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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam (Read 1118637 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box mad Mikey
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #330 - Sep 16th, 2010 at 7:36pm
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Hi  Pottergreen,

People that  are  high  when  doing the MMPI-2 would  likely test  as  invalid.  When you are high, careless  mistakes  are  detected in the  test.  So it does the prison inmate no good to be high.

Original clinical validation tests on MMPI using prisoners includes making sure they are not high compared to normal people that were already tested by other means and also not high.

A 'happy pill' may make you less critical when answering embedded ethical questions  used  for  the 'L'  scale, thus you will likely botch the test with a high 'L' score.   The  L scale kicks up easily even  when you are not trying to fool the  test  on purpose.

I did the MMPI-2  a while back and my 'L' scale raw score was a '6' (boarderline  high).

I  did the test again 8 months later on my own and scored and 'L' scale raw score of '7' (too high, invalid)

So last week I did it again, but marking my self 'hard' on the ethics questions.  I  scored a 'L' scale raw score of '5' (more then I expected,  but OK).

I tested  a crazy former girlfriend (undiagnosed  schizo) she scored an incredibly  low 'L' scale raw score of  just '2', incredibily honest!! Go figure!! Then  she blew the rest of the test:

Item    Raw  score       T score

D          37                   86
Pd         39                  100
Pa         24                  100
Pt          41                  88
Sc         62                  115 (!!) no sharp knives Pls!!
Ma        32                   88

I got my results confirmed at a hospital and treatment for her, but the Shrink that helped a
CPS steal her kids also prevented the kid's inherited problems from being treated!!  What an A-#@&*  !

So I am working to kick some Shrink butt!

So good luck dude!

see  ya,

Mad Mikey


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box SpaceCadet2010

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #331 - Nov 19th, 2010 at 11:15pm
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This is a fully functioning MMPI-2 applet that contains all of the items and has a very detailed report.  The report is the real McCoy; it includes all the modern/current scales and categories with broken down scores, as well as the statistical corrections; and even more importantly, the critical items are highlighted and referenced to their respective scales, and the answers are also shown.

The nice thing about this applet is that you can easily change any of the answers and rescore it.  The rescored profile will be shown right after the previously scored profile, thus you can tinker and experiment with the item response patterns, to see what happens. This really is as close to the real profile as you can get without a psychologist in the room. The only thing missing are the profile code interpretations, but those are mostly subjective anyway, and so would be worthless.

Keeping in mind they may be subjective, do you know where to find information as to what are the normal ranges?

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box AnotherGuest12345

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #332 - Nov 20th, 2010 at 12:35am
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Guest can post in this forum now?  Since when?

I know the CIA and NSA use the MMPI-2 test.  There is a great interpretation of the MMPI-2 test here:
Look for the phrase "A T-score of 65 has proven to be the best cutoff for critical items", under "THE ADVENT OF THE MMPI-2" section.  This would mean that a T-score over 65 may raise a flag.  This is just a general basis, psychologists may have some other method of scoring. I think I read that the lower cutoff for an average T-score is around 35 or so.  So 35-65  is like average.  One of these scores also tests if you are lying and trying to manipulate the test.   

When I took the test at, most of my T-scores were between 35-65.  I got a score of less than 35 on the Mf Masculine-Femininity"scale, which is expected because I am a your typical masculine "Marlboro Man". lol.  I also had T-scores in the high 60s in Es Ego Strength and, Masculine Gender Role, and Hypomania (I expect this because I'm irritable and people can drive me nuts).  If you study your scores and the link I provided, it doesn't take a doctor to get the gist of it.   

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #333 - Nov 20th, 2010 at 10:19am
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Guest can post in this forum now?  Since when?

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box blaster

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #334 - Dec 1st, 2010 at 2:49am
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There is too much drilling down into the minutiae. The huge elephant y'all keep missing is this: the number of nuts screened out by this process isn't worth the number of decent people denied a job because of this testing scheme. If you think its not a large number, you're dead wrong. Add into it the families whose lives are torn apart thanks to OPINIONS taken as facts in a court of law, the time to look into psych testing under serious review. I fear ANY test that operators say, lay people (spelled you and me) can't understand how to score the test. Very wizard-of-oz'ish. I also fear a test that isn't repeatable, or can't have different scorers arrive at the same conclusion. 
I don't see many recourses built into the process, either, jus a lot of "i-say-so".
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Guest

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #335 - Dec 2nd, 2010 at 12:17am
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Not speaking from personal experience, but I am curious about psychology without suffering any mental illness. This sort of test, because it is generally heralded as the best personality test, got me very interested. And the fact that the general public does not have very easy acess (lest the test be compromised) piqued my interest.

