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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING? (Read 36105 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box London
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ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
May 4th, 2002 at 11:47pm
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ive read the manuals the books and all that stuff.
i did not get what exactly to do.
i will be faced with Control Questions and Releveant Questions
in the Control Questions i will be faced with 2 kinds of quetions one forcing me to lie and one forcing me to tell the truth (as much you can force someone).
in the Control Questions which I need to say the truth like
"Have you stolen anything"
"Have you ever cheated
should i Lie in order to pass the questions i will lie at the Relevant questions?
or should i just say the truth which well probably be 100% yes to all questinos because who hasn't cheated at a test and who hasn't taken anything.
should i just be comptirble and say YES YES YES YES or should i say NO to questions like these?

and I also have the Forced to lie questions, in those should i try to make my self enage more Psycho. emotions of fast heart beeting as if im lying or should i be more relaxed and just answer like a machine with no feelings?

i did not realy get this sentence "the key.. is to produce stronger phsyiological responses when answering the Control questions than when anwering the relevant questions"
does it talk about both the Forced and not Forced to lie control questions or just the ones that arent forced ("DID YOU EVER CHEAT")

and last what should in the relveant questions how am i suposed to act, am i suposed to try to make my phsyiological responses as down as possible?

thank you for anyone reading this and responsing since i need an answer as soon as possible

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box L72cueak
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Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #1 - May 5th, 2002 at 1:36am
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I understand your confusion with the statement: 

"the key.. is to produce stronger phsyiological responses when answering the Control questions than when anwering the relevant questions"

The problem with the advice on this site is there is no simple way to know how you can create a stronger physiological response to the "control" question vs. the relevant questions.  As reflected on previous posts you'll have to go out and aquire some equipment and experiement on yourself (see below).  For your sake, hopefully you will not go up against an examiner trained in how to sometimes detect people engaging in these countermeasures.  

Quote from George W. Maschke:

"Clearly, one cannot know with absolute certainty that one has produced stronger responses to the "control" questions than to the relevant questions. (However, the absence of a post-test interrogation will provide some indication that one has succeeded.)

Reactions can only be controlled directly with regard to the repiratory channels of the polygraph instrument. On the respiratory channels, one can be certain not to produce a scorable reaction with regard to any of the relevant questions while wilfully producing scorable reactions when answering the "control" questions.

It seems likely that any potential reactions to the relevant questions on the electrodermal and cardio channels will be attenuated when one understands the fraudulent nature of polygraph "testing," simply because one will understand that one need not fear them. As some who report having successfully employed countermeasures have observed, the hardest part may be not to laugh as the polygrapher goes through his monkey drill.

Those who wish to compare their relative responses to "control" vs. relevant questions on the electrodermal channel may do so by making a tape recording of a question series with a mix of relevant, irrelevant, and "control" questions at 20-30 second intervals and playing it back while monitoring their electrodermal responses with a galvanometer."

Good Luck!

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Liar Liar

Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #2 - May 7th, 2002 at 5:59am
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I recently took my poly and all I had was 2 days to prepare.  I was getting qualified for a job involving pharmaceuticals.  The DEA requires a poly.  I read chapters 3 and 4 of "The Lie Behind the Lie-Detector" and was set.  I have a past drug and theft history, but have changed my life since, so I didn't want that to get in the way of my job or my future.   
I believe the most important point is to be early.  As soon as I walked in the door, the "interrogator" even said, "In my 20-something years experinece I've learned that a client being early means being honest.".  Dont' fidget and be confident, like you've got nothing on your mind and that you're telling the truth (imagine that).  You need to come off pretty clean and confident in the pre-test phase so that admissions don't come back up in the poly itself.  If you make a really good first impression, then the polygraph will go by quickly and without suspicion.  I practiced for a day regulating my breathing and kept it regulated durring my deceit.  when I noticed that I was relaxing on the easy control questions, I squeezed and bit the tongue and imagined myself getting hit by a bus, so in other words, I made myself into a controlled panic for every question.  I passed with such flying colors that the "interrogator" gave me a complement on it, but I thought he/she was bluffing until I got the job that afternoon.  Thanks  I pretty much ball-face lied on 3/4 of the quesitons and had a graph clean enough to eat off of.  Read the book, but don't memorize it.  Make it make sense to you.  Absorb the theory.  Something else that helped:  I re-wrote my life the night before and I quizzed myself on the "new" life until I was confident enough to give straitforward answers concerning it.  The "interrogator" doesn't know a thing about you except for what you tell him/her.  So, be confident and stand your ground that what you say happened did happen and if you didn't say it, it didn't happen.   
Good luck and you'll do fine.
PS, the only thing I admitted to is smoking pot for a very short stent a few years ago, and not since, not even once.  (In truth it was last month)  Truth is what you present, deception is what you let slip out.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman (Guest)

Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #3 - May 15th, 2002 at 9:07pm
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How proud you must be.  You "bald faced lied on 3/4 of the questions".  It's apparent you haven't changed as much as you would like to think.  You've simply replaced stealing and drug use with being a liar.  My money says you haven't completely stopped the drug use either.  Good to see another lieing, doper, thief is getting a good job in an area where we need folks like you!

Good luck, and if I were a betting man, you'll be either fired or you'll quit within the year.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box FormerOfficer

Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #4 - May 15th, 2002 at 9:41pm
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Batman wrote on May 15th, 2002 at 9:07pm:

How proud you must be.  You "bald faced lied on 3/4 of the questions".  It's apparent you haven't changed as much as you would like to think.  You've simply replaced stealing and drug use with being a liar.  My money says you haven't completely stopped the drug use either.  Good to see another lieing, doper, thief is getting a good job in an area where we need folks like you!

Good luck, and if I were a betting man, you'll be either fired or you'll quit within the year.

That's a pretty crappity smacked up assumption to make considering you don't know the man.

  Not to mention that most fed agencies nowadays do random urinalisis for drugs, and I doubt someone would go through that much trouble to pass a poly to continue taking/using drugs...

People like you are the problem, you can't see past your nose......

I'm in much the same category, I took things while in the military and sold them when I was young (18)..... Was it wrong, yes.  No Doubt.  Do I justify it?  Well, no.  I was making $500.00 a month trying to live in Washington, DC (not my choice for a duty station), so the temptation to have a little cash to pay for my insurance and car note was too much for me in that situation.  I have never stolen from any individual (property or cash) and only took small things from the military - LBE gear, Helmets, etc, many were to go to DRMO anyway.

I also had ties with a militia group (nothing illegal at all) and just because of those things people would judge me as a "Bad" person.   Nothing could be further from the truth.

Poly's do not tell ANYTHING about the individual's state of mind, all they do is destroy career intentions for many a good person.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Boy Wonder

Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #5 - May 15th, 2002 at 10:58pm
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People like you are the problem, you can't see past your nose......

The people who have trouble seeing past their own noses are those who refuse to take responsibility for their actions/behavior, past or present.  Many federal employees have had prior criminal histories, too include petty theft and drugs.  They got the job by being HONEST regarding their past and taking responsibility for themselves.  I'd say it is cowardly of anyone to lie in the first place, but especially cowardly too brag anonymously on this web site!
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman (Guest)

Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #6 - May 15th, 2002 at 11:18pm
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Former Officer:

Sounds to me like you're doing a lot of "justifying".  Kind of like the guy who robbed the bank so he could put bread on the family table.  Nice fairy tale, but not reality.  You could have sold the car rather then sell drugs, but we all make choices in life, then we have to live with them.   

Never would like to think that just because someone made mistakes in their youth they would be labeled as a bad person forever, however to continue to live the lies is not a glowing character trait.  Very few agencies, be they Federal or civilian, are expecting to hire saints in this day and age.  There is somewhat of an expectation that potential employees will have done things (like drug use) in their youth.  What also is expected is some level of honesty.  It seems that the prevailing attitude on this site is lie and cheat to get what you want, and then rationalize it with telling everyone how twisted the system is.   

As for polygraph, your ignorance speaks volumes.  A persons state of mind is exaclty what they're all about.   
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Twoblock (Guest)

Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #7 - May 16th, 2002 at 2:11am
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You preach honesty - tell the truth, etc. Why in hell can't you and all other polygraphers practice what you preach. Why can't you just truthfully tell your subjects, "I am here to trick you every way I can"? "I get my jollies just jacking you up to fail the test"? "I am here to play card and number magic on you and hope you believe my machine will tell me when you lie"? "I get off on holding your future in my hands while making money"? I could go on and on. Fact is, you couldn't be a polygrapher without lying to and deceiving you subjects.

Face it. You people are in a business that requires lying in order to get the results that YOU want. In the eyes of God, your lies are just as bad as your subject's.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box eisenmann372002
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Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #8 - May 16th, 2002 at 5:36am
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Batman blusters out: 

" You could have sold the car rather then sell drugs, but we all make choices in life, then we have to live with them."

