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JRyan, I would like to add a couple of thoughts to your post: Being a corrections officer is likely one of the toughest jobs in the CJ sector for several reasons, such as having to be locked up with criminals, as well as being in the same buildings as the management, dealing with endless layers of self-serving bureaucrats, lower pay than LE and legal arms of CJ plus much less respect from the general public that the LE and legal arms. In fact, I can think of no movie or TV show I have ever seen where CO's were given any respect, and are usually cast as evil, dumb and corrupt characters. i.e., the movie the Longest Yard. These are some of the reasons why there are often shortages of COs. Now, shame on the Arkansas DOC for knowingly using the known bogus NITV CVSA to play games with Officer Bianca Fletcher. Arkansas DOC is ultimately contributing to the Arkansas crime rate by discouraging prospective employees from considering working for Arkansas DOC in particular, and corrections across the USA in general. I have seen both LE and legal branch employees get their starts in CJ fields from a beginning job in a jail or prison. It is important for corrections management to support their officers, and not use them as pawns, and making an already tough job even tougher. It hurts all of us in the long run. One thing I have not been able to find out is if the Arkansas DOC is still using the CVSA? I truly hope not. The bogus NITV CVSA test used on Officer Fletcher probably cost the struggling taxpayers of Arkansas into the six figures and hurt the morale of corrections employees throughout Arkansas.
Posted by: JRyan Posted on: Dec 28th, 2021 at 8:10pm
In JAN 2021 NITV LLC, d/b/a NITV Federal Services LLC settled out of court with Bianca Fletcher, an employee of Arkansas Dept of Corrections. As in previous lawsuits filed against NITV for product liability, fraud and false advertising, the monetary value is not listed. For those readers who missed the earlier AP article, note the link below:
Part of what was addressed in the lawsuit is related to two other AP articles that were published that impeach the validity of the Chapman Study and 98% accuracy claims still being touted by NITV as listed on websites, brochures and training bulletins.
More recently NITV LLC, d/b/a as NITV Federal Services LLC filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy back in August 2021. Note the link below that provides details in regards to the bankruptcy to include the actual petition.