum regarding their terminology, we will construct a better platform for debate----and those that want to insult us and our profession will be less in line with the rest. By doing so, we can be harsher toward the harsh, human and impathetic to the somewhat rational, and more compelling to the fence sitter.It would be step in the right direction if we could shape the anti forum with a lot less language like "scam" and "phony" and create a more boring place so that the average mid to low IQ shmo will come away less certain about things. The word "pseudo-science" is the most damaging, and it would be nice to reward those that quit using it with attention and generalized positivism. Besides, I get tired of trying to "debate" someone who refers to me and my cohorts as "con artists" on the largest polygraph website on the web. Pisses me off to no end Skip. 
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Barry C Member
posted 01-11-2008 02:07 PM
We should mention it again, but the reply will be that it was a government-funded study. I believe the NAS said funding didn't appear to influence how any given study turned out, so you might want to have that weapon loaded in advance too.IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 01-11-2008 02:16 PM
The "no peer-reviewed field studies" line is getting old too (a favorite of George's). Honts had at least two filed studies published in peer-reviewed journals.IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-11-2008 10:05 PM
So much for niceness. I am sorry I got a little aggresive with nopoly. He is a $#!$%&#&%^%%^&^%(*&%^%$##$%*#$& son of a bitch! It felt good, but at what cost? Hope I didn't let anyone down there, my emotional immaturity shown through. 
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Taylor Member
posted 01-11-2008 10:55 PM
Its too bad you couldn't post that avatar when you slammed BTW, it is hard to hold back emotions with GM's followers. It still amazes me that a real 'Cop' would be on AP's side. Earlier Sarge made a comment about bad practices in CT. Why the hell doesn't he do something within his state to assure that specific issues are administered if there is a DI call on a polygraph rather than helping con artist? Sorry...just rambling. IP: Logged |
ebvan Member
posted 01-12-2008 07:36 AM
Skipp could you point me to a link to the study you spoke about. That is ultimately the direction that the "hiring practices" thread is headed, an attempt to show that polygraph is better than or at least no worse than any of the other methods of determining employee suitability. By moving the discussion slowly I think the wildl radcal statements will subside a bit in that thread and allow a point to be made. Even if the radical AP types leave, the argument can be made without them. ------------------ Ex scientia veritas IP: Logged |
skipwebb Member
posted 01-14-2008 08:59 AM
The Crewsen Study can be found at the following site. After reading it in its entirity, I doubt we should put it out to the AP folks as the screening polygraph portion of the study did not fair that well although it was still better than MMPI/DSM. Specific issue testing compared very well with medical and psychological tests however. The entire study can be read here:
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ebvan Member
posted 01-14-2008 12:13 PM
Remember when GM and and the rest of his Nopolytubbies start that rant about peer reviewed scientific studies that there doesen't appear to be a scientific study proing that countermeasures as taught in tlbtld work either.------------------ Ex scientia veritas IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 01-14-2008 12:53 PM
The Honts study he often cites might have been peer reviewed. I don't recall off the top of my head, but it wasn't a field study, which he harps on too. If you put those together, you'll be safe from real criticisms.IP: Logged |
Taylor Member
posted 01-16-2008 09:35 PM
I just love the way Ray starts using real big words and explanations at AP. Most of them must be scratching their heads thinking 'what'?IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-17-2008 02:04 PM
George is extra testy today. Just in the last 8hrs he has used profanity, and called us and our ilk "quacks"---an ad hominum attack which is "taunting and insultive"---posting violations. boohoo.I have been a little insultive in the last several hours myself. I can always come back if I get the DT's. 
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rcgilford Member
posted 01-17-2008 04:23 PM
George is a bit angry today. Maybe he just failed another test!IP: Logged |
Taylor Member
posted 01-31-2008 04:56 AM
We have another Recruit! Did everyone notice Sackett has given in and is posting at AP....Sack - on the question Lethe is posting I decided not to participate anymore with him as he will turn anything and everything around to fit is agenda...just like most of them over there. Somehow I still suspect Lethe is an alter ego of Georgie. IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 01-31-2008 08:21 AM
Sackett,Excellent jab at Lethe. That's exactly why we practice stategic ignoring (that's called "extinction" to behavioral therapists). He deserves no real attention because he's not authentic. He provides nothing of himself. He only takes, twists, and taunts. Lethe fits the definition of a "troll," as he's not interested in an authentic conversation in which ideas are shared, and learning occurs. Great to see you there. r
------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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sackett Moderator
posted 01-31-2008 11:05 AM
yeah. I got bored so I decided to join in.HOWEVER, my particpation will be strategic (much like here). Just consider me "bait" for FOG's out there. Jim IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 01-31-2008 11:12 AM
Say what you will, but you just took a hit off of the antipoly crack pipe. You will start having itchiness and headaches until you get your next taste. Good work Jim. Welcome to the thought-crime-ridden Front Street in Polygraphville.It's on the map, but not in the brochures.
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