This so clearly illustrates that you are accustomed to seeing or hearing WHAT YOU WANT, instead of what was actually written or spoken. Where in FormerOfficer's post did he say he sold drugs? It's not there. 

Indeed, it would be naive for any agency to think they're hiring a saint. I have made many mistakes in my past, just like a lot of people have. I find it very difficult to believe that for him to admit stealing from the military and selling the items could be helpful in the LEAST for him during a polygraph/interrogation. Yes, we all make mistakes and choices and must live with them. I don't care if it's labeled "justification", "minimizing", or a "lie"; human beings screw up. However, I'll be damned if I am called upon to answer for every mistake I've made, every time I'm forced to take a polygraph, and not expect to be judged. When the day comes that every person on the planet is to be held responsible for every wrong they've taken part in, ONCE AND FOR ALL, I'll be at the head of the line. But crap that's happened in MY past has been dealt with and does NOT NEED TO BE EXPLAINED OVER AND OVER AND OVER. I'm speaking mainly of pre-employment screenings; in my line of work, to be hired by nearly ANY agency, a polygraph or CVSA is mandatory. I've stated before that I understand these may...MAY...have their place when dealing with ignorant people who may have so much belief in the abilities of the machines that they'll confess to crimes they've actually committed. If I'm ever accused of a crime, there is no way I'm taking one, though. They DO NOT TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIES AND THE TRUTH, PERIOD. 

To the examiners and the agencies who put so much credence into this "science": If polygraphs and CVSA's are flawless, as is evidenced by the fact that if a candidate "fails" one of these mechanical tea leaf readers that they are passed over for employment, why should this site raise your hackles? Truthfully? Just tell us that! Additionally, why has no agency or person responded to the challenge laid out by the curators of this site? Yes, these questions are rhetorical because I'll TELL you why: The machines don't work, this is a junk science and has been ever since it's inception, and everything associated with these "truth-telling" devices is essentially a load of crap. For 25 cents, you can have a device that will equal the reliability and accuracy of ANY machine in use today; that device is known as a quarter. An insider's tip: if you're on a budget, use a penny.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Batman (Guest)

Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #9 - May 16th, 2002 at 7:02am
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It's there, you just have to be willing to see it.  However, please do not miss the point, why not simply own up to past mistakes, if they were in fact mistakes, rather than compound them with additional lies?  It's very easy to say that one will own up for one's actions when evey other person on the planet is called upon to do the same, but why wait for that day, if and when it ever comes?

As for the usefulness of polygraph, some valid points can probably be made on both sides of the fence as to it's validity, but once again, do not allow yourself to be confused by the simple fact, the only "lie detector" in any polygraph setting is the Examinee.  He/she provides the data, then it's up to the Examiner to conduct an evaluation.  Therein lies the weakness of the technique.  Improperly trained Examiners, and those not subject or held accountable to some higher level of review are the problem.  Why not approach this issue from that perspective?  We have bad doctors in the field of medicine, yet we do not call for a ban on the practice of medicine.  We have bad pilots and mechanics who cause planes to crash, but we do not call for a ban on flying.  However, with polygraph it has to be all or nothing.  Possibly because it is looked upon as a potential invasion of privacy, yet no one is "forced" to undergo the procedure.

What do you think?

For Two Block:

Only God knows what is in his eyes, but my "jollies" don't come from "jacking" people up so they can fail a polygraph.  They come from obtaining a confession (if it is there to be obtained) in order to resolve a crime.

I'm sure you are referring to pre-employment screening exams in focusing your anger, hopefully that is the case.  If not, then maybe we can discuss the true usefulness of polygraph in law enforcement, the real world, where the rubber meets the raod so to speak.

Your call.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #10 - May 16th, 2002 at 8:07am
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You wrote:

Improperly trained Examiners, and those not subject or held accountable to some higher level of review are the problem.

Actually, the problem with "Control" Question "Test" (CQT) polygraphy is that no logical inference may be drawn based on a comparison of physiological reactions to "control" versus relevant questions, and there is no way to differentiate between the anxious but truthful subject and the anxious and deceptive subject. While polygraphy may have some utility as a ploy in interrogations, it has no scientific basis, no validity, has an inherent bias against the truthful, and yet is easily circumvented by the use of simple countermeasures that polygraphers cannot detect.