The thing that makes the test so hard to manipulate is that all the questions are standardized not only in the general population, but with populations known to have the given disorders for which the scales will detect. Furthermore, the questions have multiple overlapping validity scales that will show if you're faking, and even how you're trying to fake it.

You basically need two main things, and two side things to be able to know what is going on with the MMPI:

1. A set of all the questions. You can try googling around, and get lucky, but Pearson assessment searches routinely and asks posts to be taken down due to "copyright infringement" as release of the scales could invalidate their test. If you fail the search and are low on time, get one of the early editions of Development and Use of the Mmpi-2 Content Scales by James Butcher. Pearson asked this book to be reissued without the questions for obvious reasons, but if you can find an early edition, the list is in an appendix at the end. Note that the book is otherwise useless and not worth reading, you are just buying the early edition to have the questions.

2. A book explaining how to score it and which scales each questions tips off. Without the questions (and the book in question does *NOT* include them), the book is not useful. I found "MMPI-2: An Interpretive Manual" is EXTREMELY expensive but by far the most useful to explain you ever last question, every last test scale so you know the test as well as its creators. It is EXHAUSTIVE in its descriptions. You need lots of time to go question by question, scale by scale but depending on how much you know about psychology/mental health, it may only take a few weeks to know the test and how it works (for educational purposes, of course).

Good luck and have fun!

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Guest

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #336 - Dec 4th, 2010 at 6:18am
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the reality is that this and other tests are purely subjective, it isnt only the paper test that gives results it is combined with a 1 on 1 with a psychologist and other important data, I am diagnosed with Axis 2 disorders yet if you look at my MMPI-2 there are no indicators at all for any disorder ... so really I dont think there is any real need to spend 2 hrs filling in this test when the subjectivity is so high

