I'd like to add, on a note, a thorough explanation of the MMPI-2.
1980 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 (Successor to the 1930's developed MMPI)
Is over-simplified as a personality scan.
The test takes advantage of psychological questions to understand the person’s perspective on themselves and/or in society.
Ground wise, the test is intended to be administered for 1 hour to 2 hours, however, times can be anywhere from 30 minutes to several sessions spanning across several days. 597 True and False Questions long, depending on the person, you can see how times may vary. The questions are very basic and understandable (although the test itself is intended for adults (the adolescent test being dubbed, MMPI-A)) and require little intricate thought processing. In my personal experience I have not been exposed to any news of the test being administered as a "read aloud" by a psychiatrist and answered aloud by the individual's voice, although I'm sure there are substantial cases where this may be necessary. Again on ground level the test is scored by scales
I have added the appropriate scoring
(understand that there is no minimum score, usually low scores in any category are omitted to people that have been aging for plenty of time (old folk) none of the scales can I state that low scores are bad, also, when I said "BADSCORE" the score is not necessarily to be resented, a bad score as in any nature is to a person who is in a higher percentile of people who are diagnosed with the mental illness, this does not mean you have it and sometimes it can just be a coincidence that you received the score, but simply do not take my GOODSCORE/BADSCORE to heart, email at eternalgalore4ever@gmail.com (you can also imessage me with that email) or kik me at L0ven0m0re (those are zeros no O's) for questions about your score) removed everything and rewrote it in basic
(Original list from
Scale 1 – Hypochondria GOODSCORE (<60) BADSCORE (65+)
Think of it as OCD of the mind, High scores on this scale can be associated with you (the patient) are obsessed about an undiagnosed condition. Examples include being very open about the "Mental Illness" you believe you have, or stating you have a mental illness and have not been diagnosed. To no offense you are basically over concerned about something you cannot confirm about yourself.
Scale 2 – Depression GOODSCORE (<60) BADSCORE (70-80) VERYBADSCORE (80+ x.x)
Being one of the most self-explanatory scales, the Depression scale (abbreviated on the MMPI-2 Score Sheet as DEP) determines your thoughts about your living status in a general perspective. The scale has high scores in people who believe that life is unimportant, have major decreases in mood or energy, very high scores indicate disliking living and negative thoughts about life, including decreased safety concerns, enjoys taking risks (that's very debatable) believes in self harm, including self mutilation (cutting or burning of oneself), obsession with guilt, sensitive to criticism and scolding, and bad thoughts, including dream, daydreams, ideas, and considered actions
Scale 3 – Hysteria (High scores are bad 80+)
Directly from the Website
"The third scale was originally designed to identify those who display hysteria in stressful situations. Those who are well educated or high in social class tend to score higher on this scale. Women also tend to score higher than men on this scale"
I cannot describe Hysteria in my own words but with a little research I can say that one who scores high on this commits attention seeking behavior (that's all I know here's a link though
https://www.google.com/search?q=hypochondria&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8#q=hysteria )
Scale 4 - Psychopathic Deviate GOODSCORE (50's-60's) BADSCORE (80's)
Although the name is a bit misconceiving, Psychopathic Deviate is more so the patient’s reaction to authority, high scores indicate rebellious behavior and low scores omitted to patients who generally and usually accept authority.
Scale 5 – Masculinity/Femininity (High scores probably define homosexuality, girls tend to score lower on this)
This Scale is used to indicate homosexuality in a person, the patient might question ones sexuality or perceive themselves as the opposite sex, good scores are 50-60 anything above that can be used to describe a patient who hangs out with the opposite sex and has become accustomed to their ways.
Scale 6 – Paranoia (80+ is bad, 70-80 is also bad but on a lesser seriousness)
This scale was originally developed to identify patients with paranoid symptoms such as suspiciousness, feelings of persecution, grandiose self-concepts, excessive sensitivity, and rigid attitudes. Those who score high on this scale tend to have paranoid symptoms.
Scale 7 – Psychasthenia (Wish I could tell you proper scores for this but I assume high scores are bad)
Scale 8 – Schizophrenia GOODSCORE (50-70 and 90+) BADSCORE (80-90)
I personally got 99 on this scale, while that may be bad for other scales it is acceptable for this one, if you have schizophrenia you will usually get somewhere around 85 in which case that is very bad but just know 90+ is good and 80's are bad)
"This scale was originally developed to identify schizophrenic patients and reflects a wide variety of areas including bizarre thought processes and peculiar perceptions, social alienation, poor familial relationships, difficulties in concentration and impulse control, lack of deep interests, disturbing questions of self-worth and self-identity, and sexual difficulties. This scale is considered difficult to interpret"
Scale 9 – Hypomania GOODSCORE (50-60) BADSCORE (71+)
Hypomania being also self-explanatory can define a person who is hyperactive. This scale along with a few others can be used to determine if a person is applicable to be diagnosed with a mental illness like ADHD, or ADD
Scale 0 – Social Introversion GOODSCORE (50-60) BADSCORE (70+)
This scale being the newest of all generally measures a person’s acceptance of responsibilities)
High scores would indicate that a patient does not accept responsibilities, and turns the other direction when selected to lead, low scores usually dominate for people who are good leaders or just happen to handle responsibility properly)