No amount of training, accountability, or review can make up for these shortcomings of CQT polygraphy.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box eisenmann372002
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Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #11 - May 16th, 2002 at 9:34am
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Okay; I'm pleased with the dialogue here, and that nobody has become sensitive, aggressive, or withdrawn. Batman, please understand that I do NOT want you to go away. I have always had an appreciation for intelligent arguments as long as both parties are not taking the opposite viewpoint for the sake of being contradictory. 

No, I'm afraid that I'm not seeing it because I'm not *willing* to see it. He never said that he'd sold drugs. That was your assumption. If I'm wrong on this, then FormerOfficer needs to let us both know. Trust me in that if I am wrong, I certainly will say so. 

I *have* owned up to past mistakes. But you must understand that if I were to categorically list every mistake I'd ever made, it would take one hell of a long time to get through them. And I'm talking about things that happened when I was 13 years old...or SEVEN years old...or even younger than that! I clearly remember lying to my parents when I was six years old-my dog slept in my bed and I said that he didn't. Yes yes yes...I completely understand that this is the farthest thing from a crime as is possible. But it IS a lie, isn't it? And I know I've lied about many, many things since. The last thing in the world I want to do is to compound the lies. But how do I know that if I own up to these past mistakes, that others will see them the same way? To an examiner, if I told him/her everything, it would certainly appear that I was routinely deceptive, or at least manipulative. Does this not make sense to you?

I am a responsible adult, have finally paid off my truck, and finally purchased my own home. It's tiny, but it's mine. Why wait for the day when everyone on the planet is called to tell their sins? Because it hasn't happened yet, and I have no idea if it ever WILL happen. Deep down in my heart, I know I'm a good person. And, at the risk of sounding arrogant or egotistical, I am DAMN good at my job. It's pretty much all I have, and all I've ever wanted to do. My mistakes are mine. MINE. I've done nothing illegal, or probably even IMMORAL, in almost twelve years. When I was barely more than a teenager. Yet those things can (and HAVE) precluded me from earning a job in my chosen occupation. Believe me, sir; I have tried being 100% honest with several potential employers, and was DQ'ed from their process. I have never, EVER been arrested or even detained by any law enforcement officer. I just had a problem with substance abuse. Yet if I'm honest about it, I'm disqualified. If I try to keep it to myself, I pass the polygraph/CVSA, yet in your eyes I'm branded a liar. 

We have 6 billion people on this planet; I would give my life to spare any one of them. I don't care who they are. Yet still, I'm given these asinine truth telling tests and expected to give my life's story. I'm sorry, but that will happen no longer. I tried your way, and it just doesn't work. 

I welcome any further discussions, and I can promise I will not resort to personal attacks (not saying that you did, but that seems to have chased people off in the past). I truly would like to hear an opposing viewpoint.

In the meantime, stay safe. I've no doubt you're one of the good ones.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box eisenmann372002
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Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #12 - May 16th, 2002 at 9:43am
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I just realized I didn't acknowledge one of the points in your latest response, Batman. My mistake! A quote from your post:

"the only "lie detector" in any polygraph setting is the Examinee.  He/she provides the data, then it's up to the Examiner to conduct an evaluation.  Therein lies the weakness of the technique.  Improperly trained Examiners, and those not subject or held accountable to some higher level of review are the problem."

I could not possibly agree more that this is the problem. The examinee gives the "data". Then it's interpreted by someone who, well...interprets data. If the examiner is improperly trained, and decides that someone was deceptive, then that someone loses a job! Or has his/her reputation tarnished. That "someone" (i.e. a HUMAN BEING), must now contend with disqualification from a job, or a stronger accusation of wrongdoing, because some jackass "examiner" says so. This has been my point all alone. Polygraphs do not discern the truth from lies. not discern the truth from lies. POLYGRAPHS...will never, EVER be able to discern the truth from lies. End of my argument!

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box FormerOfficer

Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #13 - May 17th, 2002 at 4:57pm
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Batman wrote on May 15th, 2002 at 11:18pm:

Former Officer:

Sounds to me like you're doing a lot of "justifying".  Kind of like the guy who robbed the bank so he could put bread on the family table.  Nice fairy tale, but not reality.  You could have sold the car rather then sell drugs, but we all make choices in life, then we have to live with them.  

