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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!! (Read 33848 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Skeptic
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Re: To public servant
Reply #15 - Dec 20th, 2002 at 11:31pm
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The polygraph examination has nothing to do with being able to predict behavior.  The examination has everything to do with trying to elicit confessions concerning past behavior.

That, and providing "feel-good" political cover for those tasked with improving security.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anonymous

Re: Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!
Reply #16 - Dec 20th, 2002 at 11:36pm
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Go back and read the last several posts on this subject.  The rationale for the ethics of teaching, using, and lying about the use of countermeasures does not have to do with the pandemic lies of polygraphers (which, by the way, are not of benefit to examinees) but because polygraph screening is INVALID, untrustworthy, and likely to victimize innocent examinees who do not employ countermeasures.  Again, let me repeat, the repugnant lies of polygraph screening are simply that--repugnant and reprehensible, but neither the cause nor the foundation for polygraph countermeasures--polygraph error is.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Skeptic
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Re: To public servant
Reply #17 - Dec 20th, 2002 at 11:45pm
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Dear stopnik,

You bewilderment is justified because there are not any scientific means to predict future behavior.  The NAS study has confirmed that polygraph screening as used in employment examinations by itself has no better ability to predict future spies or security risk than chance guessing (actually even less than chance when you acknowledge that only a small percentage of applicants would be spies to begin with).

Actually, IIRC it's even worse:  NAS concluded that the polygraph adds no incremental value to the hiring process.  IOW, there's no reason to use it, and a lot of reasons not to.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box stopnik
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Reply #18 - Dec 21st, 2002 at 12:18am
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The Breeze:

You do raise some valid points. Truth is in the eye of the beholder. Many people do pass polygraphs – and consider it a relatively uneventful experience. Quite true. But many of those people who pass are also liars, drug users, etc. Because the polygraph is not a reliable tool. So the fact that people do pass means nothing – because the essential method is flawed. Just because you got lucky and had a positive experience – does not mean others faired as well.

"Not one single 9-11 'Hero' ever, ever took a polygraph exam to get their job...what's wrong with this system?"
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box beech trees
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Re: Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!
Reply #19 - Dec 21st, 2002 at 2:42am
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Once again we are treated to a stern and indignant reply regarding the inherent dishonesty built into polygraph formats.... this has been a consistant theme with the loyal few anti-polygraph folks that linger here.

The inherent dishonesty of polygraph interrogators certainly seems to have been raised often recently. Hooray. Apparently *you* weren't indignant when your polygraph interrogator lied to you in prepping you for your exam-- pardon those of us who are.

Lets think about this for a moment: somehow it is justified in the name of self preservation (the abuses one will receive if polygraphed) to give advice to an applicant, that is designed to confuse or obstruct the applicant process.

How is it confusing or obstructing the applicant process to know beforehand that the polygraph as a scientific means of determining truth from falsehood in the screening setting is worthless? Also, why is it acceptable for 'The State' (in this case the polygraph interrogator) to lie to the citizen (in this case the applicant)? Why is it acceptable one way, but not the other? 

It goes without saying that this good advice could be misused by a criminal.

So? This scenario been mentioned numerous times beforehand in previous discussions on this board. Are the makers of lockpicking manuals and tools to blame for burglaries? Are Chrysler and Ford to blame when a master key is used in a vehicle theft? Is the US Army responsible when one of their manuals is used to construct an explosive device? More dear to your heart The Breeze, are the makers of firearms responsible when someone (other than a defenseless deer) is murdered by gun?

This does not matter however, because the individual is all important in our current time and we should eliminate the polygraph because it hurt me.  (Or at least the agency made it seem that way, since they did not want you anyway...)

Wasn't it you who just recently argued that employment should not be witheld based soley upon polygraph results? Didn't you JUST READ ont his board numerous accounts of exactly that happening? You weren't denied your dream job, breeze-- many others here were. So why don't you show some courtesy and respect when those people show a variety of emotions concerning having their dream destroyed by a worthless screening device? By the way, did you ever stop to think that the reason you passed your polygraphs is because you lied during your control questions? How about that, the breeze lied on his polygraph exam!

We will not listen to or accept the fact that many thousands of applicants every year, find thier polygraph experience routine and uneventfull.

Yes, about half of them according to recent news reports-- what you would expect according to the NAS report.

Like the news programs that focus only on the violent and sensational, this site presents a view that is wholly incorrect and self serving.

'Wholey incorrect and self-serving'. Nice. Wrong, but nice. If you would like balance in your polygraph stories, feel free to visit

I might think the US was on the verge of anarchy if all I paid attention to was Dan Rather, likewise I may think that polygraph was a huge plague on American society if I only visited here.

If you visit pro-second amendment websites, all you will read about are infringements on our inalienable right to keep and bear arms, personal accounts of such infringements, news accounts of such infringements, and political work aimed at curtailing such infringments. What do you expect to see at a website titled ''? What would you like to see different here, breeze? You're our token 
osers' contributor. What more do you want?

