Normal Topic MMPI-3 - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 Questions and Scoring (Read 76 times)
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MMPI-3 - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 Questions and Scoring
Jan 28th, 2025 at 7:14am
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Below are all the MMPI-3 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) Questions:

1. My daily life is full of things that keep me interested.
2. I have a good appetite.
3. I often do things on the spur of the moment.
4. I have very special talents that few others have.
5. I don't like to let people get too close to me.
6. I find it hard to keep my mind on a task or job.
7. I love to go dancing.
8. I function well under stress.
9. I am easily irritated.
10. It takes a lot of argument to convince most people of the truth.
11. I have many brilliant ideas.
12. I often feel I can read other people's minds.
13. I get anxious and upset when I have to make a short trip away from home.
14. I don't like it when things are out of place.
15. There seems to be a lump in my throat much of the time.
16. At times I feel like swearing.
17. I feel worthless.
18. I feel weak all over much of the time.
19. The members of my family get along quite well.
20. I am a very sociable person.
21. Sometimes when I was young I stole things.
22. I wish I could be as happy as others seem to be.
23. At times I feel like smashing things.
24. I am easily defeated in an argument.
25. It's hard for me to pay attention.
26. My anxiety sometimes gets out of control.
27. I have often lost out on things because I couldn't make up my mind soon enough.
28. When people do me wrong, I feel I should pay them back just on principle.
29. I am likely to feel disappointments so strongly that I can't put them out of my mind.
30. Most of the time I feel blue.
31. I cannot understand what I read as well as I used to.
32. I think a great many people exaggerate their misfortunes to get sympathy and help from others.
33. I have a cough most of the time.
34. I have tried many different drugs.
35. I frequently have to fight against showing that I am bashful.
36. I have had very peculiar and strange experiences.
37. I like to go to social events where there is lots of loud fun.
38. I've thought about how I might kill myself.
39. I often act quickly without thinking things through.
40. It takes a lot to make me angry.
41. Sometimes I enjoy hurting persons I love.
42. If I don't do things a certain way I get nervous.
43. I am troubled by attacks of nausea and vomiting.
44. I find it hard to talk when I meet new people.
45. I do not always tell the truth.
46. When I am with people, I am bothered by hearing very strange things.
47. I think I'm an extraordinary person.
48. I am certainly lacking in self-confidence.
49. I have enjoyed using marijuana.
50. I am afraid of finding myself in a closet or small closed place.
51. I go on eating binges several times a week.
52. I usually do things in the same fixed order.
53. At times I am all full of energy.
54. I often think about something bad that happened to me.
55. I think most people would lie to get ahead.
56. I spend a lot of time on minor details.
57. I enjoy social gatherings just to be with people.
58. Some of my family have habits that bother and annoy me very much.
59. My memory seems to be all right.
60. I frequently find it necessary to stand up for what I think is right.
61. I have never done anything dangerous for the thrill of it.
62. I am an important person.
63. I have often felt strangers were looking at me critically.
64. I do many things I regret afterward.
65. I am almost never bothered by pains over my heart or in my chest.
66. In school I was sometimes sent to the principal for bad behavior.
67. I dislike having people around me.
68. I usually have to stop and think before I act even in small matters.
69. My hands have not become clumsy.
70. I read every editorial in the newspaper every day.
71. I believe I am being plotted against.
72. At times my thoughts have raced ahead faster than I could speak them.
73. I believe I am no more nervous than most others.
74. Much of the time I feel as if I have done something wrong or evil.
75. I panic easily.
76. I am bothered by an upset stomach several times a week.
77. I am so touchy on some subjects that I can't talk about them.
78. Nothing seems to give me much pleasure.
79. I have nightmares every few nights.
80. I have very few quarrels with members of my family.
81. At times I have fits of laughing and crying that I cannot control.
82. I've done things on impulse that ended up causing me trouble.
83. I usually feel that life is worthwhile.
84. At times I feel like picking a fist fight with someone.
85. I have never seen a vision.
86. I can express my true feelings only when I drink.
87. Most people are honest chiefly because they are afraid of being caught.
88. I hardly ever feel pain in the back of my neck.
89. I certainly feel useless at times.
90. I am easily embarrassed.
91. I am a very ordinary person.
92. I believe I am being followed.
93. I have recently considered killing myself.
94. I do not mind meeting strangers.
95. Once in a while I put off until tomorrow what I ought to do today.
96. My parents often objected to the kind of people I spent my time with.
97. Generally, I prefer to be by myself.
98. I often worry about terrible things that might happen.
99. Most people will use somewhat unfair means to gain profit or an advantage rather than to lose it.
100. I have made myself vomit to control my weight.
101. Much of the time my head seems to hurt all over.
102. I seem to be about as capable and smart as most others around me.
103. Once in a while I feel hate toward members of my family whom I usually love.
104. I strongly defend my own opinions as a rule.
105. I am happy most of the time.
106. I do certain things over and over.
107. I enjoy the excitement of a crowd.
108. I have several times given up on doing a thing because I thought too little of my ability.
109. I feel that I have often been punished without cause.
110. I have had periods which I carried on activities without knowing later what I had been doing.
111. Sometimes I just can't stop eating.
112. Other people are not as easily stressed as I am.
113. I have little or no trouble with my muscles twitching or jumping.
