Hot Topic (More than 15 Replies) Insider Report of the March 23/24 CAPE Conference (Read 14952 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box nonombre
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Re: Insider Report of the March 23/24 CAPE Confere
Reply #15 - Apr 10th, 2007 at 12:46am
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Twoblock wrote on Apr 10th, 2007 at 12:15am:

Does your "frequently" statement include whstleblowers at corrupt government agencies and contractors, etc.? They are fired, called disgruntled employees and their careers are distroyed or damaged just for exposing corruption. This is because the corrupt entity wants to still be the big crook, HUH???


Lighten up Francis. Tongue  First of all, as I see it, the origins of this string were NEVER about some well meaning citizen "blowing the whistle on "corrupt government agencies".  The postings on this string are obviously nothing more than competitors harpooning each other to the delight of the minions who reside on these message boards.

Twoblock, please don't give these guys (on either side) more credit then they are due.  I reiterate my original suggestion that they take their silly insinuations elsewhere, where they can be less dangerous to themselves and others...

Regards as always,

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Insider Report of the March 23/24 CAPE Confere
Reply #16 - Apr 10th, 2007 at 4:29am
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Your first post in this message thread suggests that what most dismays you is not the potential motivation of those providing information to, but rather the public airing of the polygraph community's dirty laundry.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Lloyd Ploense
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Re: Insider Report of the March 23/24 CAPE Confere
Reply #17 - Aug 17th, 2007 at 7:15pm
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Hi Gino:

Speaking of polygraphy and the Golden State, it appears that we have a mole--not to be confused with 6.022x1023(polygraphers, have someone explain this to you)--within the community of polygraphers in California.


Find the mole, gentlemen.

You seem to know chemistry and write very convincingly Pal.  Therefore, you must be rational, responsible and correct.  After all, “Without chemistry, life itself would not be possible.” (Can we use that phrase in our pre-test spiel?) 

I bet we could create some gizmo together (I'm a chemical engineer and instrumentation specialist) that ostensibly identifies chemicals exuded by the human body when deception occurs.  We could (like) use mass spectroscopy or some other scientific technique as the (um, yeah) basis of our device.  We could make it look really cool and talk about the maglev turbo molecular pump during the pre-exam pep rally.  There will be a high-pitched whine (Wow! Awesome Science!) as our turbo spins in a high vacuum at OVER 100,000 RPM.

Our device need not be reliable at all.  We can easily convince the abundant non-scientists of this world that this is a “real cold scientific instrument”.  All that aside, I’m pretty positive we could tab some AMU which correspond to stress responses and it does not matter if we only correlate to truth or deception about 50% of the time.

So Pal, I’ve recorded this invention in tangible media.  Let’s get the patent and make some $$$!!!  If our government patsies are deluded easily enough to buy a polygraph machine, just imagine the fast cash we could rake in with our DECEPTION BLOODHOUND.

PS:  Again the tired old adage: "If ya can't beat em, join em."
« Last Edit: Aug 17th, 2007 at 9:36pm by »  
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Insider Report of the March 23/24 CAPE Conference

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