It always makes me chuckle to have my own sucessful experiences with the polygraph minimized or ridiculed by someone not cut out for LE duty...

Um, hold the phone here. I thought you were one of those sly pro-polygraph types-- you know, the ones who say it's ok to ruin a person's career as long as the polygraph is not the sole determinant of fact?  Since most of the people posting here with negative stories about their polygraph experience were stopped dead in their tracks by the lying polygraph interrogator, with no recourse and no means of appealing his capricious decision, how can we know those people were or were not 'cut out' for law enforcement? So, your nasty little jibe above there seems to be in conflict with what you espoused previously. You weren't engaging in belittling insults just to make yourself feel more important, were you?

My experience in both areas suggest otherwise.

I see. So YOUR personal experiences are deemed valid, while OUR personal experiences are not. Let's see, how many polygraphs have you taken over the course of your career? I can't recall if it was 3 or 4, but let's say 4. Now, how many polygraphs are administered in the US yearly? I have no way of knowing that number, but let's say 200,000. You also mentioned your polygraphs spanned the course of your career (as I recall it's coming to a close in the near future) so let's say 15 years. Remember, we can rework these numbers if you'd care to correct me. 15 times 200,000 equals 3,000,000 polygraphs administered. Let's see, your personal polygraph experiences equals an earth-shattering 


Wow, you're REALLY an expert on the subject.

Have a nice day officer,
« Last Edit: Dec 21st, 2002 at 3:07am by beech trees »  

"It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from its government." ~ Thomas Paine
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box polylawman

Re: Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!
Reply #20 - Dec 21st, 2002 at 5:12am
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Wow. You not only have a lot of time on your hands you seem as bitter as george. What happened did you also smoke to much pot as a kid and aren't good enough for the job you are applying? Stop crying and deal with it.
Polygraph is here to say.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!
Reply #21 - Dec 21st, 2002 at 7:07am
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In your above quip, you seem to imply that I "smoked pot." This is not the case. I have never smoked pot, nor have I ever used any illegal drug.

While all points of view regarding polygraph matters are welcome here, please do not abuse the anonymity this message board offers by libeling individuals.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Skeptic
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Re: Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!
Reply #22 - Dec 21st, 2002 at 7:19am
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Wow. You not only have a lot of time on your hands you seem as bitter as george. What happened did you also smoke to much pot as a kid and aren't good enough for the job you are applying? Stop crying and deal with it.
Polygraph is here to say. 

We're still waiting for you to back up your statements regarding recidivism rates.  Until you do so, I would humbly submit that you have exactly zero credibility here -- it's obvious you care nothing for truth or integrity, and are merely here as a troll.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box beech trees
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Re: Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!
Reply #23 - Dec 21st, 2002 at 7:43am
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Wow. You not only have a lot of time on your hands you seem as bitter as george.

I'm certain I wrote my previous post faster than you were capable of reading it.

What happened did you also smoke to much pot as a kid and aren't good enough for the job you are applying?

Ummmmmmmmmmmm no. I take it that's your version of a Scientific Wild-Ass Guess?

Stop crying and deal with it. Polygraph is here to say. 

Crying: To sob or shed tears because of grief, sorrow, or pain; weep. That's not it... hmmm.... To demand or require immediate action or remedy: grievances crying out for redress. Ah, that's it!

