SECURITY MANAGEMENT LETTER Published in advance of the revision of NSA/CSS Reg. 122-3 and Part VIII, NSA/CSS PMM 30-2. File with Chapter 808; pen annotate Chapter 366 per paragraph 5 below. Retain until revised or rescinded. Number VIII-4-1983 12 July 1983 USE OF THE POLYGRAPH FOR CONTINUED ACCESS AND FOR INVESTIGATION OF UNAUTHORIZED DISCLOSURES References: (a) DEPSECDEF 6 August 1982 Memorandum, "Degradation of Operational Readiness/Mission Accomplishment Due to Personnel Security Investigative Shortfalls". (b) DIRNSA 27 September 1982 Memorandum, "Personnel Security Procedures". (c) National Security Decision Directive Number 84, "Safeguarding National Security Information", dated 11 March 1983. (d) NSA/CSS Regulation 122-3, "The Conduct of Security Interviews With the Aid of the Polygraph and the Selection, Training, and Supervision of NSA/CSS Polygraph Examiners". 1. Purpose. To establish Agency policy and procedures for (a) the conduct of aperiodic polygraph examinations on individuals affiliated with NSA (who are cleared for access to classified cryptologic information) as a condition for continued access, and (b) the use of the polygraph in the course of inves- tigations of unauthorized disclosures of classified information.
2. Policy. All NSA civilian, military and contractor personnel cleared for access to classified cryptologic information are subject to the provisions of this letter. Establishment of an aperiodic polygraph program and expansion of the use of the polygraph to include unauthorized disclosure investigations are based on the continuing need to safeguard cryptologic information. 3. Authorities. This letter is promulgated under the authorities designated in references (a) through (c). 4. Procedures. a. Persons designated in paragraph 2, above shall be requested to take polygraph examinations on an aperiodic basis at any time after their initial clearance. The examinations will consist of relevant counterintelli- gence type questions covering the following: (1) involvement in espionage or sabotage against the United States; (2) knowledge of others involved in espionage or sabotage against the United States; (3) involvement in giving or selling classified material to unauthorized persons; (4) knowledge of others giving or selling classified material to unauthorized persons; and (5) unauthorized contact with representatives of a foreign government. b. Persons designated in paragraph 2. above shall be required to take a polygraph examination, when appropriate, in the course of investigations of unauthorized disclosures. The examination will be limited in scope to the circumstances of the unauthorized disclosure under investigation. c. Failure to consent to a polygraph examination may result in denial of continued access to classified cryptologic information and termination of employment. 5. Instructions. a. NSA/CSS Regulation 122-3 will be amended to incorporate the provisions of this SML. b. To properly reflect the penalty imposed for failure to consent to a polygraph examination under the procedures set forth above, make the following pen changes to PMM 30-2, Chapter 366, Section 3, Appendix B, Range of Penalties for Stated Offenses: 2
(1) Add a new offense: "3.f. Violation of official security requirements involving other security matters." (2) In 3.f., insert as the penalty for the first offense: "Oral reprimand to removal." 6. Implementation. The provisions of this SML are effective immediately. [signed] LOUIS J. BONANNI Deputy Director for Administration DISTRIBUTION III Plus: Special C M308 (10 copies) M509 (50 copies) 2