SECRETR. W. Cook, Deputy Manager September 19, 1947 J. C. Robinson, Chief, Clinton Production Division CONTINUED AND EXTENDED USE OF THE POLYGRAPH SYMBOL: AECR Reference is made to a letter of May 26, 1947, from Lt. Col. R. W. Cook to Mr. S. R. Sapirie, and a letter of June 3, 1947, from Mr. S. R. Sapirie to Mr. D. F. Shaw, on the subject "Continued and Extended Use of the Polygraph." Since the writing of these two letters, this office has been requested to review the clearance granted various individuals as a result of the FBI investigation when that investigation developed information that might, under certain circumstances, be considered to have an adverse effect on security. In some cases of this nature, a decision regarding the clearance to be granted has been extremely difficult to make as the derogatory information revealed during the FBI investigation has not pertained to the individual but to close relatives of the individual. The FBI investigation does not, and probably cannot, reveal the intent of the individual at or subsequent to the investigation. The Polygraph would not substitute or duplicate investigations made by the FBI as to an employee's past actions relative to security, but would be a guide in determining his intentions as to the execu- tion of his security responsibilities. It is our understanding that the Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation would consider its use at K-25 by the Clinton Production Division if authorized, and that the local FBI consider it in the same category as the Plant Protective Forces and have no objections to its use. It is recommended that the Clinton Production Division be authorized to utilize the Polygraph for the detection of theft of product mate- rial, and supplemental clearance of personnel having access to top secret information of the Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation, both K-25 and Y-12. The Polygraph will thus serve as an additional security device to assist the Clinton Production Division in fulfill- ing its responsibility of protecting classified data under its super- vision and control. J. C. Robinson DISTRIBUTION: Cpys. 1 & 2 to Addressee Cpy. 3 to K-25 CPD File Cpy. 4 to K-25 Reading File CPy. 5 to Y-12 Reading File Cpy. 6 to District FileSECRET
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