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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam (Read 1095513 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box psych1
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #315 - Dec 31st, 2009 at 6:37pm
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The literature demostrates high senistivity and specifIcity of the mmpis validity scales (l, f, k, f, s f(p), FBS, RBS) for detecting malingering or false responding in both clinical and forenisc samples. 

All doctoral programs in clinical psychology require courses and practica with the MMPI. I have never met a licensesd psychologists who conducted assessments that was not well trained in the instrument.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Educo
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #316 - Jan 1st, 2010 at 12:45pm
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psych1 wrote on Dec 31st, 2009 at 6:37pm:
The literature demostrates high senistivity and specifIcity of the mmpis validity scales (l, f, k, f, s f(p), FBS, RBS) for detecting malingering or false responding in both clinical and forenisc samples. 

All doctoral programs in clinical psychology require courses and practica with the MMPI. I have never met a licensesd psychologists who conducted assessments that was not well trained in the instrument.

It's an unfortunate reality, but as with so many in your profession, when confronted with what amounts to public outrage, you clam up and baton down the hatches at the first sign of controversy. 

That counsellor, is a wholly inadequate response to the comments in my last post but as we both know your silence speaks volumes. 

I have never met a licensesd psychologists who conducted assessments that was not well trained in the instrument.

You've not met them all have you? Well neither have I but if we are to follow your thinking this automatically suggests that all of them are competent does it not? 

That's another sweeping generalisation and utter nonsense as you and I both know. I know of several so-called experts who have been admonished by the Courts - including their peers - for submitting sub-standard reports. Tests that failed the most basic "test-retest-validity" requirements.

But let's not turn this into a post-mortem of ineptitude. What's at stake here are people's lives. Your revealing statements in response to my first post only add weight to the argument that the MMPI should be banned without and yet I am astonished that you continue to defend it. 

Psych1, please, for the sake of all who are reading this, kindly, take a position here. There is very little importance to be attached to the construct validity of  l, f, k, f, s f(p), FBS, and RBS and I am not going to repeat myself.

This test is fallible and therefore the validity of its test results are without question wholly unreliable.

Please do not continue to defend the indefensible. Too many lives have been destroyed by members of your profession under the guise of "expert" opinion.
« Last Edit: Jan 1st, 2010 at 1:14pm by Educo »  
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box psych1
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #317 - Jan 1st, 2010 at 3:24pm
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My purpose on this forum is to minimize the amount of false/misleading information disseminated to the public via clarifications and correction of false facts and info. I am in no way obligated to respond to every question, query, or point that is raised. I am not here to "convert" anyone or to argue endlessly about the validity of the mmpi with people who like to play amateur psychologist. If one chooses to ignore the scientific literature on the matter for fear of grand conspiracies and malfeasence, well, then thats your decision and a whole other issue unto itself. Morerover, I find it difficult to respond or take many of your arguments or points seriously because you provide no citations for opinions. For example, the construct validity of the validity scales have long been established in the literature, so am unclear on whether this statement is simply your personal opinion (in which case it is contradicted in hundred of peer-reviewed studies), or a pulled from some scientifically validated work. I assume it the former, since you seem to have some sort of distrust of the academic community. Since I put more stock in the findings of peer reviewed scientific literature than on any one persons opinion (especially when they are not educated and trained in clinical psychology), we will likely never agree on much. I'd suggest you make your peace with it. 

By the way, we are not in a courtroom here and I am not an attourney, so why do you keep calling me counselor? Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: Jan 1st, 2010 at 3:48pm by psych1 »  
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box BBernie

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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #318 - Jan 1st, 2010 at 6:36pm
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psych1 wrote on Jan 1st, 2010 at 3:24pm:
My purpose on this forum is to minimize the amount of false/misleading information disseminated to the public via clarifications and correction of false facts and info. I am in no way obligated to respond to every question, query, or point that is raised. I am not here to "convert" anyone or to argue endlessly about the validity of the mmpi with people who like to play amateur psychologist. If one chooses to ignore the scientific literature on the matter for fear of grand conspiracies and malfeasence, well, then thats your decision and a whole other issue unto itself. Morerover, I find it difficult to respond or take many of your arguments or points seriously because you provide no citations for opinions. For example, the construct validity of the validity scales have long been established in the literature, so am unclear on whether this statement is simply your personal opinion (in which case it is contradicted in hundred of peer-reviewed studies), or a pulled from some scientifically validated work. I assume it the former, since you seem to have some sort of distrust of the academic community. Since I put more stock in the findings of peer reviewed scientific literature than on any one persons opinion (especially when they are not educated and trained in clinical psychology), we will likely never agree on much. I'd suggest you make your peace with it. 

