Normal Topic Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.) (Read 9237 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dee
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Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)
Jan 19th, 2011 at 5:52pm
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Please read the full story and help me in my predicament. I have poured my heart out, this isn't a narrative or fiction story but my actual life at this very moment. All help is appreciated.

Let me give some background information first. I am a 15 year old male in 11th grade of high school ( I skipped first grade). I live with my mom, dad, and brother, with my sister away at college. We were a close-knit family, and recently even had a family meeting to resolve some issues. I have to say that I am not perfect nor far from it, but I have had a desire to improve. I'm not a bad kid, but I have done bad things as everyone has. I used to be a habitual liar, and about half a year ago was caught after consecutively stealing money from my dad. I don't know why I had did it, because he provided so much for me and my family and was always working to make sure we had the best things. However, I come from a West Indian background and my dad is Jamaican and really strict. I have been beat many times in my younger childhood, but not so much frequently because of maturity, although I do suspect after he caught me he wanted to beat me. I once ran away to a friend's house after I felt he would kill me if he beat me, and he later admitted he might have given his rage at the time. So I say all of that to say that I am not perfect, however I know that I'm not an imp and have currently been on the path to redemption. After the incident(taking the money), I had started making steps to redeem myself. I had found a job to help pay back all the money I had taken, and I was selling the items that I had bought with the money. Everything wasn't perfect but I felt that in due time I could get everything back to the way it was, with the family close together and tight-knit again. 

However, my life took a turn for the worst starting 3 days before Christmas. I was at home and my grandma (who was in town for Christmas and my sister's graduation) had left with my mom to get their nail's done. My "friend" had come to the door, and I eventually ended up going to my best friend's house with him. My best friend needed me to get something for him from home, and I jogged home to just get it quickly and return. I came home to find my house broken into and my laptop gone. I hadn't turned on the alarm because I routinely go by my best friend's house, which is about 5 minutes away walking, and I suspected nothing of the incident. Reflecting, I now believe that the boy who came to my house, who I had known for a few years, set me up to be lured away from the house while other neighbordhood kids broke in and took my family's possessions. I later learned that it wasn't just my laptop that had been taken, but money on the Christmas tree and all my mom's jewelry, plus money my dad had in a shoebox. The police came and fingerprinted and said they would get back to us, but I was so distraught that I went to sleep. My dad came home in a rage thinking I had helped someone or given someone insight about the house because my brother's door was unopened and nothing had been taken from there. My brother had to take me to a hotel for the night, and we later moved in with my aunt for about two weeks. 

I moved back home about two weeks ago, and avoided my dad because I had mixed emotions of anger and resentment after being "kicked out". During the time away, my mom, sister, and grandma had come to visit me and asked if I knew anything, but I didn't and told them so. I couldn't piece together how I would have had something to do with the stealing of my family's stuff (including my things). I hadn't received any money or anything from anyone. My brother told me while at my aunt's house that he was going to have me take a polygraph to give himself and everyone else piece of mind about the situation. I readily agreed, quick to prove my innocence about the situation. During the family meeting when I spoke, I talked about how the polygraph would prove I had nothing to do with the situation and would clear my name. My dad attacked me ever so eloquently, saying that even though I didn't physically break into the house, I had helped someone or given them insight as to where things were. Mind you, I didn't know he kept money in his shoe boxes as that isn't where I had taken the money from. I held my tongue, just waiting until I took the polygraph to prove to everyone that I had nothing to do with it.

On the day of the test, my brother picked me up early from school to go the appointment. I was nervous but excited at the same time, ready to prove that I was in no way connected to the burglary. After my brother talked to the examiner, I went in and sat down. We engaged in small talk while he explained the procedures to me, and I was able to answer some of the questions about the test, and he complimented me on my wits. He then asked me about the situation beforehand, and I told him everything I knew. During conversating, I learned that he played on a Poker site which I also played on, and in between conversation he would talk about live tournaments and different games coming up (even though I'm too young to play live). He finally wrote out the questions which he would ask me. There were three types, questions such as i s today blank (to which i should answer yes), had i ever lied or stolen before 2010(which i should answer no to indicate a lie), and then the general question about the incident to which I should answer truthfully. He ran the the questions with me, then hooked me up: a strab around my chest, a strap around my abdomens, an arm strap(pressure), and finger sensors. I told him I was nervous and he said that it was fine because it wouldn't affect the test.