Scale Scale Description Raw Score K Score T Score % Answered 
True  198   34.9 
False  369   65.1 
?  0   0.00 
VRIN Variable Response Inconsistency 0  30   
TRIN True Reponse Inconsistency 9  50   
F Infrequency 2  44 100 
Fb Backside F 0  42 100 
Fp Infrequency Psychopathology 0  41 100 
L Lie 6  62 100 
K Correction 19  59 100 
S Superlative Self-Presentation 31  57 100 
Hs Hypochondriasis 0 10 40 100 
D Depression 12  34 100 
Hy Hysteria 19  43 100 
Pd Psychopathic Deviate 15 23 51 100 
Mf Masculinity-Femininity - Male 33  undefined 100 
Mf Masculinity-Femininity - Female 33  57 100 
Pa Paranoia 8  42 100 
Pt Psychathenia 3 22 38 100 
Sc Schizophrenia 3 22 42 100 
Ma Hypomania 18 22 56 100 
Si Social Introversion 13  35 100 
D1 Subjective Depression 2  37 100 
D2 Psychomotor Retardation 4  41 100 
D3 Physical Malfunctioning 2  41 100 
D4 Mental Dullness 0  38 100 
D5 Brooding 0  37 100 
Hy1 Denial of Social Anxiety 6  61 100 
Hy2 Need for Affection 7  50 100 
Hy3 Lassitude-malaise 0  39 100 
Hy4 Somatic Complaints 0  37 100 
Hy5 Inhibition of Aggression 4  54 100 
Pd1 Familial Discord 0  38 100 
Pd2 Authority Problems 4  61 100 
Pd3 Social Imperturbability 6  64 100 
Pd4 Social Alienation 3  44 100 
Pd5 Self-alienation 2  43 100 
Pa1 Persecutory Ideas 2  51 100 
Pa2 Poignancy 1  40 100 
Pa3 Naivete 4  45 100 
Sc1 Social Alienation 1  42 100 
Sc2 Emotional Alienation 1  49 100 
Sc3 Lack of Ego Mastery, Cognitive 0  43 100 
Sc4 Lack of Ego Mastery, Conative 1  44 100 
Sc5 Lack of Ego Mastery, Defective Inhibition 0  40 100 
Sc6 Bizarre Sensory Experiences 0  41 100 
Ma1 Amorality 1  45 100 
Ma2 Psychomotor Acceleration 4  45 100 
Ma3 Imperturbability 5  62 100 
Ma4 Ego Inflation 5  62 100 
Si1 Shyness/Self-Consciousness 0  36 100 
Si2 Social Avoidance 1  42 100 
Si3 Self/Other Alienation 4  47 100 
ANX Anxiety 2  40 100 
FRS Fears 0  31 100 
OBS Obsessivness 3  44 100 
DEP Depression 0  34 100 
HEA Health Concerns 0  32 100 
BIZ Bizarre Mentation 0  39 100 
ANG Anger 2  39 100 
CYN Cynicism 8  48 100 
ASP Antisocial Practices 7  42 100 
TPA Type A 3  38 100 
LSE Low Self-esteem 3  47 100 
SOD Social Discomfort 1  35 100 
FAM Family Problems 4  45 100 
WRK Work Interference 2  37 100 
TRT Negative Treatment Indicators 2  43 100 
A Anxiety 3  39 100 
R Repression 14  44 100 
Es Ego Strength 42  66 100 
MAC-R MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale-Revised 22  59 100 
AAS Addiction Acknowledgement 2  50 100 
APS Addiction Potential 24  52 100 
MDS Marital Distress 1  42 100 
Ho Hostility 10  41 100 
O-H Overcontrolled Hostility 17  63 100 
Do Dominance 18  56 100 
Re Social Responsibility 22  53 100 
Mt College Maladjustment 3  37 100 
GM Masculine Gender Role 39  66 100 
GF Feminine Gender Role 35  43 100 
PK Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 2  40 100 
PS Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 1  38 100 
D-O Depression, Obvious 1  34 100 
D-S Depression, Subtle 10  44 100 
Hy-O Hysteria, Obvious 0  37 100 
Hy-S Hysteria, Subtle 19  56 100 
Pd-O Psychopathic Deviate, Obvious 2  41 100 
Pd-S Psychopathic Deviate, Subtle 13  59 100 
Pa-O Paranoia, Obvious 2  47 100 
Pa-S Paranoia, Subtle 6  44 100 
Ma-O Hypomania, Obvoius 6  49 100 
Ma-S Hypomania, Subtle 12  59 100 
dem Demoralization 1  41 100 
som Somatic Complaints 0  36 100 
lpe Low Positive Emotions 0  33 100 
cyn Cynicism 5  48 100 
asb Antisocial Behavior 4  52 100 
per Ideas of Persecution 0  43 100 
dne Dysfunctional Negative Emotions 3  42 100 
abx Aberrant Experiences 0  39 100 
hpm Hypomanic Activation 9  46 100 
AGGR Aggressiveness 10  61 100 
PSYC Psychoticism 1  41 100 
DISC Disconstraint 16  66 100 
NEGE Negative Emotionality / Neuroticism 4  38 100 
INTR Introversion / Low Positive Emotionality 6  39 100 
FRS1 Generalized Fearfulness 0  42 100 
FRS2 Multiple Fears 0  30 100 
DEP1 Lack of Drive 0  40 100 
DEP2 Dysphoria 0  40 100 
DEP3 Self-Depreciation 0  40 100 
DEP4 Suicidal Ideation 0  45 100 
HEA1 Gastrointestinal Symptoms 0  43 100 
HEA2 Neurological Symtoms 0  39 100 
HEA3 General Health Concerns 0  40 100 
BIZ1 Psychotic Symptomatology 0  44 100 
BIZ2 Schizotypal Characteristics 0  41 100 
ANG1 Explosive Behavior 0  39 100 
ANG2 Irritability 1  39 100 
CYN1 Misanthropic Beliefs 6  51 100 
CYN2 Interpersonal Suspiciousness 2  45 100 
ASP1 Antisocial Attitudes 5  48 100 
ASP2 Antisocial Behavior 2  61 100 
TPA1 Impatience 0  34 100 
TPA2 Competitive Drive 2  46 100 
LSE1 Self-Doubt 0  39 100 
LSE2 Submissiveness 2  51 100 
SOD1 Introversion 1  40 100 
SOD2 Shyness 0  35 100 
FAM1 Family Discord 1  38 100 
FAM2 Familial Alienation 0  41 100 
TRT1 Low Motivation 0  41 100 
TRT2 Inability to Disclose 1  46 100 
Scale Scale Description Question Answer Question Text 
LW5 Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items - Deviant Thinking and Experiences 427 True I have never seen a vision. 
LW7 Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items - Antisocial Attitude 35 True Sometimes when I was young I stole things. 
LW7 Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items - Antisocial Attitude 266 False I have never been in trouble with the law. 
LW10 Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items - Sexual Concern and Deviation 62 True I have often wished I were a girl. (or if you are a girl) I have never been sorry that I am a girl. 
LW10 Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items - Sexual Concern and Deviation 121 False I have never indulged in unusual sex practices. 
LW11 Lachar-Wrobel Critical Items - Somatic Symptoms 57 True I hardly ever feel pain in the back of my neck. 
Profile Elevation: 43.3
Answer Summary

