Twoblock, First of all, I would like to congradulate you and your wife for being married for 50 years. That is truly a blessing from God. Now to get to your first questions. Any good investigator, whether a polygraph was conducted or not, wouldn't just point blank, ask accusatory questions until there was evidence found, or information obtained during the preliminary investigation, that proved beyond a doubt, that the person being questioned, committed the crime. Why should a polygrapher be any different. Question #2 about the "Stim Test." Twoblock, are you familiar with radar(speed trap). Did you know that before police officers or state troopers use this piece of equipment during their tour of duty, they had to make sure that the radar was properly calibrated. Did you know that the officers/troopers use tuning forks to check the calibration. Well let's just say, the stim test is the polygraphers tuning forks. By the way, are there any or sites anywhere. I'm willing to bet you there are. There are some people today who have recieved tickets who said they weren't speeding. In other words, there is always going to be someone, criticizing something. Twoblock, have you ever read about a doctor misdiagnosing a patient? Sure you have. But if you got sick, wouldn't you still visit one. Have you heard about individuals in the clergy molesting little children. Sure you have. But is that stopping you from attending church. While we are on this subject about child molesters, some individuals are still harping on the fact that since polygraph results aren't admissable in a court of law, then that should be sufficient proof that it's not reliable. Well one of the best tools in America, used to monitor convicted child molesters is the polygraph. There have been many sex offenders who have been sent back to jail after confessing to other molestations or parole violations after failing polygraph examinations. I know Twoblock, these pedophiles are getting shafted too. To answer your last question. No, I don't think you should be subjected to answering a question pertaining to the faithfulness you have preserved for your wife of 50 years, unless it is relevant to the issue in which you are being polygraphed for. I don't think you are afraid of telling the truth, I believe all of the antipolygraph material that you have read, has you paranoid. Well Twoblock, I hope I have answered your questions.