my name is so and so im 17 and currently unemployed thanks to a cvsa test false police accusations
i was employed yesterday at kfc in ohio. and i was poening a shift for my first time, mind u im 17 not 18 and policy age for supervision for kfc, it was 8 somrthing in the morning and i came in turned on all the lights, put hot water in the hot wells and pulled some mac and chesse and pot pie base (kfc workers know this is an opening rutein for the day), so as i went on i went in the office the make a fax for a food order, my ass. manger order me to do the the night befor i opened therefore, she and myself and a other employee verfied the money was in the safe and all the doors were locked. i was very excited about the next morning because this was my first open, and i wanted to prove to my rgm and ass. manger that i could do and great job. at kfc ive taken my job very seriously, i never stolen money from the store, or anyone else in my life. i droped out of skool., so buy doing that i had more time to work so i can pay off my car. i planned on cutting my hours in the spring for my G.E.D testing. So back to the morning of 12/21 , as i finshed my duety with the fax i stappled some reciepts my manger had asked mee to do the night prior to the 21st, i turned around to notice the safe opened about 1 1/2 inchs. and unlocked , i then got super scared, knowing that someone at some point and time last night had to use a safe key to open the safe. I then opened it slightly to see if drawers and ecc. were in there, i dindn't check completely but shut and logiclly locked the safe. at that time i was worried i was by my self for a lest 10 mins from the time i walked in kfc and then when a other employee showed up. so then less then 5 min later a second employee show up, both of which are over 18 and adults, me and the second employee went in to the safe because i told her what happened, and i opened it and all the money was gone , the was at least 3 grand missing, i hystericelly started crying because the was my first time opening as a trainee shift and all the money was gone i then called the ass. manger then the police, as soon as the police arrived i was interrogated and harrased by these officers for a confession of something i didnt do!
they illeagally brought me in for cvsa testing and more interrogation, im a minor and in the state of ohio they have to notifiy yor parent of guradian. none of the leagal action took place, i then still crying upset took 2 of the same cvsa tests, i failed the fourth question on the second test, but i pass all the same question on the first test, so after an other hour of interrogation, they talked some illeagal bullshit and told me the sit in the lobby untill my ride arrived, in the sate of ohio they recently passed om smoking ban in public, so when my ride arrived i eagerly left to smoke a cig. and go home, i had a awful day and i just wanted to go home.
there are only four people with these safe and kfc door keys, i didn't take take money, i would never throw my job on the line for crime, ive never been in jail and grew up in the ghetto of cleveland, im fighting my case to the top, this i feel is deformation and assination of character and when im proven not gulity i then will pursue a lawsuit against PREMIRE MANAGMENT, and a lawsuit against WESTLAKE POLICE. if any of you have any comments or question feel free to write whatever, but if its dumb and rude im sure you relize by now ive heard it all!!!!!!!!! im also soposed to get convicted of one charge of obstuction of justice. if you have leagal advice say whatever, im interesting in hearing what ever.