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Topic Summary - Displaying 22 post(s).
Posted by: son of lou
Posted on: Apr 28th, 2009 at 3:31pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
You're not a lone man. I came across unfortunate experience with San Diego Police Poly test last year. I asked the examiner how I was doing, but he said, I did alright at the first time. Then in few days, I received a letter that I was rejected. I had no idea whether it was about the test or something else. I called many times to find out why I was being rejected, but never find the person in charge of my file. 

I think something big going on not only with polygraphy test, but the entire department of justice has a lot of discrimination. Because they complicated the application process like hell. One may pass the poly test, but you can still be rejected with simple things like credit backgrounds, psysical test, or something else. That is very stressfull for someone wh really want to be a law enforcement officer. 

I am very sorry for your history, but I believe the answers from other fellows can help you get to where you wanted to be. 
Posted by: user23
Posted on: Mar 6th, 2009 at 12:43am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Wow, my poly for the VPD is next week. Im reading up on this antipoly ebook.
Posted by: hiding4now
Posted on: Jan 29th, 2009 at 4:57am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
I may have spoke to soon. Seems like the site is down. Will it return? Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion. Cheesy
Posted by: hiding4now
Posted on: Jan 29th, 2009 at 4:52am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
wow...that link is already down. That's just scary. I hope its just a temporary technical problem. Is this what our society has come to? Talk about Big Brother.  wow....
Posted by: T.M. Cullen
Posted on: Jan 26th, 2009 at 7:38am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Thanks for the above link.   

A very interesting thread of LE types talking truthfully about the polygraph.  Saying the same thing I've been saying on this board, but polygraphers have repeatedly denied.  Namely, that polygraphers ROUTINELY MISREPRESENT polygraph accuracy and tell examinees it's purpose is to test their truthfulness, when it is actually just used a way of legally interrogating a suspect under duress without an attorney present!

Refer the above link to the RCMP gents who are trying to get you to take the polygraph.

Posted by: hiding4now
Posted on: Jan 25th, 2009 at 10:01pm
  Mark & Quote
Dang, i flubbed the verification code. So one more time. Thanks for the advice, I believe I will follow it. Now I'm mad. How did I get tied into this BS? When I asked the officer at the first interview, he wouldn't tell me. Do I have a right to know who my accuser is? I may still go talk to a lawyer, or at least do some more research myself to find out what my rights are here in Canada.
The RCMP do not have a very good reputation here, frankly they scare the crap out of me. After watching them kill that guy in the Vancouver airport, all the stalling to stop the video from getting out and then the courts letting them off the hook,  I lost all respect for them. And that's just the most famous one recently. Its been scandal after scandal. I guess you can't believe your lying eyes. Oh ya, before i go, check out this link, it seems law enforcement types don't even buy into this polygraph garbage. They think its funny.
Posted by: T.M. Cullen
Posted on: Jan 25th, 2009 at 7:41am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Whether you signed something or not, you DO NOT have to take a polygraph.  Tell them you found out the TRUTH about the polygraph and have decided not to take it.

We just had a police officer admit on this board that they trick people into taking the polygraph by insinuating that it is a chance for them to "eliminate you as a suspect", which they know is not true!  They are just trying to get a chance to interrogate you without having a lawyer present and trying to force a confession out of you!

If you do CAVE and end up taking the test, read the "Lie Behind The Lie Detector" before taking the test.   

