Normal Topic My Polygraph Nightmare (Read 8804 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box totally disgusted
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My Polygraph Nightmare
May 11th, 2014 at 1:12am
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My polygraph experience was awful. First, all employees were asked to take one over a theft issue @ work. Most refused. Of course I agreed because Im innocent. We were scheduled at different times to meet with the examiner at his office. The 1st meeting was for him to gather info & make us feel "at ease" with him. I spent over 2 hours listening to this older man tell me about himself, all of his law enforcement certifications & how he solves crimes that the police cant. He kept telling me that there was something about me & he really liked me & I seem to have a lot of self respect & character. He told me that I would be notified when the actual test was scheduled & he hugged me goodbye. 12 days later was my test. He went over the questions he planned to ask. He noticed my engagement ring & told me "NOOOO dont marry him". He also stated that he has been thinking about me since our first meeting. He was going on & on about how he liked my hair, how good I look, he wishes he could find someone like me. Needless to say, I got very uncomfortable. Then I got hooked up to the Crystal Ball of all machines. Before testing began he put his hand on my upper thigh & asked me if I was ready (I had suit pants on), then he asked me a question & instructed me to lie to "calibrate the machine". Then told me that I was a horrible liar. Then the test began. Funny thing..when you're asked accusatory questions, even tho you know what the questions will be, you become petrified. To make matters worse, I have high blood pressure & afib (heart is erratic). Feeling I had nothing to hide, I not only agreed to the test, I took it. After his inappropriate comments to me I was a nervous wreck before the test began. During the test he kept telling me to calm down, that I way too nervous. Well, when you are in a building,alone with a man 4 times your size with a know it all attitude that is making sexual comments towards you...YOU GET NERVOUS. After the test he unhooked me he asked me if I was telling him the truth. Then he asked me if I would be willing to pay the company back for the merchandise that was answer was that I cant imagine paying someone for something I didnt take. Couldnt wait to get out of there. Then to add insult to injury, he went to hug me as I was leaving but KISSED me on the lips. I have never felt more disrespected in my entire life. After 9 days, the boss tells me I failed the polygraph, says I showed deception when asked if I assisted someone in the robbery. Im a divorced mother of 2 young pre teens, Im not out stealing at night, Im home with my family. I agreed to this test to eliminate myself immediately now it has had the opposite effect. I have lost my job, been branded a thief & I have no idea what...if anything..was ever stolen. I only know that I wasnt a part of it AT ALL. Thought I was doing the right thing but instead I spent $500, got sexually harassed by a bitter divorced man & my life has been turned inside out. Who in their right mind would not react when asked accusatory questions, who would not react when you are made to feel uncomfortable by man who treats you with total disrespect. But apparently this man thinks he is the Great & Powerful Oz. Why do people try to take advantage of others who are only trying to do the right thing??? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Doug Williams
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #1 - May 11th, 2014 at 1:30am
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totally disgusted wrote on May 11th, 2014 at 1:12am:
My polygraph experience was awful. First, all employees were asked to take one over a theft issue @ work. Most refused. Of course I agreed because Im innocent. We were scheduled at different times to meet with the examiner at his office. The 1st meeting was for him to gather info & make us feel "at ease" with him. I spent over 2 hours listening to this older man tell me about himself, all of his law enforcement certifications & how he solves crimes that the police cant. He kept telling me that there was something about me & he really liked me & I seem to have a lot of self respect & character. He told me that I would be notified when the actual test was scheduled & he hugged me goodbye. 12 days later was my test. He went over the questions he planned to ask. He noticed my engagement ring & told me "NOOOO dont marry him". He also stated that he has been thinking about me since our first meeting. He was going on & on about how he liked my hair, how good I look, he wishes he could find someone like me. Needless to say, I got very uncomfortable. Then I got hooked up to the Crystal Ball of all machines. Before testing began he put his hand on my upper thigh & asked me if I was ready (I had suit pants on), then he asked me a question & instructed me to lie to "calibrate the machine". Then told me that I was a horrible liar. Then the test began. Funny thing..when you're asked accusatory questions, even tho you know what the questions will be, you become petrified. To make matters worse, I have high blood pressure & afib (heart is erratic). Feeling I had nothing to hide, I not only agreed to the test, I took it. After his inappropriate comments to me I was a nervous wreck before the test began. During the test he kept telling me to calm down, that I way too nervous. Well, when you are in a building,alone with a man 4 times your size with a know it all attitude that is making sexual comments towards you...YOU GET NERVOUS. After the test he unhooked me he asked me if I was telling him the truth. Then he asked me if I would be willing to pay the company back for the merchandise that was answer was that I cant imagine paying someone for something I didnt take. Couldnt wait to get out of there. Then to add insult to injury, he went to hug me as I was leaving but KISSED me on the lips. I have never felt more disrespected in my entire life. After 9 days, the boss tells me I failed the polygraph, says I showed deception when asked if I assisted someone in the robbery. Im a divorced mother of 2 young pre teens, Im not out stealing at night, Im home with my family. I agreed to this test to eliminate myself immediately now it has had the opposite effect. I have lost my job, been branded a thief & I have no idea what...if anything..was ever stolen. I only know that I wasnt a part of it AT ALL. Thought I was doing the right thing but instead I spent $500, got sexually harassed by a bitter divorced man & my life has been turned inside out. Who in their right mind would not react when asked accusatory questions, who would not react when you are made to feel uncomfortable by man who treats you with total disrespect. But apparently this man thinks he is the Great & Powerful Oz. Why do people try to take advantage of others who are only trying to do the right thing??? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