By the way, we are not in a courtroom here and I am not an attourney, so why do you keep calling me counselor? Roll Eyes

I agree with this.  I think sometimes we take outselves too seriously, especially on these type of forums.  I include mysef as well.               Cool
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box psychsFear4jobs
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #319 - Feb 3rd, 2010 at 4:54pm
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Twoblock wrote on Sep 6th, 2008 at 2:08am:
MMPI doesn't destinguish between gay or straight, doesn't destinguish between this and that, doesn't tell you this or that. All posted on this thread. What the hell good is it? It's described with $100 words but with nickel meanings. It's not a pass or fail but a instrument, just like the polyhraph, where the operator holds a person's livelyhood in his unqualified opinion. Put all psychocologist together and you might have enough intelligence to score 45 on an IQ test. Also, just like the polygraph, MMPI is an instrument by which a lot of people make money. Also, just like the polygraph, it doens't have the usefulness of a Sears catalog or a corn cobb in an outhouse. All four will burn your ass. 

I totally agree.  I was victimized by the MMPI-2  while my marriage was failing.  It later turned out there was fraud involved by the psychological association that administered the test because they were in collusion with a church; and for other reasons that were evident to a judge. The main psychologist has been conducting symposiums as far back as ’96 teaching clergy when to refer business to him!  I found that out by a simple Google search on his name in the city which we live. What isn’t apparent, but became so after a smoking gun letter was taken down from the witness stand, is this psychologist is also allowing unqualified clergy to ‘diagnose’ when referring business to him!  When I got wise to what was going on, all of these people ganged up on me and colluded with my husband to try to drive me crazy.  They did it in an attempt to make the results of their test look believable AND more importantly to cover their butts. The whole escapade was so deviant and outlandish, if I had gone to police and told what they were all doing. while they were doing it, I surely would have been deemed nuts.  Instead the whole fiasco played out on a witness stand.  The judge bought none of it.  My attorney exposed them all for the fools they are.  So what were these psychologists motivation for victimizing me?  Simple… Money!  We had a great PPO that would pay and pay for years for a serious mental diagnosis  Obviously, her husband wanted to get her help.  Interestingly enough they refused to hear about his bullying and his lies. How convenient huh?!  

My raw data from the MMPU-2 was re-entered by another psychologist and no abnormal results could be found.  I was also evaluated  by a psychiatrist and no abnormalities could be shown there either. I was awarded full custody of my children!  The whole mess cost thousands to defend and allowed the person who really needed the help to continue on with his pathological liar antics. I think it should be against the law for these types of test to be administered or used against a person during a divorce.  Additionally, I feel many of these psychologists are in fear for their careers anyway.  I feel they know that neuroscience will eventually necessitate the  MMPI-2, 3, and other test like it, go the way of the dinosaur.  If some psycho psychologist thinks they’re going to collude with another victimizer to destroy someone’s life by taking all they hold most dear, they out to be able to prove a disorder with solid evidence.  Solid evidence would be brain scan technology; not some flimsy archaic 567 true false exam.  The whole thing going on in psychology today for monetary gain, via bilking insurance companies, is so absurd that it would be laughable, if it wasn’t so criminal.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box mad Mikey
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Re: MMPI 2 - Marked-up question books
Reply #320 - Apr 9th, 2010 at 2:44am
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Hi Guys!

Long time no see!

I have a situation where a Psychologist handed me a MMPI-2 question book that had 2 and half pages where all the questions were actually answered in the book and not the form by somebody else!

Then the Doctor only wants me to do 400 questions and not 567, saying that the overlay scoring tools being used did not do the whole test!  I kid you not!!

So I beefed about the book being marked up while I was there and did all the rest of the tests too, no big deal.  But the Doc wanted me to change some of my answers! I said no. (Also I recorded the whole thing just in case it comes in handy!!)

