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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) New and Nervous (Read 44181 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box cop

Re: New and Nervous
Reply #15 - Aug 8th, 2004 at 11:06pm
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George W. Maschke, the one who runs this site and teaches child molesters how to beat the test is so consumed with bitterness that he will do anything he can to strike back at the polygraph industry - and he doesn't care how many perverts he helps or how many good citizens are hurt by his actions.  And to think he once tried to be an FBI agent.  I think he has proved he was not worthy of that position.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box NeutralObserver

Re: New and Nervous
Reply #16 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 12:09am
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George W. Maschke, the one who runs this site and teaches child molesters how to beat the test is so consumed with bitterness that he will do anything he can to strike back at the polygraph industry - and he doesn't care how many perverts he helps or how many good citizens are hurt by his actions.  And to think he once tried to be an FBI agent.  I think he has proved he was not worthy of that position.

There is one bright spot in all this.  From what I have been able to determine, George's advice on countermeasures is so poor that most of the perverts and liars who try to use it are caught anyway.  So perhaps George is doing some good after all - the people who follow his advice fail their tests just like he did.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anonymous

Re: New and Nervous
Reply #17 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 3:03am
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A few additions to the discussion (and this is a different person posting as 'Anonymous') - 

Polygraph screening is flawed - the pissed off examiners posting on this thread should at the very least start by admitting that.  Many of your colleagues already have...

For all reading this thread - be mindful of what is taking place here.  The insults and accusations being flung about here are the desperate attempts by POLYGRAPH EXAMINERS to dissuade the good-intentioned reader from believing anything on this site.  Make no mistake - teaching criminals, liars, etc. to "beat" or "cheat" a polygraph is WRONG.  However, continue to remind yourselves of the true purpose of this site.  Is it to teach the previously mentioned to successfully pass a polygraph examination?  No.  The purpose of this site is to expose a FRAUDULENT practice and show it for what it truly is.  If it is so easy to teach deceptive examinees to pass a polygraph examination, WHY IS IT STILL BEING USED?  Think about it.

Based on George's many postings on this site, I have found that his advice many times does not involve attempting countermeasures at all.  George's first attempt at advice is typically to avoid polygraph "tests" at all costs - advice I wholeheartedly agree with.  Only in the case of required polygraphs (e.g. pre-employment screening) does George recommend utilizing countermeasures as a pro-active protective step - again if this is such a big deal why do polygraph examiners still have jobs?

Don't be fooled by the attempts being made here to throw people from the anti-polygraph path.  Polygraph screening is wrong and it is a scam.  The FBI is currently reporting somewhere between a 50 and 60 percent FAILURE rate for their pre-employment screening exam.  Does anyone really believe that 50 to 60 percent of people who have been deemed ACCEPTABLE HIRES and offered conditional appointments are actually lying?  50 to 60 percent?  Not a chance - anyone who tries to argue that is simply a fool.  This country is definitely moving swiftly downhill but it's not that bad yet.  There are still a lot of good people who truly want to work for an agency like the FBI that are UNFARILY being dismissed from the hiring process for reasons that are not at all proven or backed up.  What a slap in the face.

Just think of it this way - wouldn't you get pissed off and hurl insults if someone was exposing you as a fraud?  I would...  everyone likes to be employed...
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box cop

Re: New and Nervous
Reply #18 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 3:59am
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And is that why you are pissed off?  Because George and sycophants like you are being unmasked and liars and bitter losers.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box I-SMELL-BS

Re: New and Nervous
Reply #19 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 4:32am
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And is that why you are pissed off?  Because George and sycophants like you are being unmasked as liars and bitter losers.

And for your benefit "KNOWN CHILD RAPIST", sycophant means  ass kisser.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box kcr
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Re: New and Nervous
Reply #20 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 6:26am
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There go "cop" and "I-SMELL-BS" with the name-calling. I assume the both of you are grown adults, but that is what is so ironic.

Read my other posts in this thread. It doesn't matter why a person needs to take a polygraph. The test is a fraud. For all you know, I might NOT be a sex offender. I could be saying I am a sex offender because I have a friend who is, or I could be a polygraph examiner myself, or just a bored middle-aged man browsing around on the internet. It DOESN'T really matter. My identity, intentions, or past are irrelevant. What does matter is that this "very accurate test" often yields false-positives and false-negatives and that people need to be informed about this. True, people can use the advice on this site for whatever reason they desire, good or bad, but that is also irrelevant. It simply stands that the polygraph is a fraud.

