Mary Price is not a real person. Her character was created by Michael Martin, owner of the poly test org, Global Polygraph Network website. does very well with organic search engine queries related to polygraph and lie detection. Better than most polygraph websites. Attacking the characters of these two Examiners, Mike and Denny, who have offices in Tampa and Orlando, and directing people to go to the Global Polygraph network website, is business marketing and advertising. Both Mike Allwatt and Denny Connor do not test minors under the age of 16. After William McCallister, the retired Polk County Sheriff who was arrested for drugging women during a polygraph, in his Winter Haven office, was removed from the Global Polygraph Network, Michael Martin lost revenue from the central Florida area. Michael Martin received complaints for years about William McCallister, but ignored them, and kept McCallister, who had previous criminal activity including credit card fraud and kidnapping intoxicated tourists from the Orlando area, active on the Global Polygraph Network, for years before he went to prison. William McCallister is back out of prison, and now selling EyeDetect tests from his wife, Helga LaPollo's mercedes sprinter mobile van. Converus, the makers of EyeDetect lie detector tests says they license EyeDetect to Helga, and not William, so its not their problem. The Polk County Sheriffs probation dept. does not care. The Global Polygraph Network is a referrel service, that posts Examiner Info, without releasing the Examiners name, so the consumer is not able to talk to the Examiner before meeting with him. The post hundreds of Examiners that state their service includes the testing of 12 year old children.