Quote:Glavlit wrote on Dec 4
th, 2010 at 7:56pm:
If you had only read the previous page (and only the previous page), you would have seen multiple references to the fully functioning MMPI-2 script which contains all the items and has an automatic detailed scoring scheme; all of which can be accessed in less than a few seconds: a total of one mouse click.
While I did not read the last page (now I did, thanks), I was aware of that applet. You can copy/paste the questions so you have them. But even having the scales from the applet w/ all your results won't be a huge help.
The other concern is that sooner or later the applet will be banned....
The second book I recommended I found to be extremely helpful as it also gives multiple real examples of various scales, combinations etc. It also offers criticisms and examples of when test results where the validity scales are all "OK" still don't reflect the situation, and suggestions for how to view tertiary scales etc.
That's if you really want to get into it though, it is highly involved reading.
Getting a copy of the questions is the easy part, getting a copy of the scoring software is basically impossible. That is why the Russian script is so nice, because someone already did most of the tedious work of scoring it. Anyone can save it and edit it very easily now.
There is at least one older free trial software that will give out a basic automatic interpretive report when the general T-scores are inputted. Other than that one, getting a copy of the new and comprehensive Pearson software is basically impossible for non-authorized users.
There were other scripts on US servers that were quickly removed or closed down. But this script is not only a gem, but also Russian. Because it’s Russian, it’s not really going anywhere anytime soon. It might be gone eventually, but in this case, not because someone banned it.
But yes, I know what you meant, and my post was in general, and not directed specifically towards you. Indeed, it is an imperfect instrument that tries to simplify very complex situations.
So it is all quite complicated indeed!
Here is one book you probably did not read, so take a look at it (it is rather interesting and has a whole chapter devoted to the MMPI story):
The Cult of Personality: How Personality Tests Are Leading Us to Miseducate Our Children, Mismanage Our Companies, and Misunderstand Ourselves by Annie Murphy Paul