Every post made by "cop" and "I-SMELL-BS" are rude and disrespectful. Everyone has a right to an opinion, but when this right is used to hurl insults at people, it becomes juvenile. Be aware that the both of you and other similar posters are part of a very small minority on these boards. Find another cause.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box sm

mRe: New and Nervous
Reply #21 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 9:29am
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KCR, I would have to disagree with you.  I think the intentions of a person wanting to learn countermeasures is relevant.  This site is dedicated to revealing the validity of a polygraph test, which is ok.  It is a right of freedom of speach, however there has to be a line drawn as to the cost of providing such information.  I am going out on a limb here, but do we arm every person with a loaded gun to prove that it's the person and not the gun that commits the crime?  Personally I think the point has been made about poly's, they don't work like they should.   
I am more concerned when you have criminals especially ones who have assaulted others coming to this site in order to beat the system.  Where's the integrity, and how do can you sleep at night with the thought that a person you are teaching to cheat the system commits another violent offense.  I am open to reforming those who are honestly trying to straighten their lives out and turn it around, however any person who uses this site to avoid being caught for violating the law is pure SCUM.   I think the "post-conviction polygraph program" discussion board should be deleted.  This is as bad as selling criminals armor piercing bullets.  I strongly believe in our freedom of speach, however I do believe in values.  Supplying information relating to sexual offenders polygraph testing is pretty low.  It's ironic how convicted criminals come to this site to get information on how to cheat, while claiming they have turned their lives around.  Some people never learn, however I'm disapointed that there are people out there willing to help them......
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box dimas
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Re: New and Nervous
Reply #22 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 10:45am
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While you do indeed make a very good point and I for the most part agree with you, especially about not assisting criminals, but I have one pertinent issue I believe I must point out.  The biggest problem with the poly is not that the criminal is learning to beat it, it is that the LE agencies give so much credit to it that it allows the criminal to beat it by them  not following up on an issue the old fashion way and hitting the street and doing some investigative work.   

I have always said that the poly is a great tool at getting people to confess.  However, it is not a tool that can be relied on to convict or dismiss anything.   


"But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet; tread softly, because you tread on my dreams."&&
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: New and Nervous
Reply #23 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 11:37am
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KCR, I would have to disagree with you.  I think the intentions of a person wanting to learn countermeasures is relevant.  This site is dedicated to revealing the validity of a polygraph test, which is ok.  It is a right of freedom of speach, however there has to be a line drawn as to the cost of providing such information.  I am going out on a limb here, but do we arm every person with a loaded gun to prove that it's the person and not the gun that commits the crime?  Personally I think the point has been made about poly's, they don't work like they should.   
I am more concerned when you have criminals especially ones who have assaulted others coming to this site in order to beat the system.  Where's the integrity, and how do can you sleep at night with the thought that a person you are teaching to cheat the system commits another violent offense.  I am open to reforming those who are honestly trying to straighten their lives out and turn it around, however any person who uses this site to avoid being caught for violating the law is pure SCUM.   I think the "post-conviction polygraph program" discussion board should be deleted.  This is as bad as selling criminals armor piercing bullets.  I strongly believe in our freedom of speach, however I do believe in values.  Supplying information relating to sexual offenders polygraph testing is pretty low.  It's ironic how convicted criminals come to this site to get information on how to cheat, while claiming they have turned their lives around.  Some people never learn, however I'm disapointed that there are people out there willing to help them......

SM,'s objective in making information about polygraph countermeasures freely available to the public is not to help criminals beat the system, but rather to provide the truthful with a means of protecting themselves against the random error associated with an invalid "test." However, there is no way of making this information to those who legitimately need it without also making it available to everyone. For further discussion, see "A Response to Paul M. Menges Regarding the Ethical Considerations of Providing Countermeasures to the Public."

You suggest that the Post Conviction Polygraph Programs discussion forum should be deleted. That's not going to happen. We created this forum in response to numerous communications received from self-described false positive victims in such polygraph screening programs. We believe that it's important that such persons should have a forum in which they may discuss their experiences, ask questions, and exchange information. For those who disapprove, you may consider this forum as a window into an area of public policy that would otherwise be closed to you. Bear in mind that even if this forum were deleted (indeed, even if were taken off the Internet), information about polygraph countermeasures would remain readily available to anyone seeking it.

