You sat there and ignored a part of the sentence which clearly stats why I was asking those things. And you sat there taking one little part in the first sentence and took another part from the other sentence, disregarding the first part of the last sentence. In a effort to accuse me of being deceptive. So obviously you think I am trying to undermine the system otherwise you wouldn't have responded in the first place. And yes I can be on the internet it is not against my probation. As well as being on forums to discuss things with adults. My PO only has a problem with things where kids are said to form up such as yahoo, aim, etc.
Again did you not read that part?
Quote:Did I accuse you of being here to learn counter measures? No
When you ignore one thing but highlight another without bother reading the other part is yes an accusation as to why im here. Either that, or im more afraid now because polygraphers just completely skip over what things that are written which does determine the future of the people in which their supposed to take a non biased stance against, and look into every detail of what that person is saying or doing and all the info they have in front of them. Both of which you look like you have failed to do.
Quote:Now, onto why your therapy associates would lie to you????hum….probably because they have lied on a polygraph and got caught and they don’t want to own up to the ‘associates’ that they were in denial. I have seen this happen time and time again over the past 20 years.
Oh yea let me tell you, this guy was just spouting off in group after doing a 12 years sentence and has been on parole now for about 3 years. Has completed most of his treatment, and is attending group on a monthly basis now. Is just lying to me because hes in denial. I can just see how he just wants to go back to prison because he hates his freedom so much.

There was only one guy who I talked to who said probation intentionally screwed him over and all he ever did was minimize his statements, so yea im going to believe someone who has been nothing but vague about the situation. Thats what every criminal and probationer who is trying to change are just going to get sucked into.
Notice, I have to deal with these people to Taylor, ever heard of it takes one to know one? I can smell bull*&% coming from a mile away.
Quote:BTW, I am not a victim because there are different opinions other than mine. We will let the other readers decide on your stance. Again, check your probation/parole stipulations. Oh, yeah, you forgot to mention what you were charged with? How old was your victim(s)?
I dont really care what others opinions about me are, because if I was in there shoes I would think the worst about them too, and I dont mind being labeled what I am because I made a terrible choice, and worst off im not the only person this has affected. But fact is, I have heard that it is up more to the polygrapher then the machine as to decide who is lying. And now from reading on here I just dont want to be a flip of a coin type person where they decide wether you pass or fail the moment you walk through the door by deciding wether they like you or not.
And for that last part. Thank you again for proving my point that polygraphers are just out to get you. I cant think of one reason why you would ask that question other then 2 reasons.
One you would like to bash me for what I did.
And two, you would like to desperatly track me down and then call my county and PO to tell them I am intentionally trying to undermine and screw the system. Which im not here asking for counter-measures (which you obviously think I am), just wanting to know what is actually going to happen. From your (over the internet) interrogation already here to try and find out who I am so you can say im trying to break probation. This just strengthen's my thoughts more on that I need to know what type of interrogation you guys like to do. I have heard that some are nice, but most others will neysay you until they get a confession out. And then cost them more stress and money to redo it because of the tiniest little reading of inconclussive reading.
Thanks again for giving me a better idea of what you people are like. And please when you go in tommorow dont take it out on the guy who might be telling the truth, your just destroying his future if you intentionally fail him because you think hes guilty.