Quote:In fact, several individuals who routinely post on this site did formerly post on the
www.polygraphplace.com site only to have their posts/threads removed when the polygraph community found itself badly losing various debated topics.
Nate, "Anonymous" is correct here. A number of individuals attempted to respectfully represent the anti-polygraph point of view on the Polygraphplace.com message board, only to have their posts deleted.
The following link describes the experiences of the "Shropshire Lad," who had his posts on Polygraphplace.com deleted. I just transferred it over from
www.nopolygraph.com, which is merging into AntiPolygraph.org in the next few weeks.
http://www.antipolygraph.org/shrop_chron.shtml To be honest, I have a hard time understanding why they have "Accuracy/Validity: How accurate is the polygraph?" board their forum. It seems kind of pointless to have this discussion when without those who respectfully argue that the polygraph is not accurate/valid. In my opinion, truly productive discussion cannot happen unless all sides of an issue are represented. Unfortunately, it appears that those at Polygraph Place do not feel the same.
Also, you may wish to check out my
Response to Elmer Criswell of PolygraphPlace.com I wrote this post in response to some things that were being said on the PolygraphPlace.com discussion about an un-named "anti-polygraph site" (which appears to be AntiPolygraph.org). As I said in the opening of the post, I chose to respond on our bulletin board because of the censorship at PolygraphPlace.com and the owner of that site’s request that "all posts on the site must be grounded in the idea that 'the polygraph has its rightful place in the community.'" Since I do not feel that the polygraph has a rightful place anywhere besides a museum, none of my posts could possibly be grounded in this assertion.
Regrettably, only two polygraphers (Gordon Barland and Ray Lattimer) regularly post to this message board. In my response to Elmer Criswell, I encouraged the polygraphers at Polygraph Place to post to our site, and gave my assurance that their posts would not be deleted. So far, it appears that none of them have chosen to take me up on this offer.