He started the test and I tried to remain calm as I answered the questions. I found myself thinking a lot about each question in my head after I had answered, reassuring myself that I was telling the truth and had nothing to worry about. He paused about 30 seconds in between each question, and did three sets of questions. He also asked me to write a number, then when he asked me different numbers I was to reply no to all of them to see how my body reacts when I lie. After, he had asked me whether I was from a strict background because it was clear signs of lieing which usually came from stricter or military persons. I told him yes (my dad), and he reassured me this was good for the test. After I answered the last set of questions, he took everything off of me. After waiting, he looked at me and told me there was something I wasn't telling him. I told him there wasn't, that I had told him everything, but he didn't believe me. He asserted that I had something to do with it, that I may have received some money or something, but I hadn't. He told me that I had clear giveaways, because my mouth was dry and I had touched my nose with my hand, but my mouth was dry simply from anxiety and I had only touched my nose when he asked me if I had read a book on poker tells (trying to use an analogy between tells there and my "tells", which didn't seem really funny to me as this wasn't poker but my real life.) So I stuck to my word that I didn't have anything to do with it but was simply nervous, and he continued to say that I did. He wouldn't let talk completely, always interrupting and saying that he agrees with the computer that I'm a liar. He then states that it would be best to tell the truth because he sees I have a family that cares about me and would be able to work with me, but I insist that I am and he finally gives up and tells me that if that's the way I want to act then I will have to deal with whatever consequences there are. I felt that he was saying whatever simply because I was just another person who he was making money off of, but if I was his own relative he would have been very different towards me. At first I thought he was lying, to get me to confess to having been involved, and even asked him if he was serious, which he said he was. I didn't know what to do, because I had told the truth and how would anyone believe me over a "reputable lie detector machine". He even told me that he had been in the business since 1975, which is about 35 years. Whether this makes him an expert or not, I don't know, but it didn't change the fact that the results came up wrong and I didn't know what to do. I felt betrayed: we had talked and shared stories and he had even told me about his children, and I felt like he had tricked me into letting my guard down and not worrying about the test. I was so sure the test would come out right that I got nervous and pondered on questions after they were given. But that couldn't change my situation. He then called my brother in and gave him the news while I waited outside, and when my brother came out he gave the tester's secretary his e-mail to send him the information on the polygraph. I still felt that I was being tricked, that maybe the guy wasn't being sincere about my results really being positive. When we left the building, I asked my brother what the guy I had said to him. He said that the polygrapher told him that he had told me the results. I then asked him if he believed it, and he shrugged his head as if to imply "it is what it is", but still maybe a little unsure about everything. I murmured to myself on the ride home that this couldn't be happening, that it couldn't be real after I hadn't done anything related to breaking into my house. I didn't know what I was going to do, but I knew I had to do something, because I couldn't have my family thinking I would blatantly lie to them after confessing that I had no part in the break-in.