George W. Maschke
I am generally available in the chat room from 3 AM to 3 PM Eastern time.
Tel/SMS: 1-202-810-2105 (Please use Signal Private Messenger or WhatsApp to text or call.)
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Personal Statement: "Too Hot of a Potato"
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box I-SMELL-BS

Re: New and Nervous
Reply #24 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 6:44pm
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Now you know why I am always smelling BULLSHIT.  George just keeps piling it on.  This site exists for one reason and one reason only.  To give George an opportunity to vent his anger and to give him other losers like him a chance to blame the polygraph for the loss of their DREAM JOBS, FREEDOM, WHATEVER....   They want to blame someone other than the one person responsible for their problems - themselves.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box sm

Re: New and Nervous
Reply #25 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 7:44pm
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I somewhat understand the point you are trying to make.  You are trying to discredit the poly.  That is your right as American.  However aren't you a bit concerned on who is using this information.  In no way are you intentinally helping criminals beat the system, but the reality is these are some of the people that are coming to this site to obtain information.  Is there any way to screen people who want information?  It is alarming to see a whole long list of sex offenders asking how to beat the poly.  Its down right scary and insulting to the families who have endured the pain of dealing with the victim of a sexual crime.  I am a very conscientious person.  I think values and morals are very important in reestablishing a decent society.  There is so much crap going on because people have forgotten compassion for one another.  I have children, George, and I want them to grow up in a decent society and that society will include criminals, including reformed sex offenders.  I have no problems that.  I do find it a bit alarming some of the sex offenders are looking for information on how to beat the rap, because they still are the same person.  Those that do, are scum.   I think its up to us not to help those type of people and that includes unitentionall help.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box sm

Re: New and Nervous
Reply #26 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 8:00pm
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I agree with you on the point about law enforcement weighing so heavily on polygraph results.  It is kinda un-American to accuse someone stemming from a test that is flawed.  I personally heard of department that don't use the poly because of its inaccuricy.  Personally I feel the point of the validity has been made.  If a polygraph test is so reliable why would they not be mandatory when hiring in the law enforcemen field?  It is a bit shocking to disqualify people from careers they may have been pursuing their whole life due to an inaccurate type of test such as a poly.  I do feel there needs to sometype of lie detection testing that is 100% accurate.  This is due to the fact that some people will lie about their past on job applications.  Those people need to be weeded out.  People who are not honest about their past most likely are not OK/comfortable with themselves.  I don't think those are qualities we want in our law enforcement.  However we must be carefull when letting the "cat out of the bag" on who is using this information..
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: New and Nervous
Reply #27 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 8:04pm
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I think that which is truly scary and insulting is that public officials who should know better are relying on such a thoroughly discredited pseudoscience as polygraphy for purposes of supervising persons on probation and parole. Those responsible for setting terms of probation and parole need to be aware that 1) polygraph "testing" has no scientific basis and 2) the polygraph is easily passed through the use of simple countermeasures that polygraphers cannot detect.

The polygraph countermeasure information available on can only help wrongdoers to the extent that public officials wrongly rely on polygraphy.

George W. Maschke
I am generally available in the chat room from 3 AM to 3 PM Eastern time.
Tel/SMS: 1-202-810-2105 (Please use Signal Private Messenger or WhatsApp to text or call.)
Wire: @ap_org
Threema: A4PYDD5S
Personal Statement: "Too Hot of a Potato"
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anonymous

Re: New and Nervous
Reply #28 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 8:46pm
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Like others I agree with your feelings on teaching/providing information to criminals that might allow them to pass a polygraph "test."  Certainly not something anyone wants given the already mentioned value the polygraph holds in the eyes of some agencies.

However, keep in mind that this site is not the only way to find that information.  Do you think the process in general, scoring, countermeasures, etc. is all top secret information?  This site makes it readily available, yes.  But that doesn't mean it's not all available elsewhere.  Put the blame where it truly needs to go - on the polygraph community for upholding this myth that polygraph screening is valid and necessary.  Don't blame the site for exposing a fraud.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box sm

Re: New and Nervous
Reply #29 - Aug 9th, 2004 at 8:56pm
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Do you really need the help of people who admit they are sex offenders to disprove the validity of the poly???
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