Never would like to think that just because someone made mistakes in their youth they would be labeled as a bad person forever, however to continue to live the lies is not a glowing character trait.  Very few agencies, be they Federal or civilian, are expecting to hire saints in this day and age.  There is somewhat of an expectation that potential employees will have done things (like drug use) in their youth.  What also is expected is some level of honesty.  It seems that the prevailing attitude on this site is lie and cheat to get what you want, and then rationalize it with telling everyone how twisted the system is.  

As for polygraph, your ignorance speaks volumes.  A persons state of mind is exaclty what they're all about.  

Sounds to me like you're doing a lot of "justifying".  Kind of like the guy who robbed the bank so he could put bread on the family table.  Nice fairy tale, but not reality.  You could have sold the car rather then sell drugs, but we all make choices in life, then we have to live with them. 

   I am quite aware of the wrong things I have done, and have not tried to "justify" them, but rather "explain" them.  The main problem encountered is the PERSONAL BIAS of the tester, and the Political bias of the agency.  Their and your reasoning has NOTHING at all to do with FAIRNESS, you and testers like you are judgemental SOBs.

Never would like to think that just because someone made mistakes in their youth they would be labeled as a bad person forever, however to continue to live the lies is not a glowing character trait.   
  And when someone actually spills everything, then they are judged (routinely) on past actions that in many cases have NOTHING to do with the present.  So what if someone smoked crack once or twice in college.   No they're 28-30 and have'nt touched the stuff in years, yet if they admit the usuage of anything more than weed, they WILL be DQ'd.   Same applies for my situation, on top of the fact that I've never USED, SOLD or even been around drugs except when I arrested someone for it, I popped on the Poly for DRUG USAGE......  THAT's why I'm here at this site.  I got screwed over by your fancy BS meter machine

Very few agencies, be they Federal or civilian, are expecting to hire saints in this day and age. 
Obviously you are ignorant about the hiring process then...  I've been through 4 in two states, 2 with poly, 2 without.  There are several things that if you are honest about your background will end up with disqualifing you.   
1.  Heavy Drug usage
2.  Association with any group (political or otherwise) that they see as "radical" (no matter how long ago it was)
3.  More than 1 DUI/DWI and in many cases, one is enough, no matter if it happened 10 years ago or what.

There is somewhat of an expectation that potential employees will have done things (like drug use) in their youth.  What also is expected is some level of honesty.  It seems that the prevailing attitude on this site is lie and cheat to get what you want, and then rationalize it with telling everyone how twisted the system is. 

No, actually, you are VERY wrong about that.  many of the threads I have read here have URGED people to go the "whole truth" or "spill you guts" method, but some things, as I have disclosed above, CANNOT be disclosed, lest your app be disposed of, and you recieve the cordial "thanks for applying"....
   This country is in dire straits, they NEED good people in Police/Fed agencies.  To continue to use this farce of a science to disuade good people from joining is hurting our national security and the security of the people.  People who perpetuate this LIE, like yourself, are MOST responsable for the lack of qualified people out there.

As for polygraph, your ignorance speaks volumes.  A persons state of mind is exaclty what they're all about. 

   Well, having taken two of them, I beg to differ.  They tell NOTHING of a persons "state of mind" nor are they a "moral indicator".   They are a Bullshit method of "science" if you can call it that, that is used to discriminate ROUTINELY potential candidates that they don't want.

   You can make me out as the bad guy, but I have commendation upon commendation, and MANY letters of appreciation for the work I have done in Law Enforcement, and two Honorable Discharges from the Military, with many medals.   
   And BTW - Everyone lies, including you.   You could say you never do, but that'd be a lie....
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box FormerOfficer

Re: ive read and now HOW DO I GET AWAY WITH LYING?
Reply #14 - May 17th, 2002 at 5:02pm
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The people who have trouble seeing past their own noses are those who refuse to take responsibility for their actions/behavior, past or present.  Many federal employees have had prior criminal histories, too include petty theft and drugs.  They got the job by being HONEST regarding their past and taking responsibility for themselves.  I'd say it is cowardly of anyone to lie in the first place, but especially cowardly too brag anonymously on this web site!

Well, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it as I am mine.  If I were'nt interested and currently pursuing a federal career, I'd be glad to post non-anonymously.   

However, as stated before, a few of you people must be entirely ignorant of the hiring process, and the bias faced.   
I knew a guy who got turned down because he has a confederate flag tattoo on his arm, been there since the service at age 18.  You could not see it even in short sleeve shirts, but the agency chose to discriminate (politically) against him anyway.   
  This is the reality many good people face.
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