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Glavlit
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #337 - Dec 4th, 2010 at 7:56pm
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Not speaking from personal experience, but I am curious about psychology without suffering any mental illness. This sort of test, because it is generally heralded as the best personality test, got me very interested. And the fact that the general public does not have very easy acess (lest the test be compromised) piqued my interest.

The thing that makes the test so hard to manipulate is that all the questions are standardized not only in the general population, but with populations known to have the given disorders for which the scales will detect. Furthermore, the questions have multiple overlapping validity scales that will show if you're faking, and even how you're trying to fake it.

You basically need two main things, and two side things to be able to know what is going on with the MMPI:

1. A set of all the questions. You can try googling around, and get lucky, but Pearson assessment searches routinely and asks posts to be taken down due to "copyright infringement" as release of the scales could invalidate their test. If you fail the search and are low on time, get one of the early editions of Development and Use of the Mmpi-2 Content Scales by James Butcher. Pearson asked this book to be reissued without the questions for obvious reasons, but if you can find an early edition, the list is in an appendix at the end. Note that the book is otherwise useless and not worth reading, you are just buying the early edition to have the questions.

2. A book explaining how to score it and which scales each questions tips off. Without the questions (and the book in question does *NOT* include them), the book is not useful. I found "MMPI-2: An Interpretive Manual" is EXTREMELY expensive but by far the most useful to explain you ever last question, every last test scale so you know the test as well as its creators. It is EXHAUSTIVE in its descriptions. You need lots of time to go question by question, scale by scale but depending on how much you know about psychology/mental health, it may only take a few weeks to know the test and how it works (for educational purposes, of course).

Good luck and have fun!

Everybody suffers from mental impairment/“illness” of one sort or another; the only question is to what degree and to what extent it affects ones daily life.

Here are a few more tidbits:

If you had only read the previous page (and only the previous page), you would have seen multiple references to the fully functioning MMPI-2 script which contains all the items and has an automatic detailed scoring scheme; all of which can be accessed in less than a few seconds: a total of one mouse click.

If you want to learn more about interpreting the results, then you will have to go to a college or local library and get one of these types of books:
MMPI-2: Assessing Personality and Psychopathology by John R. Graham
MMPI-2: A Practitioner's Guide by James Neal Butcher
Development and Use of the Mmpi-2 Content Scales (MMPI-2 Monograph Series) by James N. Butcher and John R. Graham
The MMPI-2/MMPI-2-RF: An Interpretive Manual
...or similar...there are many more and always new ones coming out too.  

The MMPI-2 is used predominantly, and not so much the newer and relatively unproven MMPI-2-RF, in terms of federal security/intelligence agency testing.  But don’t forget, most likely there will still be an interview with a psychologist as well, so the 'real you' will still be 'probed' during the one-on-one session with the professional.

The last thing I should mention is that the Russian script with the questions is not perfect.  It is meant as an educational tool for those who are curious, and also as a starting point for those who wish to explore the test items.  That script does have a few built-in scoring errors (whether intentional or not), a few miss-keyed critical items, and it also does not have all of the possible score sub-categories.  But nonetheless, it is an excellent starting point, and a great learning tool!