When we arrived home, I went into action. I took all the money I had ($20), my month-long bus pass, and my phone, and put them in my pocket. I also took my key in case I needed to come back home for anything. I didn't know where in the house my brother was, but it didn't really matter to me since I had decided to leave. I walked out the house, still murmuring to myself that I had done nothing and why the results had come up the way they did. I walked about four blocks from the main street to a bus terminal, and when I got on the bus I went to a McDonalds 20 minutes away in another city to stay unfound. I got dinner, then went to the library to do some work. I research polygraph errors in tests and found what mine was called (false positives), and I also recorded the numbers of polygraph agencies in my area so that I could call them for tests. I also researched countermeasures which I hadn't bothered to research prior to the polygraph, because I hadn't felt a need to since I was going to tell the truth. After about 3 hours I left the library and headed on the bus no where in particular, just wanting to think and burn time. After a while, I decided I would go down by the beach and find a place to stay for the night. I had turned off my phone, and upon turning it on I saw a text from my mom saying to call her now. I didn't, but instead turned off my phone. After I got down to the beach, I wandered through neighborhoods until I found an empty house and rested on a chair in the backyard. I tried to sleep, but couldn't and after about two hours I left there. Almost towards 2:30 in the morning, I went out the beach and found lawnchairs on the sand, and pushed one up against the wall of a motel on the beach to hide myself and sleep until the morning. However, after about an hour a worker shined a light on me and told me I couldn't sleep here. I hurried and rushed to put the chair back and apologized, and he asked me how old I was. I told him, and also told him that I wasn't with my parents at the moment. He asked me if I just needed a place for the night, and I told him yes, so he offered to have me sleep in his car for the rest of the night. I agreed, being so tired and just wanting a safe place to rest my head. I texted my mom back that I was ok and safe, and just needed to clear my name. A friend of hers called me offering me a place to stay, but I didn't call back because I felt she would tell my mom I was with her and would get me discovered. So I slept in guy's car until about 7 in the morning, and then thanked him and left. He gave me his card in case I needed anything, and I took it gratefully. I then headed on the bus to a different McDonalds, and got something to eat for breakfast. After eating, I got on the bus again headed back to the library. I started researching polygraph errors and false positives and stumbled upon this site, and now I have come to share my story and ask for help. I don't know what to do, but I don't want to go home until I have cleared my name and am declared truthful. I can't have my dad believing that he is right, that I am a liar and a monster, and would do something so devious as have everyone's items stolen and receive compensation. I know I told the truth and I don't know how it came up false positive, but I really don't know what to do. Right now I can't really think straight, and expect that most people on here are older and wiser and can give me some insight as to what to do. I have received a few texts from family and friends asking me where I am, but I haven't replied because I don't want anyone finding out. I DON'T want anyone to think I am running away, I simply want to bring justice to my namesake, for it's all I have, and after mistakes in the past can't afford to have this strike towards me in my family's mind. I only have $10, my bus pass, and my phone which is dying. I have been wearing the same clothes since yesterday, but I plan on going to a cousin's house which is nearby and getting some clothes. I didn't go to school today, because I have to clear this up. I have straight A's though, and exams are tomorrow and I plan on taking the exams I have to take. Please, for one second, think that all of my decisions are hasty and rushed. I have thought a lot about what I am doing, but I just feel right now I can't talk to anyone without being judged or sent back home. My dad in the meeting declared he was going to beat me for helping someone break in, and I feel that the test just confirmed his actions and he will do it. I felt if I came up negative, it would change his mind and he would see that I have changed since taking his money. I still have my job, and have to work in three days, but I don't get paid until next week so I don't have too much money readily available for at least a week. I'm at the library and I will be here for a few more hours, I will probably read a book for an hour while waiting for responses to my situation. I need answers or suggestions as to what steps to take. I have to clear my name. I had planned on calling the agencies and begging them for a test when they have free time, although I have no money. I also considered calling the agency I took the test at and asking for a re-test. I thought about calling the police, but I didn't want them to blow it out of proportion and/or send me back home. I don't know if even taking another test is the right steps to take, since the first one came out positive. I don't know whether people are looking for me but have been pretty swift in my moving about on the bus and walking, keeping my head down and not looking around too much. I don't know what to do for certain, and am hoping someone here can give me guidance about what to do. I just know that I have to prove I'm innocent, no matter what. I haven't run away, and don't intend to, but I have to show that I didn't have anything to do with helping someone steal from my house. Please help, I'm in desperate need for guidance. I will get lunch a little, and read for a while. I hope people read this fully and give me well thought out suggestions as to what steps to take. I know there are people more wiser and and I'm hoping you can shed some wisdom on me. I know this is a lot of writing, but once again this is a drastic moment in my life and what I do from here on out could define my future. Thank you for reading and listening to my story.
« Last Edit: Jan 20th, 2011 at 12:04am by Dee »  
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box stefano
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Re: Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)
Reply #1 - Jan 19th, 2011 at 10:55pm
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Very interesting discourse, but I will never believe that this was written by a 15 year old girl. I have never met a 9th grader with such a perfect usage of the past perfect tense. Would you care to tell us who you really are and what you are up to?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dee
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Re: Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)
Reply #2 - Jan 20th, 2011 at 12:04am
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Sorry, I edited the post. I am a male actually, and skipped the first grade. I currently take AP English if that counts, but that is petty at the moment.

Edit: And in case you were premising your thoughts off the fact that my name is Dee, that is my nickname, my real name is Devin but I hoped to have some sort of anonymity.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Twoblock
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Re: Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)
Reply #3 - Jan 20th, 2011 at 1:49am
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The first thing I would do is text my brother and parents and have them to search this website as you did. Let them find out for themselves just how bogus the polygraph is and that it has NO ability to detect lies. Tell them to read this thread and the answers you got to your posts. Your polygrapher probably has been to this site more than once.

Since you are a minor we cannot give you much advise. Also, since you're a minor, your polygrapher pulled a boo boo by testing you, which is an interrogation, without a lawyer or other adult supervision. George may have something to add to this when he reads it.

Guy be careful. I don't know how large is the city in which you live but the streets are dangerous for an adult and it's doubly dangerous for a kid.

Please keep us informed.