Good Luck

Posted by: hiding4now
Posted on: Jan 25th, 2009 at 6:25am
  Mark & Quote
I'm in the same boat as Amy. A safe was stolen at a gas station in the middle of the day (must not been much of a safe) a year and a half ago, and now they want to polygraph me. I agreed to the test and signed a document saying I would do it. I should have done the research first, but i didn't know what it was about, and certainly wasn't expecting to be asked to do a poly. I was just asked to go to the police station to talk to the officer about something he couldn't divulge over the phone. And I honestly had no clue what it was about. I thought maybe I passed some old fart on the highway, and he didn't like the way I did it so he reported my plate or something like that. Lots of retirees driving around here, doing 60-70 kph on the highway. Oh ya, I am Canadian. The cop had mentioned that there was $3500.00 in the safe. I make that in a month. I'm a Systems Administrator for a medium sized company, I have a nice enough life. I would never even think of doing something like this. Now I'm nervous. On another note, can they ask me questions not in relation to the incident? I break the law a couple times a week, its a law I truly believe should not be a crime. Prohibition is a colossal waste of time and tax payers money. Have we figured out what I'm doing? Any way, can they ask me about that? Or any other off topic subject? I guess I better go talk to a lawyer...... am i boned because i signed that document?
Posted by: Administrator
Posted on: Jan 25th, 2009 at 10:25am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Off-Topic replies have been moved to this Topic.
Posted by: Administrator
Posted on: Jan 16th, 2009 at 7:43am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
An off-topic reply by "fostermom" has been moved to this topic.
Posted by: Administrator
Posted on: Jan 16th, 2009 at 6:20am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
pailryder wrote on Jan 14th, 2009 at 6:28pm:

So the police interviewed your girlfriend and you and you agreed to take a poly and only after you arrived at the police station you realize that her daughter has accused you of sexual molestation.  That is your story?  What did you think the test would concern?

Note that the post to which the above-quoted reply is addressed has been deleted by the original poster.
Posted by: pailryder
Posted on: Jan 14th, 2009 at 6:28pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote

So the police interviewed your girlfriend and you and you agreed to take a poly and only after you arrived at the police station you realize that her daughter has accused you of sexual molestation.  That is your story?  What did you think the test would concern?
Posted by: Amy Brickmen
Posted on: Dec 20th, 2008 at 5:21pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Hey There,  There was an incident that happened near my house and I had nothing to do with it. The Police Officer in charge asked if I would take a lie Dec. Test. "Absolutely", I said. I have nothing to lie about.. 
Well I wanted to do some research on this test before I really go down and do it....
  Now, with the things I've read, I don't think I want anything to do with this Test at all.. 
  So thanks for sharing your HORRIBLE story. I am sorry that had to happen to you.....
Posted by: Laine
Posted on: Dec 8th, 2008 at 7:10pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
I just came across your blog quite by accident.  I, too, had a very unfortunate experience with a SDPD polygraph exam a couple of years ago.   
At the conclusion of the test, the examiner said I failed because was "less than honest" about drug use.   Years prior I had taken a puff of a marijuana joint.  I have NEVER used drugs...yet, based upon their reading of fluctuations in my heart rate, I was disqualified.  It's interesting that SDPD is short staffed...I was applying for a Traffic Controller position I had held several years previously and then quit.
When I reapplied, a polygraph exam was now part of the application process.  After this experience, I now look at polygraph exams as not the best method of screening job applicants.
Posted by: Administrator
Posted on: Dec 8th, 2008 at 5:46am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
Off-Topic replies have been moved to this Topic.
Posted by: George W. Maschke
Posted on: Nov 6th, 2008 at 5:28am
  Mark & QuoteQuote
What happened to you is deeply wrong. Unfortunately, the outlook is not good. You can request a retest, which may or may not be granted. But the result of any retest will be colored by your prior polygraph experience.
Posted by: I didnt lie
Posted on: Nov 5th, 2008 at 11:01pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
So what your saying is i have no options and im screwd.  This sucks.  I didnt lie.
Posted by: George W. Maschke
Posted on: Nov 5th, 2008 at 3:55pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
There's a reason why polygraghs are used in the US and nowhere else.  

I wish we Americans were alone in our stupidity when it comes to relying on the pseudoscience of polygraphy for purposes of public safety and national security. But we're not. While no other country relies on polygraphy to the extent that the United States does, the lie detector has also made its way to Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Israel, Russia, China, and India, among other countries.
Posted by: Tom Legrady
Posted on: Nov 5th, 2008 at 3:27pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
There's a reason why polygraghs are used in the US and nowhere else. 

Let me give you a hint. It isn't because the other countries are backward and unscientific. Everyone else has figured out the tests are meaningless, and most often represent the test supervisor's prejudices or intentional malevolence.