114. I wish I were not so shy.
115. Sometimes some unimportant thought will run through my mind and bother me for days.
116. It is hard to say “no” to my impulses.
117. There is something wrong with my mind.
118. Making changes in my life will be almost impossible.
119. I easily become impatient with people.
120. Most of the time I wish I were dead.
121. It is safer to trust nobody.
122. I have had attacks when I could not control my movements or speech but knew what was going on around me.
123. I worry quite a bit about possible misfortunes.
124. I have never been in love with anyone.
125. My speech is the same as always (not faster or slower, no slurring or hoarseness).
126. I've made a plan for killing myself.
127. I get angry sometimes.
128. I am easily stressed out.
129. Someone has been trying to poison me.
130. I sometimes make myself vomit after eating.
131. When I get bored I like to stir up a little excitement.
132. Often I cross the street to avoid meeting someone.
133. Everything tastes the same.
134. I am not easily angered.
135. I am often afraid of the dark.
136. I cannot keep my mind on one thing.
137. There seems to be a fullness in my head or nose most of the time.
138. My parents and family find more fault with me than they should.
139. I often hear voices without knowing where they come from.
140. I enjoy many different kinds of play and recreation.
141. I have used alcohol excessively.
142. Most people make friends because friends are likely to be useful to them.
143. Sometimes I start sweating and breathing fast for no apparent reason.
144. I have difficulty starting to do things.
145. We frequently fight when my family gets together.
146. Almost every day something happens to frighten me.
147. I like to let people know where I stand on things.
148. Some people go out of their way to annoy me.
149. I have lost my will to live.
150. Someone has been trying to rob me.
151. Dirt frightens or disgusts me.
152. I feel like giving up quickly when things go wrong.
153. My worries seem to disappear when I get into a crowd of lively friends.
154. My table manners are not quite as good at home as when I am out in company.
155. I get mad easily and then get over it soon.
156. I can remember “playing sick” to get out of something.
157. Anyone who is able and willing to work hard has a good chance of succeeding.
158. Life is a strain for me much of the time.
159. I have had blank spells in which my activities were interrupted and I did not know what was going on around me.
160. I have a short temper.
161. Bad words, often terrible words, come into my mind and I cannot get rid of them.
162. I seldom or never have dizzy spells.
163. I wake up fresh and rested most mornings.
164. Lately I have thought a lot about killing myself.
165. People do things just to make me look bad.
166. Sometimes without any reason or even when things are going wrong I feel excitedly happy, 'on top of the world'.
167. It makes me nervous to have to wait.
168. There are persons who are trying to steal my thoughts and ideas.
169. The future seems hopeless to me.
170. I sometimes count things over and over.
171. I think nearly anyone would tell a lie to keep out of trouble.
172. Often, even though everything is going fine for me, I feel that I don't care about anything.
173. I can't focus on things for very long.
174. During the past few years I have been well most of the time.
175. I am never happier than when alone.
176. Often I feel as if there is a tight band around my head.
177. I am likely not to speak to people until they speak to me.
178. It would be better if almost all laws were thrown away.
179. Some people go out of their way to keep me from getting ahead.
180. The things that some of my family have done have frightened me.
181. Once a week or more often I become very excited.
182. I am entirely self-confident.
183. I would rather win than lose in a game.
184. I am a burden to others.
185. Most people inwardly dislike putting themselves out to help other people.
186. I have never had a fit or convulsion.
187. I have sometimes felt that difficulties were piling up so high that I could not overcome them.
188. I have special abilities.
189. I had very few headaches.
190. I have never been in trouble with the law.
191. In walking I am very careful to step over sidewalk cracks.
192. After a bad day, I usually need a few drinks to relax.
193. At times I have been so entertained by the cleverness of some criminals that I have hoped they would get away with it.
194. I am sure I am being talked about.
195. Something exciting will almost always pull me out of it when I am feeling low.
196. I am happiest when I'm alone.
197. I am usually very direct with people I am trying to correct or improve.
198. I shrink from facing a crisis or difficulty.
199. Peculiar odors come to me at times.
200. I have more trouble concentrating than others seem to.
201. I like parties.
202. I have never felt better in my life than I do now.
203. My soul sometimes leaves my body.
204. Even when I am with people I feel lonely much of the time.
205. I often skipped school when I was young.
206. I wish I could stop worrying about things I have said that may have hurt other people's feelings.
207. I have periods in which I feel unusually cheerful without any special reason.
208. I am afraid of using a knife or anything very sharp or pointed.
209. I'm willing to starve myself to be thinner than I am.
210. I do not like everyone I know.
211. I am troubled by discomfort in the pit of my stomach every few days or oftener.
212. I have no enemies who really wish to harm me.
213. People generally demand more respect for their own rights than they are willing to allow for others.
214. Although I am not happy with my life, there is nothing I can do about it now.
215. I often have serious disagreements with people who are close to me.
216. At times I hear so well it bothers me.
217. I very seldom have spells of the blues.
218. At times it has been impossible for me to keep from stealing or shoplifting something.
219. Sometimes I become so excited that I find it hard to get to sleep.
220. I am easily startled.
221. I believe in law enforcement.
222. I seem to make friends about as quickly as others do.
223. I was suspended from school one or more times for bad behavior.
224. I have lost hope.
225. In school I found it very hard to talk in front of the class.