So I finish the assessment and in 3 days I faxed a letter saying I withdraw Consent because of the sloppy testing.  Then I file an official complaint.

I get an answer back saying the Doctor is still not incompetent enough to loose their licence! go figure, so I am appealing.  Jeezz! I wrote a real good complaint with lots of supporting material but it was not enough!!

My question:  Is there any Study out there that determines how far wrong a MMPI-2 has to be botched before it is statistically invalid? 

So naturally I tested myself with an online MMPI-2 and then went to a different doctor to get it done!
This whole process over 18 months!

Gawd! It takes less time to overthow a country then it does to get rid of a quack!

Thanks guys!
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Glavlit
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #321 - Jun 22nd, 2010 at 6:04pm
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I have been following this website for a little while now, and have found it very enlightening. I applaud the courage of the site owner, and I have now decided to chime in as well. This site is the very definition of free speech, so keep up all the tough work, and don’t give in.

The following is meant as a philosophical discussion only, and is not to be taken as advice, nor should it be considered factual information. The information contained in this post is for academic curiosity only, is meant for educational purposes, and should only be used for research and analysis objectives only.

Asking “Why” and knowing “why” is the only real source of power. If you do not understand things, then you are truly powerless and easily manipulated.

I know because I must know. That is my purpose.

Q & A Session with Glavlit about MMPI:

Q: Glavlit, why are you discussing items that are supposedly “confidential”.  Isn’t this illegal, unethical, and breaking professionalism and secrecy laws in some way?

A: The information is not classified and has been public in many different forms for a great many years now.  What is really unethical and unprofessional is for a few self-selected individuals to form their own cabal and decide by their own associations that they know better and are in a position to judge others, not on their actions, but on them as a person and emotional being; passing this judgement by virtue of the subject’s ignorance, naiveté and gullibility.  That is the true definition of unprofessionalism and lack of ethics. Sort of like a modern day shaman’s guild.  

For example, if you break the law, the law is usually clear and the police and judge will make it clear as to what you did wrong. Almost anyone can objectively understand and agree on this. In psychology, only the test evaluator really knows what “law” you broke during the test and he/she shall pass judgement on to you, without you ever knowing what was perceived to have happened, and how it really came to be about.  There are no second chances, no transparency and no psych “parole”; if you fail, your application is over and you are forever labelled and condemned...that is until the next revision comes along...oops I guess there really was no such thing as condition X, now we’ll call it condition Y...and add sub-parts Y-2 and Y-4...and so it goes in psychology/psychiatry...

Q: What business do you have on here Glavlit and what is your true agenda?

A: This post is meant to be a stand-alone introductory, definite practical resource guide to the MMPI-2, for security services and intelligence job applicants. Think of it as a game, a game which you do not wish to lose, since the only one who will end up truly losing out is you, the applicant. Such is the case with both the polygraph exam process and the psychological exam process. 

Ask yourself one question: if you cannot effectively deal with this grey area and set of challenges (poly and psych tests) from an information management and self-control perspective, then how will you be able to deal with the real-life job challenges and the real enemies and adversaries that will undoubtedly come along? Why you scored well is beside the point; this is a results oriented field. What truly matters are the end results.

Remember, reality is what you think and make of it…I think therefore I am…remember you only know and see what I am before you now, because I have thought it and became it, everything else is nothing more than an illusion.

Q: So what about this MMPI instrument and its well-established validity?

A: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."

Any testing method that relies primarily on a subject’s ignorance is not and cannot ever be scientifically valid.  As they say: junk in, junk out! Just like polygraphy, psychology is not a hard science; it's much more of an art, or a pseudo-science!

Q: Where can I find the full MMPI and MMPI-2 item (question) lists in less than a minute?

A: For anyone that is curious you can find the older MMPI by searching for the torrent here:

(You will need to download a torrent client for downloading; just go to ; uTorrent is the best client right now.)

This package contains all the older MMPI items in text files, but it is also a fully functioning program that will let you do the test, and then give you a graph at the end with the t-score profile results, also showing the lines for the cut-off in where you would be flagged if you score outside those and then be referred for a follow-up interview.  It really is a nice package with the application included, and it also has a nice little summary explanation both in the readme and with the help function, that explains what each category is, and what they indicate.  A very useful educational tool indeed.

