Quote:Funny you should mention that we should use confirmed cases, since this site professes that CMs can't be detected.
I don’t know why you would think that was funny. The easiest method of obtaining “confirmed” countermeasure charts would be to use the charts of those people who have admitted to using countermeasures.
Quote: I suspect you are LE, so let me ask you, when you interrogate a suspect, and he denies involvement in the crime, do you simply take his word? I wouldn't think so. Same logic here.
It is hardly the same logic.
It would be the same logic if I had no physical evidence or witnesses, but when I interviewed the suspect I believed they were lying (despite their assertion that they were being truthful) so I arrested them. And then I used a recording of our interview to teach classes on how to identify people who are lying in the interview room.
That would make about as much sense as what you say you do with George’s charts.
I suspect that the “evidence” of countermeasure usage in George’s charts is oddly similar to the evidence in Aldrich Ames’ charts that he was lying. Once the FBI knew he was a Soviet agent, they were able to review the charts and say, “Oh, sure, here it is. Clearly he was lying.”
After George became a large thorn in the side of the polygraph industry, I’m sure various polygraph operators took a look at his charts and said, “Oh, sure, here it is. He was using countermeasures.”