226. Painful memories of a past event keep running through my mind.
227. I have had no difficulty in keeping my balance when walking.
228. I feel anxiety about something or someone almost all the time.
229. At times I think I am no good at all.
230. I have a great deal of stomach trouble.
231. I can easily make people afraid of me and sometimes do for the fun of it.
232. I often lose sleep over worries.
233. People say insulting and vulgar things about me.
234. I am not feeling much pressure or stress these days.
235. I sometimes relive bad experiences.
236. I spend a lot of time making sure things are exactly in the right place.
237. Except by doctor's orders I never take drugs or sleeping pills.
238. I recognize several faults in myself that I will not be able to change.
239. If given the chance I would make a good leader of people.
240. I often feel as if things are not real.
241. Some people are against me for no good reason.
242. The top of my head sometimes feels tender.
243. I gossip a little at times.
244. My heart sometimes starts racing for no apparent reason.
245. Someone has control over my mind.
246. I usually expect to succeed in things I do.
247. I feel tired a good deal of the time.
248. I am often said to be hotheaded.
249. I don't think my abilities amount to much.
250. I am often sorry because I am so irritable and grouchy.
251. No one knows it but I have tried to kill myself.
252. I am an anxious person.
253. In school my marks in classroom behavior were quite regularly bad.
254. Some people will be pleased if I fail.
255. It does not bother me particularly to see animals suffer.
256. I have often met people who were supposed to be experts who were no better than I.
257. I have strange and peculiar thoughts.
258. I have frequently worked for people who seem to have arranged things so they get credit for good work but blame mistakes on those under them.
259. I often act on impulse.
260. I sometimes feel that I am about to go to pieces.
261. I often check things over and over.
262. I am in just as good physical health as most of my friends.
263. I must admit that I have at times been worried beyond reason over something that really did not matter.
264. Someone has it in for me.
265. I have few or no pains.
266. I have a drug or alcohol problem.
267. I have had periods when I felt so full of energy that sleep did not seem necessary for days at a time.
268. I never worry about my looks.
269. When things get really bad, I know I can count on my family for help.
270. At one or more times in my life I felt that someone was making me do things by hypnotizing me.
271. It makes me angry to have people hurry me.
272. I have no trouble swallowing.
273. I hear strange things when I am alone.
274. I usually have a hard time deciding what to do.
275. Several times a week I feel as if something dreadful is about to happen.
276. When people do something that makes me angry, I let them know how I feel about it.
277. I frequently notice my hand shakes when I try to do something.
278. Whenever possible I avoid being in a crowd.
279. Often I get confused and forget what I want to say.
280. My people treat me more like a child than a grown-up.
281. I have difficulty concentrating.
282. My main goals in life are within my reach.
283. Talking over problems and worries with someone is often more helpful than taking drugs or medicine.
284. I think I'm a pretty special person.
285. At times I can't seem to stop talking.
286. I often worry about something more than I should.
287. A sudden noise will often startle me.
288. I often feel that I'm not as good as other people.
289. I have often been frightened in the middle of the night.
290. I find it hard to control my anger.
291. I am never happier than when I am by myself.
292. I do not often notice my ears ringing or buzzing.
293. I am usually calm and not easily upset.
294. I see things or animals or people around me that others do not see.
295. I have no dread of going into a room by myself where other people have already gathered and are talking.
296. I have given up hope of amounting to anything.
297. Once a week or more I get high or drunk.
298. Sometimes in elections I vote for people about whom I know very little.
299. I feel hopeless when I have to make some important decisions.
300. I would not be a good leader.
301. I have numbness in one or more places on my skin.
302. I like making decisions and assigning jobs to others.
303. I often become very irritable when people interrupt my work.
304. In most marriages one or both partners are unhappy.
305. I am afraid of being alone in a wide-open place.
306. I forget where I leave things.
307. I would rather not get too close to people.
308. My neck spots with red often.
309. I worry a great deal over money.
310. People are not very kind to me.
311. Sometimes I am sure that other people can tell what I am thinking.
312. I have gotten angry and broken furniture or dishes when I was drinking.
313. I have never been paralyzed or had any unusual weakness of any of my muscles.
314. I hate my whole family.
315. I am so sick of what I have to do every day that I just want to get out of it all.
316. I have at times had to be rough with people who were rude or annoying.
317. I can't go into a dark room alone even in my own home.
318. Sometimes I get so angry and upset I don't know what comes over me.
319. I've used prescription medication to get high.
320. I was arrested as a teenager.
321. I like to drive a hard bargain.
322. Criticism or scolding hurts me terribly.
323. When I am sad, visiting with friends can always pull me out of it.
324. Having to make important decisions makes me nervous.
325. Once in a while I laugh at a dirty joke.
326. I have some outstanding qualities.
327. I am often inclined to go out of my way to win a point with someone who has opposed me.
328. If I get upset I'm sure to get a headache.
329. I've been so angry at times that I've hurt someone in a physical fight.
330. I sometimes seem to hear my thoughts being spoken out loud.
331. When my life gets difficult, it makes me want to just give up.
332. If people had not had it in for me, I would have been much more successful.
333. I do not tire quickly.
334. I have become so angry with someone that I have felt as if I would explode.
335. I frequently find myself worrying about something.

