The first test sex offenders are given is called the "full disclosure test." That is where you are asked to make a list of every sexual partner/sexual behavior you ever did. Then they ask you, "Other than the things you already admitted to, did you have any other sexual partners/acts?" Once you have passed the first test and gone through treatment for a while you will get the other type of test, called "maintenance polygraph." They ask you what bad things you have done (say looked at pornography), and then ask you, "Other than those times you already admitted to, did you look at pornography any other times?" Please understand that the polygraph does not give accurate results. You are not safe just because you already admitted everything. You need to get fully prepared to take the test. If you study the book "The lie behind the lie detector" (especially chapter 3 and 4) you will know how to recognize the different types of questions and how to respond to each one, but here are some examples from my polygraph test last month: Before I got to the test I had already practiced shallow breathing (2-4 seconds per breath). I breathed out for a count of one, two and in for a count of three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Find a breathing pattern that works for you and practice it at least a few times before you go in there. It is actually kind of nice concentrating on your breathing and counting your breaths. Like meditation. Irrelevant question: Is your name Chuckles? Response: keep up the breathing pattern and say "yes" (keeping mind blank afterwards) Control question: "Did you ever lie to get out of trouble?" Response: think scary thoughts about getting my balls bitten off by a zombie and say "no," breathe funny and bite my tongue. Continue the augmentation until about time for the next question. Relevant question: "Have you drank alcohol or used drugs since starting the program?" Response: keep up the breathing pattern and say "no" (keeping mind blank afterwards) That's it. If you are someone who has a hard time keeping his mind blank, then pick a nice thought to think during the blank mind times. Imagine petting a cat. Imagine floating in a warm pool on a quiet sunny day. If you use a calm thought, pick it before the test and practice it when you practice your breathing. You will find when you take the test that the irrelevant questions are the easiest. All you do is answer the question and keep up the breathing pattern. The relevant questions are also easy. Just answer the way they want to hear and keep up the breathing pattern and calm thought. Once you have answered the question there is no need to dwell on the question at all. Just let it float away and concentrate on your breathing. In contrast, the control questions are hard! For starters, the question is ambiguous, and the examiner may even tell you to lie (in order to see what you look like when you lie he may say). Plus you have to remember to think the scary thought and to slyly bite your tongue and to mess your breathing up according to your prepared plan. Am I doing it right? Did I augment enough? Did he see my mouth move? All that spinning through your mind will cause the squiggly things on the computer to be larger than the squiggly things corresponding to the relevant question, and that is the reason we augment. My only other advice is to be confident. Read the suggestions in the book about how guilty liars look and how honest people look. Do NOT make excuses (I'm sick today. I have a nervous condition). Be well groomed, friendly and businesslike. Remember to be polite on the outside, but on the inside you can scoff at the foolish polygraph examiner. He is an moron who has chosen to waste his life traveling around trying to bully people with bullshit. Look down on him. Don't be afraid of his witch doctoring.