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My recent experience, help?
Dec 7th , 2006 at 6:23am
Mark & Quote Quote
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So I took my Polygraph test today, I also have another one in two days. I was brutally honest with the guy giving the test, and I told him the complete truth. I lied about nothing. Frequently during the test, he'd release the arm-cuff and say we were taking a break, but the rest of the machine was working (breathing, neurological responses, etc.). When the test was over, he asked what kind of martial arts I was into (I explained in my pre-interview when he asked about fighting, that the only fights I have gotten into were controlled ones for martial arts, sparring). Immediately, he started getting extremely adversarial with me. He started saying how some martial artists are fakes and phonies and garbage like that, and he accused me of controlling my breathing. He showed me my charts, how during the test my breathing stayed consistent, but when I released the arm-cuff and the questioning stopped, my amplitude(?) increased. The questioning started again and my breathing went back to normal. He started saying how people who are controlling their breathing on purpose are trying to hide things, and kept asking me what I have to hide. I admitted, yes, I was controlling my breathing. I was nervous, I wanted to remain calm. Then he proceeded to show me some lady's polygraph test (which I didn't understand anything of what it looked like,) who wasn't lying and what the breathing looked like. Was he just trying to extract a confession out of me? I didn't confess anything, because there simply was nothing that I was hiding! He said he'd look over it again (he was basically yelling at me the whole time, trying to be intimidating and not letting me get a word in), but he never directly told me that I passed or failed. I am confused and I have no idea what to think. He never pointed any specific questions out or anything. He also said that I shouldn't control my breathing on the next polygraph test, but he's not going to call the other guy and tell him. This is very discouraging as I have a polygraph test in two days for a department that will hire me for sure, if I pass. Please help.