Go to the police department and file a sexual assault charge against him.  Then get an attorney and sue him for malpractice and sexual assault.  And if you are in the US, sue your employer and the polygraph operator for violation of the EMPLOYEE POLYGRAPH PROTECTION ACT.


I have been fighting the thugs and charlatans in the polygraph industry for forty years.  I tell about my crusade against the insidious Orwellian polygraph industry in my book FALSE CONFESSIONS - THE TRUE STORY OF DOUG WILLIAMS' CRUSADE AGAINST THE ORWELLIAN POLYGRAPH INDUSTRY.  Please visit my website POLYGRAPH.COM and follow me on TWITTER @DougWilliams_PG

Doug Williams
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box victim

Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #2 - May 11th, 2014 at 1:42am
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I agree with Doug.  Sue the pants off of him (no pun intended).   This site is filled with many stories like yours, where innocent folks are labeled guilty.  "False Positives" we call it.  All of us should get together and storm Capital Hill and share our stories, all the details, and put all the polygraph programs on blast.  Of course, the catch is, by doing so many of us would violate the stupid Non-Disclosure we had to sign with the government agencies.  So by speaking in public about polygraph details, we would be doing a great public service, but also we could face prosecution and jail time.  That blows.

Do polygraphers regularly sexually harass their victims?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #3 - May 11th, 2014 at 12:45pm
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totally disgusted,

I think the polygraph operator's conduct was highly inappropriate, and it sounds like your employer may well have violated the Employee Polygraph Protection Act.

Is it the case that your employer asked employees to submit to a polygraph "test" and also required that they pay for it?

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box pailryder
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #4 - May 12th, 2014 at 12:32pm
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totally disgusted

The Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 is settled federal labor law.  If you are an employee of a private business your employer must comply with EPPA.  Were you provided with a notice letter that stated the specifics of the loss under investigation?  During the pretest interview the examiner is required to read to you a notice of your employee rights under EPPA, provide you with a copy of the notice and you must sign that you received your copy of the notice.  The notice would inform you that you can file a complaint with the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor and you should do so immediately, in addition getting an attorney.   

I understand that no innocent person would repay the company for the theft, but why would a truthful person pay $500 to take a test they have the right to refuse?   

Under EPPA the employer cannot take job related action against you even if you fail!  You have a slam dunk case based on the facts you reported.  Enforce you rights!


No good social purpose can be served by inventing ways of beating the lie detector or deceiving polygraphers.   David Thoreson Lykken
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box totally disgusted
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #5 - May 12th, 2014 at 5:10pm
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Pailryder...I was not provided with any notice letter. The employers stated there was a lot of merchandise missing and that they were offering the choice to take polygraphs to eliminate people as suspects. I agreed to take the test at my expense because I felt sure I would immediately be eliminated as a suspect. As I stated, I am a divorced mom with children, a mortgage, car payment, medical bills, utility bills...just wanted to take any doubt away from myself so I could continue to support my family. Instead, this created a mess. Now there are 11 people that have failed this test & considered suspects. I was also afraid that if I refused it, I would be an automatic suspect in a crime I knew nothing about. Thank you for the info, I sincerely appreciate your response
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Ex Member
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #6 - May 12th, 2014 at 5:35pm
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totally disgusted wrote on May 12th, 2014 at 5:10pm:
I agreed to take the test at my expense

This is where you went wrong. Always let the truth stand on its own merit; the burden of proof was not on you. It seems odd to me that an employer could somehow cajole 11 employees into taking a polygraph at their own expense, as does the fact that all 11 failed.
« Last Edit: May 12th, 2014 at 6:00pm by Ex Member »  
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #7 - May 12th, 2014 at 5:36pm
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totally disgusted wrote on May 11th, 2014 at 1:12am:
the 1st meeting was for him to gather info & make us feel "at ease" with him.