BTW-there's a difference between a paddling and a beating. A beating carries a criminal assault charge with possible prison time. It's called child abuse.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dee
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Re: Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)
Reply #4 - Jan 20th, 2011 at 7:43pm
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First off, thanks for the suggestions. I realize the difference between a padding and beating, I mean beating. It's a day after and last night I stayed by my cousin's house. I was hoping someone would have left me a suggestion as to what to do, bu tI guess I'll have to wait longer.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)
Reply #5 - Jan 20th, 2011 at 8:25pm
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I think it is at best a waste of time and quite possibly counterproductive to try to arrange a second polygraph in an attempt to clear your name. Polygraph "testing" has no scientific basis at all, and the results are proof of nothing. Moreover, polygraphy is inherently biased against the truthful, and there is a good chance that you would wrongly fail a second polygraph, too. But all that aside, how much good do you think it will do even if you were to pass a second polygraph? Would it really convince your father that you are indeed innocent? Or would he simply disregard the results of the second polygraph and cling to his belief in the results of the earlier one that confirm his suspicions?

It might help to clear your name if the actual burglars were to be caught. If the police have good descriptions of the stolen property, they might be able to trace it back to the burglar(s) if it shows up in a local pawn shop or is found in the possession of someone arrested for other burglaries.

But in the end, it may never be possible to prove your innocence, and it may well take a long time to mend relations with your family. Given your father's potential for violence, I think it was wise of you to keep away from him for the time being. Apart from avoiding physical injury to yourself, you are also preventing him from doing something that he would later come to regret and that could have disastrous legal consequences for him and cause your family more heartache.

As Twoblock mentioned, you can share with your family the information about polygraphy that you've learned here. Many innocent people have wrongly failed the polgyraph. If anyone in your family would like to discuss polygraph matters, please feel free to put them in touch with me, and I'd be happy speak with them directly, whether by phone or by e-mail.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box figs

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Re: Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)
Reply #6 - Jan 21st, 2011 at 12:09am
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I second George's excellent advice.   

While you sort this out (and you will), you might want to look up some other local help for safe housing and such.  Here's a United Way page that can help you do that wherever you are:
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dee
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Re: Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)
Reply #7 - Jan 21st, 2011 at 8:31pm
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Thanks George. I am currently safe and staying by my aunt's house at night. I guess that the possibly of coming up positive again lingered in my mind, but I was just so distraught I felt another test would be the only way to clear my name. The police took information since the incident happened (about a month ago), but I don't believe my family has heard anything back. I currently had to go back to my house and I took a few things, but they changed the alarm so it did go off. I'll post tomorrow maybe but you guys can keep the suggestions coming. Thanks for everything. I'm trying not to make hasty decisions, but think everything through.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box pailryder
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Re: Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)
Reply #8 - Jan 22nd, 2011 at 12:47pm
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False positives are a rare but frustrating fact of life for the polygraph professional.  Over time the truth may become clear, but not always.  I urge you to contact your examiner again.  Don't try to convince him, just tell him he made a mistake and ask him to review your charts and the question construction.  Make sure he keeps your file and if information later clears you make sure you inform him.  This may not help your situation, but it may help someone else.  I have learned a great deal from my confirmed mistakes.

Good luck and best wishes.

No good social purpose can be served by inventing ways of beating the lie detector or deceiving polygraphers.   David Thoreson Lykken
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box stefano
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Re: Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)
Reply #9 - Jan 22nd, 2011 at 7:54pm
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pailryder wrote on Jan 22nd, 2011 at 12:47pm:
False positives are a rare but frustrating fact of life for the polygraph professional.Over time the truth may become clear, but not always.I urge you to contact your examiner again.Don't try to convince him, just tell him he made a mistake and ask him to review your charts and the question construction.

If they are frustrating for the polygraph professional, imagine how frustrating their are for the innocent examinees falsely accused. Asking the polygraph examiner to admit to a mistake would be a futile endeavor in my opinion. Have you ever said "oops! I screwed the pooch on this one, my apologies. I was wrong" to an examinee? Just curious.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box pailryder
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Re: Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)
Reply #10 - Jan 23rd, 2011 at 12:34pm
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yes, more than once.

No good social purpose can be served by inventing ways of beating the lie detector or deceiving polygraphers.   David Thoreson Lykken
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box stefano
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Re: Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)
Reply #11 - Jan 24th, 2011 at 6:56pm
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Pail Ryder, I believe you and also believe you are an exception.
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Polygraph sent my life downhill. (Please read full story/give suggestions.)

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