Posted by: Twoblock
Posted on: Nov 5th, 2008 at 12:35pm
  Mark & QuoteQuote
I didn't lie,

Take George's suggestion and record a detailed description of your polygraph. Then send a copy to all of your elected congress people with a cover letter telling them to do something about it or you will work toward their removal next election. Even form a group of friends, that believe as you do, and become letter writers. If enough people would do this, we might see some change. The ills of this country lies with our U.S. Congress. It really doesn't matter who is president. Congress makes the laws and the Supreme Court interprits them. A president can only sign or veto them.

Posted by: George W. Maschke
Posted on: Nov 5th, 2008 at 11:44am
  Mark & Quote
I'm very sorry that you've had to learn the hard way (as I did) that polygraphy is junk science. Many law enforcement applicants are falsely accused of deception and wrongly disqualified from employment because of the random error associated with this invalid test. The San Diego Union Tribune reported in 2002 that some 40% of applicants fail the polygraph. Clearly, many, like yourself, are being wrongly branded as liars.

At this point, I would suggest that you write a detailed memorandum of all that transpired during the course of your polygraph examination. Next, you'll want to write a letter to the department contesting your polygrapher's false accusation of deception and demanding that the letter be included if SDPD shares your polygraph results with any other agency.

I think you'll find it therapeutic to educate yourself about polygraphy. It will help you to understand how you could have been completely candid and yet failed the polygraph. See's free book, The Lie Behind the Lie Detector (1 mb PDF) for a detailed explanation -- and a thorough debunking -- of polygraphy. You might also send this book to any friends, relatives, or co-workers who may question you regarding your polygraph results.

I agree with you that someone needs to do something about the way polygraphs are being used (and abused). But that someone needs to be us. Too often, polygraph victims, fearing retaliation or blacklisting, are cowed into silence. I hope you'll consider working with us to bring about meaningful polygraph reform. Your posting here was a good start. See our Get Involved page for information on other ways you can help.
Posted by: I didnt lie
Posted on: Nov 5th, 2008 at 11:08am
  Mark & Quote
Well I took a polygraph for the SDPD yesturday and it was the worst experience ever.  I went into it a little nervous just because it was a polygraph but I figured I would just tell the truth and I'd be alright.  I actually believed in the science and that lie detectors worked because if they didn’t why would so many places use them right?  So I took the test and what do ya know im a child molester.  Who knew?  I sure didn’t.  I also reacted to some other sexual questions but when he asked if I had ever engaged in a sexual act with a child I reacted a lot apparently.  It’s completely wrong.  Maybe it was because I considered the sexual questions ridicules like sex with dead people and such.  I think when I was asked the child question I was disgusted and angry about it because I thought about something happening to my little brother or something.  For whatever reason this guy pretty much told me his machine said Im a dirt bag child molester and other things.  I felt like having a breakdown.  Im just so depressed about this.  I really wanted the job and im being eliminated for something that can’t be further from the truth.  I didn’t lie about a single thing on that test and it came back as like the worst thing possible.  Maybe it’s just because I was uncomfortable with those questions?  I may have answered and made a facial expression in a way that expressed how ridicules I thought it was.  Still I was drilled about how this machine is accurate and how I was lying and bullshiting him and I was a dirt bag child molester.  I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS.  I CAN NOT BELIEVE HOW WRONG THIS MACHINE IS.  Is there anything I can do to help myself now?  Im problem screwed cause any other police department I apply for is going to want to know why I was rejected and they are going to tell them it was because im something im not. 

I AM NOT A CHILD MOLESTOR I DO NOT HUMP DEAD PEOPLE OR ANIMALS.  I TOLD THE TRUTH ABOUT EVERYTHING GOOD AND BAD.  I thought I would be ok because I let everything out.  I was honest.  It came back as something that was so wrong that hurt me because it’s so disgusting to have someone think that of you.  Im so depressed about this.  Is there anything I can do to make this go away?  I don’t want people to think this of me.  THESE TESTS DO NOT WORK AND SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE WAY THEY ARE BEING USED.  I cant believe the results of this test.   It couldn’t have been worst.  I would have no problem if I was eliminated by the sdpd for something that was true that I had done or just cause there were better applicants than me.  But this is horrible.