harleyriderxl wrote on Jan 5
th, 2004 at 5:38pm:
I feel guilty and ashamed for allowing him to sell around me because of my strong beliefs against drug use and thus fear a false positive.
You've got a real problem here. Your guilty feelings on relevant drug questions could very well lead to a deceptive chart and DQ if you don't use any kind of countermeasure on the control questions.
harleyriderxl wrote on Jan 5
th, 2004 at 5:38pm:
I also feel that lying/countermeasures on a poly is wrong even on the control questions which leads me to another possible failure.
Ok, I'll agree with you that lying on a polygraph is wrong, but what does that have to do with countermeasures? The examiner WANTS YOU TO LIE on the control questions, so that he can compare those reactions to your reactions on the relevant questions. What is wrong with using a little extra physiological reaction on the control questions to make sure that your reaction is strong enough to differentiate between the two? If your reaction to the relevant questions are stronger than to the control questions, you WILL be found to be deceptive, and you can kiss your job offer adios.
harleyriderxl wrote on Jan 5
th, 2004 at 5:38pm:
What can I do in order to pass the exam?
Simple. Tell the truth on the relevant questions, and use countermeasures on the controls as per TLBTLD.
harleyriderxl wrote on Jan 5
th, 2004 at 5:38pm:
Working for the FBI has been a lifelong goal of mine that I dont want destroyed due to childhood mistakes that I didnt even participate in.
Did you read what you wrote? How can these things be YOUR childhood mistakes if YOU didn't participate in them?
Harley, you sound like a decent and honest guy. However, you're one of those job applicants that I classify as "too honest." What I mean by this is.....you feel guilt about things you had no control over, and are willing to make admissions/confessions about these things to get them off your chest. Sounds like you are a victim of Catholic school, just like me.
I guess you could take George's advise and withdraw your application, but if it has been a lifelong goal of your to work for the FBI, then it's time for a reality check. You need to decide if you want to pass this stupid test or not. If you do, you need to use countermeasures, pass the test, and get the job. If not, don't use any countermeasures and roll the dice. Good luck.