The items can be pasted in Excel and answers are keyed True (1) or False (0).
« Last Edit: Jan 28th, 2025 at 8:44pm by UMBRA »  
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box UMBRA
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Re: MMPI-3 - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 Questions
Reply #1 - Jan 28th, 2025 at 7:17am
Mark & QuoteQuote Print Post  
More info on MMPI3 here:

There two ways to score it, either use the MMPI-3 Manual for Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation to create a scoring script (requires coding), or use the Excel auto-scorer spreadsheet.

The MMPI-3 is a 335-item true/false self-report questionnaire used to identify personality characteristics and psychopathology. This autoscoring template uses a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to calculate the raw scores and T scores/scaled scores. No more overlays needed! The autoscoring template includes data tables and graphs for Validity, Higher-Order, Restructured Clinical, Somatic/Cognitive, Internalizing, Externalizing, Interpersonal, and PSY-5 Scales. Enter in the patient's scores using a "1" for true and a "0" (zero) for false and the template will take care of the rest. The template should only be used by mental health and medical professionals with at least some experience scoring the MMPI-3.

Here is a video on how to use the template:

Template can be found here:

For interpretation there are various online resources or you can use the official "Interpreting the MMPI-3" book that can be found here:

You can search for additional resources in the Library Genesis catalogue.

« Last Edit: Jan 28th, 2025 at 8:42pm by UMBRA »  
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