I decline your request. Here's hoping Santa puts a copy of Webster's New Collegiate and Little, Brown's Handbook of English Grammar 'neath "polylawman's" Christmas tree.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box The_Breeze
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Re: Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!
Reply #24 - Dec 23rd, 2002 at 6:52pm
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And we were all thinking that Beech Trees had found productive employment, and his donkey was travelling down another more productive path (faster than anyone can write about it).....but no, he's back- and just in time to spread holiday cheer!
I for one welcome you back, who else can be so condescending, arrogant, superficial or inexperienced?  Others had to pull double duty in your absence to pick up the slack you created.
It would help your calculations to include the dozens upon dozens of polygraphs, screening and criminal, that I have been apart of, but you are no doubt feeling witty just including my own personal polygraphs.  You asked what I should expect here, good question.  Let me sum up:
I expect a few inexperienced people such as yourself, with no practical experience other than thier recent "victimization" to dispense faulty advice to those who visit here that may actually want to learn about polygraph.  I expect hysteria, absurd inferences as to other writers intelligence, and superficial fiegned indignation to further your cause.   
I remember reading somewhere where you described your polygraph experiences as a mere formality as you applied sophisticated countermeasures.  I have a challenge of my own ( since its in vogue here ) so you few can advance your cause to the next level:
I propose that you, skeptic, anonymous, stein, Gino, or whomever (george is probably compromised) find agencies that polygraph before a background (your cherished 40%ers) and apply to that agency.  During your polygraph, apply what ever countermeasures are appropriate and then furnish proof on these pages (suitably censored) by posting your notices of passing or appointment letters. Drew or Mark can set up the procedure.
Now I realize what I am proposing amounts to real work on your parts, but why not put your actions where your assertions are? you are fond of telling each other how simple polygraphers are, and how a 10 year old can be taught countermeasures, why not furnish proof?  Think of it, with your actions alone, properly documented and maybe furnished to news organizations- you could advance your languishing cause in a very real way people could understand. 
I doubt very seriously if any of you will leave the warmth of this site and become one of George's foot soldiers, its much safer to sound knowledgeable without the threat of continued failure.  When I hear someone like skeptic talk about what a burden it would be to be polygraphed every 5 (!) years as a reason not to seek employment with an agency, cries of BS can be heard!
With your knowledge of the process, and your belief of how polygraph is conducted, a test for employment or periodic screening should be the last thing you are concerned with.
That is unless, you are just not quite sure what your talking about. You will make the random error disappear.
So, until you prove how easy it is to manipulate the process by your own selfless efforts, few will believe you.  We will call this "the anti-polygrapher's dilemma".
Do have a good holiday, and let us know how you intend to proceed.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box steincj
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Re: Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!
Reply #25 - Dec 23rd, 2002 at 8:37pm
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I respectfully decline your challenge.  I do not believe in countermeasures.  They only promote the "game" of the polygraph - the testee matching wits with the tester.  I don't believe that there should be any game involved.

Unfortunately, the polygraph is nothing more than a mind game, forcing unknowing subjects into the twisted realm of the "truth."  That's why I don't believe in the polygraph.  If the machine itself can't do the job with an acceptable rate of accuracy, then it needs to go.  A point recently proven by the NAS report . . .

Unfortunately, our government is too stubborn to remove the polygraph (at least for screening, where for incident testing the polygraph makes an excellent intimidation tool).  So in order to ensure passing a session with the poly, countermeasures have become a viable option for determinted individuals.  This is wrong for both the person using the countermeasures and the agency who relies on the test results to be accurate.  It is for these reasons I am against the polygraph, and why I will not participate in your challenge.

On another note, Breeze, have you even thought about how we are suypposed to get through the application process of another agency?  In case you haven't read  my personal statement, my FBI polygraph failure has stonewalled me at Treasury, so Customs, DEA, ATF, and USSS are all out of the question.  I don't think there's an agency out there that would let me get that far in the process.  I would if I could -- anything to clear my name.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Twoblock
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Re: Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!
Reply #26 - Dec 23rd, 2002 at 11:56pm
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I have posted this scenario before and here it is again.

I am too old to ever have to take an employment poly for the fods. I mean feds. However, if I was young enough, wanted to work for them, had to take poly, told the complete truth and failed, I couldn't get to my computer fast enough to start a lawsuit. To hell with that statement (not holding them liable) that they coerced me to sign. They have "charged" me with being a liar, doper, destroyed my credibility,etc., etc. That felonious charge, also, destroyed my chance of employment in my chosen profession. Any time a LE officer, or anyone working in consert with them makes a charge of this magitude and with this kind of distruction should be made to PROVE the charge[s] or pay dearly for said distruction.

A lawsuit, pro se, is not that hard to do. And only $150 filing fee. You can get into any law library you want to on the net. I guess it's easy for me to say because I have studied federal law for years and can file a suit as good as any lawyer. So I have been told by a couple of courts. In my business, mining, 
I have to know federal law.

I will also say "if I was guilty of lying and being a doper, I would walk out with my tail between my legs and dig ditches, clean outhouses or something else". 

If you told the truth and failed SUE SUE SUE.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box guest

Re: Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!
Reply #27 - Dec 24th, 2002 at 5:49am
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Dear Twoblock...does your name have any connection whatsoever with your probable "sterling" career in the Army.  A few friends have asked me about this site and when I just happened to mention that there was a guy named "twoblock" on line, they said I should ask about your OER?  I am not Army, what could they be talking about?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box guests mom

Re: Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!
Reply #28 - Dec 24th, 2002 at 6:52pm
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Dear Twoblock...does your name have any connection whatsoever with your probable "sterling" career in the Army.  A few friends have asked me about this site and when I just happened to mention that there was a guy named "twoblock" on line, they said I should ask about your OER?  I am not Army, what could they be talking about?  

Little late in the year for a fishing expedition, isn't it son? Also, could you please rework your lame 'I just happen to mentoin there's this guy named 'twoblock' statement into something even remotely believable? You just pegged the needle on my analog Crap Detector!
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Twoblock
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Re: Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!
Reply #29 - Dec 24th, 2002 at 7:12pm
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"Twoblock" is a mining term. Don't know what your "friend" is talking about. If you want to continue your research, ask a miner in Alaska what it means.
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Thanks to TLBTLD, I PASSED!!!

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