I've never heard of an advanced "meet and greet" with a polygraph operator.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box totally disgusted
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #8 - May 12th, 2014 at 9:11pm
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I agree, I shouldnt have agreed to the test. I thought I was eliminating myself as a suspect. There are 53 employees...11 failed, 18 passed, the others refused to take it. The ones that refused the test were then talked about "oh they have something to hide" and so on. I wish I would have know then what I know now, I would have also refused. Being a suspect when you've done nothing wrong is the most horrible feeling, Im scared to death, never have been in trouble with the law. Being treated like a piece of meat by a so-called respected professional with law enforcement background & "extended" polygraph training makes me soooooo disgusted. I have read through this forum about the polygraph experience of others. My question is;Grino they all go to the same school & learn the same intimidation tactics AND do they truly believe they and their tests are 100% accurate. The man I dealt with said prior to the test that he is never wrong & has solved crimes and got confessions that the police were not able to get. He said the machine is never wrong..sometimes other examiners mis-read the results, but not him & the machine is highly sensitive and always correct. The polygraph measures pulse, respiration & sweating which he claims only happens when you lie. Well, to this I now say..every menopausal woman(including our Mothers) must be a liar because everyone that I have ever know has had rapid heart rate which causes increased respiration, not to mention the hot flashes. The more I think about this, the madder I get. There is also no doubt that he also was very out of line with his sexual comments. I was a nervous wreck to begin with, then I get hit on by a pervert...HE WAS THE LIAR- NOT ME!!!
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Ex Member
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #9 - May 12th, 2014 at 11:11pm
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I suggest you read "The Lie Behind the Lie Detector" in its entirety.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box pailryder
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #10 - May 13th, 2014 at 12:31pm
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totally disgusted

You report a very unusual case.  EPPA violations are rare because the DOL vigorously enforces and fines for the employer are steep.  Please inform all of your coworkers, including the ones who passed, that they also have valid complaints.  Under EPPA your rights cannot be waived no matter what you signed or agreed to. 
Do us all a favor and put this creep out of business!

Good luck

No good social purpose can be served by inventing ways of beating the lie detector or deceiving polygraphers.   David Thoreson Lykken
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Ex Member
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #11 - May 13th, 2014 at 5:26pm
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pailryder wrote on May 13th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Do us all a favor and put this creep out of business!

Should this not be the job of his peers? Surely you've reported your outrage to the APA by now.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Doug Williams
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #12 - May 13th, 2014 at 6:50pm
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Ex Member wrote on May 13th, 2014 at 5:26pm:
pailryder wrote on May 13th, 2014 at 12:31pm:
Do us all a favor and put this creep out of business!

Should this not be the job of his peers? Surely you've reported your outrage to the APA by now.

It is a source of great amusement to me to see how these polygraph operators have such disdain for each other, and how they all claim that they are the "best" - that all the others are just "creeps" or incompetent jerks who give the profession a bad reputation.  The fact is, they are all charlatans, frauds, and "creeps" to one degree or another.  It is past time to put all these "creeps" out of business!   

I have been fighting the thugs and charlatans in the polygraph industry for forty years.  I tell about my crusade against the insidious Orwellian polygraph industry in my book FALSE CONFESSIONS - THE TRUE STORY OF DOUG WILLIAMS' CRUSADE AGAINST THE ORWELLIAN POLYGRAPH INDUSTRY.  Please visit my website POLYGRAPH.COM and follow me on TWITTER @DougWilliams_PG

Doug Williams
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box pailryder
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #13 - May 14th, 2014 at 11:30am
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Ex Member wrote on May 13th, 2014 at 5:26pm:
Surely you've reported your outrage to the APA by now

The APA would probably want to know his name.  Trust me, the DOL is the place to report.  53 employees @ 10k per violation should attract national reporting and the interest of a pretty good attorney, assuming this is a real report.
« Last Edit: May 15th, 2014 at 10:54am by pailryder »  

No good social purpose can be served by inventing ways of beating the lie detector or deceiving polygraphers.   David Thoreson Lykken
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box pailryder
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Re: My Polygraph Nightmare
Reply #14 - Jun 1st, 2014 at 1:32pm
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totally disgusted

No news reports of your case yet.  Can you update us?

No good social purpose can be served by inventing ways of beating the lie detector or deceiving polygraphers.   David Thoreson Lykken
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