The package is 276 KB so it is very small, but be sure to read the README.TXT first.

Then, you can compare the old test to the MMPI-2, and see how it has changed.  The modern and complete MMPI-2 item list can be found at:

This is a fully functioning MMPI-2 applet that contains all of the items and has a very detailed report.  The report is the real McCoy; it includes all the modern/current scales and categories with broken down scores, as well as the statistical corrections; and even more importantly, the critical items are highlighted and referenced to their respective scales, and the answers are also shown.

The nice thing about this applet is that you can easily change any of the answers and rescore it.  The rescored profile will be shown right after the previously scored profile, thus you can tinker and experiment with the item response patterns, to see what happens. This really is as close to the real profile as you can get without a psychologist in the room. The only thing missing are the profile code interpretations, but those are mostly subjective anyway, and so would be worthless.

Q: But please, the questions are so strange and I just don’t know if I really love flowers or not, or what that is supposed to measure in the first place? This is all much too confusing for me and it is giving me a headache!

A: Well the questions are grouped in smaller units, according to different psychological issues or scales.  

Lucky for you there is a pdf for that! If you go and take a look at this... will find that starting at page 88, and scrolling down, in the Appendices, all the various scales and categories are shown seperately, clearly listing the item numbers with the phrases themselves; all also showing exactly what the expected responses are, including the always tricky negative responses. It’s certainly worth a look to see just how the various factors are constructed in terms of item response patterns. A very interesting and practical read indeed!

Q: But what about The Rorscach test?

A: On a related note, you can see all of The Rorscach test slides that are used here:

“Nobody agrees how to score Rorschach responses objectively. There is nothing to show what any particular response means to the person who gives it. And, there is nothing to show what it means if a number of people give the same response. The ink blots are scientifically useless.” (Bartol, 1983).

Q: But what about a real philosophical discussion on all these psychological assessment/testing issues, including lie detection?

A: Well, you can read a very enlightening and interesting essay on here:

It is well worth the read, I promise, and it’s not that long either!

Schast'ya i zdorov'ya!

Udachi i khoroshego nastroeniya!


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Glavlit
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #322 - Jun 24th, 2010 at 6:12pm
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Just a quick, but very important update to this mmpi2 thread. There is a document out there that is invaluable. It lists all of the MMPI-2 questions in order, and also lists under each question all the scales that they are used for. This outline easily allows for anyone to see exactly what scales are represented, by each question, and how the answers are scored, either way.

The document can be found here:

Full-screen link is here:

The MMPI discussion starts on page 126 of the document (or page 140 on the web viewer). 

The full-item list, showing all the question items in order, with the respective answer possibilities, and all of the relevant scale associations, starts on page 196 of the document (which is page 210 on the web viewer). While the content/clinical scale item information is published in various textbooks, the real gem here is that all the associated scales and response possibilities are listed clearly, for each and every question. The other interesting tidbit here is that the L-Scale items are also clearly marked and listed in full, which would never be the case in regular textbooks; since newer textbooks only list the clinical/content scales, and even then only by item numbers.    

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Glavlit
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #323 - Jun 27th, 2010 at 6:57pm
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An interesting, rather short article (well-written and cogent), that gives a quick snapshot of the MMPI2, with a special emphasis on the validity scales and response distortion issues, can be found here:


Here is the Abstract (Summary):

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2, MMPI-2 is one of the best validated multi-scale measures for random responding, malingered psychopathology and defensiveness. The present paper presents in detail different possibilities, strategies and scales provided by the MMPI-2 for the detection of overreporting response style (F, Fb and F(p) scales, positive F-K index, and FBS and DsR scales), underreporting response style (L and K scales, negative F-K index, and S and Wsd scales), and random response style (cannot-say or “?”, F, Fb, VRIN and TRIN scales).

For a somewhat more philosophical and detailed discussion of validity issues, also see the following brief articles:

What is the K scale really about?

