The Shropshire Lad Chronicles

Polygraph Censorship on the Web:

Recently I received an email from an indivdual identifying himself as the Shropshire Lad; he has also posted to the message board on this site. He or she had written me to inform me of a pro-polygraph website ( Evidently, this webpage has a discussion forum where information about polygraph can be exchanged. The Shropshire Lad posted several comments/responses to a Polygrapplace member named Cal Sutherland. The discussion link can be found at:

However, if you visit this link you will see that the discussion does not flow smoothly and in many instances does not make much sense. This is due to the fact that many of the Shropshire Lad’s comments were removed (censored) from the discusion forum.

The Shropshire Lad has provided me with the full text of all his censored posts, and his correspondence with the Polygraph Place webmaster regarding this censorship. From reading the Shropshire Lad’s knowledgeable posts in conjunction with the corresponding emails from the polygraphplace officials you can see that the pro-polygraph community does not want to debate the issue of polygraph validity; they know they’ll lose!

After reading the information below please post your own message at the polygraph place and ask them why they censored the Shropshire Lad?

Full Text of the Shropshire Lad’s Posts before they were censored.

Correspondence with Polygraphplace Officials