Ignorance is foolish.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box antipoly4life

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #338 - Dec 4th, 2010 at 9:55pm
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Glavlit wrote on Dec 4th, 2010 at 7:56pm:

The MMPI-2 is used predominantly, and not so much the newer and relatively unproven MMPI-2-RF, in terms of federal security/intelligence agency testing.  But don’t forget, most likely there will still be an interview with a psychologist as well, so the 'real you' will still be 'probed' during the one-on-one session with the professional.

Exactly.  The CIA uses this apparently, see these posts from a CIA applicant here and here.  And the NSA also must use this.  See this NSA applicant's story Interviewing With An Intelligence Agency, where his psychological exam is on pages 7-12, it looks like he took some version of the MMPI also.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box guest

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #339 - Dec 4th, 2010 at 10:51pm
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Glavlit wrote on Dec 4th, 2010 at 7:56pm:

If you had only read the previous page (and only the previous page), you would have seen multiple references to the fully functioning MMPI-2 script which contains all the items and has an automatic detailed scoring scheme; all of which can be accessed in less than a few seconds: a total of one mouse click.

While I did not read the last page (now I did, thanks), I was aware of that applet. You can copy/paste the questions so you have them. But even having the scales from the applet w/ all your results won't be a huge help.

The other concern is that sooner or later the applet will be banned....

The second book I recommended I found to be extremely helpful as it also gives multiple real examples of various scales, combinations etc. It also offers criticisms and examples of when test results where the validity scales are all "OK" still don't reflect the situation, and suggestions for how to view tertiary scales etc. 

That's if you really want to get into it though, it is highly involved reading.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Glavlit
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #340 - Dec 5th, 2010 at 10:55pm
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Glavlit wrote on Dec 4th, 2010 at 7:56pm:

If you had only read the previous page (and only the previous page), you would have seen multiple references to the fully functioning MMPI-2 script which contains all the items and has an automatic detailed scoring scheme; all of which can be accessed in less than a few seconds: a total of one mouse click.

While I did not read the last page (now I did, thanks), I was aware of that applet. You can copy/paste the questions so you have them. But even having the scales from the applet w/ all your results won't be a huge help.

The other concern is that sooner or later the applet will be banned....

The second book I recommended I found to be extremely helpful as it also gives multiple real examples of various scales, combinations etc. It also offers criticisms and examples of when test results where the validity scales are all "OK" still don't reflect the situation, and suggestions for how to view tertiary scales etc. 

That's if you really want to get into it though, it is highly involved reading.

Getting a copy of the questions is the easy part, getting a copy of the scoring software is basically impossible.  That is why the Russian script is so nice, because someone already did most of the tedious work of scoring it.  Anyone can save it and edit it very easily now.

There is at least one older free trial software that will give out a basic automatic interpretive report when the general T-scores are inputted.  Other than that one, getting a copy of the new and comprehensive Pearson software is basically impossible for non-authorized users.

There were other scripts on US servers that were quickly removed or closed down.  But this script is not only a gem, but also Russian.  Because it’s Russian, it’s not really going anywhere anytime soon.  It might be gone eventually, but in this case, not because someone banned it.

But yes, I know what you meant, and my post was in general, and not directed specifically towards you.  Indeed, it is an imperfect instrument that tries to simplify very complex situations.  

So it is all quite complicated indeed!

Here is one book you probably did not read, so take a look at it (it is rather interesting and has a whole chapter devoted to the MMPI story):
The Cult of Personality: How Personality Tests Are Leading Us to Miseducate Our Children, Mismanage Our Companies, and Misunderstand Ourselves
by Annie Murphy Paul

Ignorance is foolish.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Nick 576

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #341 - Dec 7th, 2010 at 3:16am
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Could you send me the rest of the questions too, please?

Do some of these questions seem REALLY odd to people? I hope they can rule out severely depressed and disturbed people that see things that don't exist etc. by other means than this test...
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box does it matter

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #342 - Dec 12th, 2010 at 7:48pm
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I believe the results on those tests are also based on the state of mind one is in while taking the test. Environmental chaos or illness or even over worked changes the state of mind you are in... Maybe that is why some pass it one time and are ruled out another time.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box John B.

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #343 - Dec 15th, 2010 at 2:06pm
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Please send me the rest of the test 

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Hope Kelly

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #344 - Jan 3rd, 2011 at 8:14pm
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I too am extremely interested in the questions on the MMPI.  If you could email them to me, I would much, much appreciate it.   
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