Bill_Brown wrote on Aug 20
th, 2012 at 8:54pm:
"im 19 and don't want to go to jail as a Sex Offender"
Best advice is: Don't commit sexual offenses and you won't be in jail. Your plight is normal for those in SOTP's nationwide. Should you be honest or should you lie? Ask your attorney, see what the ramifications are for both, and don't commit any sexual offenses in the future.
I know that Bill__Brown must mean well, but I honestly don't find anything productive in his seemingly hastily-formed answer.
Point being: SubStructure is
already convicted for a sex offense; telling him not to commit another sex offense isn't going to prevent the danger that he might face once he goes back to jail for violating probation.
Point being: His (Bill__Brown's) post indicates that he likely has no experience of what a sex offender might really be; either because he isn't one or that plus he doesn't have a family member who is.
1. You don't
have to actually commit a sex-offense to potentially be convicted of one (in the USA, and perhaps in other English-speaking western countries). There are so many cases where a "Sex offender" merely unintentionally brushed up on a child, and the parents became enraged. We have people who go to legal pornography tubesites who, unbeknownst to them, came upon a video of a porn actor who turned out to be underaged.
2. Many "sex offenders", while having broken a sex-offense law, are themselves victims of rashly-written, half-accurate unfair laws. The best example (in a nutshell) that comes to mind: an adult had
consensual sex with a 14-year-old, while his country tells him that the 14-year-old can't
legally consent. (Go to Italy, Germany, Portugal, Japan, Brazil, Argentina or Mexico, and it's all of the sudden legal.) Another example that comes to mind: a sexually adverturous teenager takes advantage of a drunk adult who, due to being druke, plays along; more than likely, it's the adult who ends up on the registy. (Logicality: the adult "should have known better.")
Many of us "sex offenders" are humanly innocent, socially decent people who not only don't have a prior criminal record, we are otherwise law-abiding citizens who haven't hurt anyone in the future.
So, respectfully, Bill__Brown, I hope you don't ever have the sharp nerve to tell us sex offenders that it's as easy as "simply not committing another offense in the future"; and that we ought to "correct [
our] thinking errors".
(I don't doubt there are scumbag child predators who would get off raping a child without considering the child's well-being. There are lots of these imbeciles in this fucked-up world; hell, there maybe some of them on this board as we speak! But, then, there are those of us "sex offenders" who are nothing like that; hence what I described above.
Some victims will be in fact genuinely benefitted from the law. For others, the victims are the unfairly incarcerated. Simply realize that, like anything in this world, nothing is black and white; which includes the justice that sex offender laws were meant to serve.)