Assorted topics: brief comments and opinions
Topics: RC, Ho, AAS and APS, GM and GF, S, F(p), and non-gendered norms

Poka vsyo.
« Last Edit: Jun 27th, 2010 at 7:24pm by Glavlit »  

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Glavlit
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #324 - Jun 30th, 2010 at 6:19pm
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For further detailed invaluable information on the MMPI2 also see:

MMPI-2 Information

Bob's MMPI-2 Blog
News and Information on the MMPI-2

MMPI-2 Faking to Look Good

New Malingering Scales for the MMPI-2 (Better to look at external data)

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box mad Mikey
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #325 - Jul 21st, 2010 at 8:41am
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Hello Glavit!!

Interesting info you posted! Thanks!

In my previous posting I asked the question, how robust is MMPI-2 when a Doctor hands out an MMPI-2 Question Book where 2 full pages have had all the questions marked !! Then Expects me to 'ignore' it while I try to complete the test without undue influence!!!

Your thoughts or anyone else would be great!


Mad Mikey!
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box jami.kukacka
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #326 - Aug 23rd, 2010 at 5:16am
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palerider wrote on May 23rd, 2007 at 2:28pm:
Hilarious! Grin "Cheating" on an MMPI is rich. Haven't any of you heard of the "lie scale" on the MMPI? It's highly unlikely to consistantly pose as a different person throughout the entire test. Last I checked, they don't let you take the test home----and more importantly, they don't much care for an elevated lie scale on a test which asks questions like fear of water and love of your mama. This thread reminds me of why applicants for law enforcement need to be thoroughly interrogated and thoroughly researched. Cheating on a personality test??????    wow.

Well, I was just goofing around on google, and I stumbled upon this and up until this post I was wondering what was wrong with you people. 
I am curious how you would "prepare" for a personality test. In a situation where you would memorize the mmpi just to prepare seems pretty neurotic. As straight forward as it is, yes those agencies use that test to weed out the applicants deemed not to fit what the job entails. You can want a profession but it may not be right for you. You cannot anticipate how you would react to aspects of your profession, because in the case of being a police officer, you wouldn;t know how you would react to the stress of the job so the mmpi is used as a screening tool to prevent putting a being in a situation where you would be unable to handle what you would theoretically doing for the rest of your life. Jobs in high stress or using delicate information require the applicants to be reliable. There is no cheating on the MMPI. You can't possibly prepare for it unless you knew what the screeners were going to do with the information interpreted. You also wouldn't know what would be good or not. Ex, you would think that people that want to be in law enforcement would have to have a strong sense of whats right. That may not be the case, they may want a personality that is non biased. The ability to perform as a judge isnt about doing whats right, like putting a murderer in jail just because YOU think they murdered someone, its about justice and the evidence is supposed to prove that the person is a murderer, not your gut instinct. So by trying to prepare youself by answering the way  you think they want you to answer and them not accepting it, vs. being yourself and admitting to things you think about and feel like a normal human and getting accepted. vice versa.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Disgusted
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #327 - Aug 25th, 2010 at 4:38pm
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can you send me the questions to the MMPI-2 test please? Smiley
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box mad Mikey
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #328 - Sep 2nd, 2010 at 12:00am
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Hello Disgusted !

Unless you know exactly how the test works, you will shoot yourself in the foot trying manipulate the MMPI-2 Test.  It is designed to detect 'fake good' attempts, even a little bit and your're dead!!  There's a few counterintuitive questions, like 'do you swear ?' 'do you get mad?', etc......there's about 6 or so questions like that.

You need to answer 'yes' to these or you will blow the L Scale as a fibber. No one is supposed to be perfect, if you try to be the results will be invalid and the test trashed. If you want to be a cop or get custody of kids, you'll screw yourself, etc......

I've spent the last year or so to get the licence of a bad shrink revoked, lots of work, lots of books, lots of case law, I've got a technical background, so this is not to hard for me to work out, but it would be too much for a regular joe.

Just try an online test and be honest and see what happens! If you are trying to hide a real problem, you won't make it, sorry dude !

Good luck !

Mad Mikey
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #329 - Sep 7th, 2010 at 4:21am
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If one was high on drugs,or drunk, would the test be valid? I assume they sometimes test prison populations, but many of those inmates might be coked up or wired on crystal meth.

If one were to honestly fake good,would taking a sedative or some such "happy pill" do the trick?
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