Normal Topic Michigan State Police Polygraphers Andrew Longuski and Derrick Jordan Arrested for Stealing a Bicycle and Disorderly Conduct (Read 4522 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Michigan State Police Polygraphers Andrew Longuski and Derrick Jordan Arrested for Stealing a Bicycle and Disorderly Conduct
Jun 26th, 2018 at 6:08am
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Andrew Longuski

Derrick Jordan

On Friday, 18 May 2018, two polygraph operators with the Michigan State Police, Lieutenant Andrew Longuski and Sergeant Derrick Jordan, were arrested on Mackinac island, where they were attending a polygraph conference, for stealing a bicycle and disorderly conduct.

9&10 News reports:


MSP Detectives Put on Administrative Duty Following Arrest on Mackinac Island
June 22, 2018
Aaron Parseghian, Matthew Myers

Two state police detectives put on administrative duty following their arrest on Mackinac Island.

D/F/Lt. Andrew Longuski and D/Sgt. Derrick Jordan are both charged with two misdemeanors, accused of stealing a bike and acting disorderly on Mackinac Island, last month.

Lt. Longuski and Sgt. Jordan are part of the polygraph section of the state police.

According to Longuski’s defense attorney, he was on the island for some sort of training conference.

Scott Grabel’s law firm represents Andrew Longuski.

He says Longuski hopped on a bike with Sgt. Jordan following that conference.

“Andrew hopped on a bike that another officer had on the island…they were double-riding the bike and went to a bar in the area,” Grabel, said.

Grabel says while at the bar the two off-duty detectives were approached by a state police trooper.

“The trooper basically said to him, why are you riding a stolen bike?” explained, Grabel.

According to Grable an argument ensued between Longuski and the arresting officer.

“There was a disagreement in hey look, I don’t know anything about this bike, and I guess that’s where they main dispute was,” Grabel, said.

Grabel says that Longuski had no idea where the bike came from.

‘In his heart of hearts, one-hundred-percent did not know at all, until that trooper said the bike you’re driving on, did not belong to the guy that told you to hop on,” Grabel, said.

We reached out to Derrick Jordan’s attorney for comment, he declined.

Michigan state police issued a statement that says all allegations of misconduct are aggressively investigated.

“I’m hopeful that when it’s all said and done, this thing will work itself out,” Grabel, added.

Both are scheduled to be back in court next month.

The above-linked article includes a video report which shows the following Michigan State Police press release, which I was unable to find on their website, so I have transcribed it here:



June 22, 2018

On May 29, 2018, D/F/Lt. Andrew Longuski and D/Sgt. Derrick Jordan were arraigned in the 92nd District Court of Mackinac County on the misdemeanor charges of Larceny Under $200 and Disorderly Conduct, for their actions in an off-duty incident that occured on May 18, 2018.

The MSP has a long-standing tradition of demanding the highest possible standards of professional conduct from its enforcement and civilian members. To that end, all allegations of misconduct are aggressively investigated. Alleged violations of administrative rules are also investigated thoroughly and acted upon in a manner consistent with current labor-relations law and bargaining unit agreements. Regardless of whether a criminal charge results in a conviction, employees can still be subject to administrative penalties resulting from violations of department policy.

Longuski and Jordan work in the Polygraph Section of the Biometrics and Identification Division.


So, I have some questions for our friends in the polygraph community:

1) Do you find Lieutenant Andrew Longuski's lawyer's claim that it was his junior, black colleague and fellow conference attendee, Sergeant Jordan, who stole the bicycle, and that Lieutenant Longuski had no idea that it was stolen, to be credible?

2) If Lt. Longuski's lawyer's claim is untrue, what ethical obligation does Lt. Longuski have to correct the record?

3) What disciplinary action do you think is appropriate if the charges against these two polygraphers are substantiated? For example, should the Michigan State Police terminate their employment? Or would some lesser action be warranted. If so, why?

4) The American Polygraph Association website lists Lieutenant Longuski as a member. What disciplinary action by the APA is warranted if the charges against him are substantiated?
« Last Edit: Jun 26th, 2018 at 6:30am by George W. Maschke »  

George W. Maschke
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Re: Michigan State Police Polygraphers Andrew Longuski and Derrick Jordan Arrested for Stealing a Bicycle and Disorderly Conduct
Reply #1 - Jun 26th, 2018 at 2:07pm
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5) Should Lieutenant Andrew Longuski submit to a polygraph examination to determine whether he knew that Sgt. Derrick Jordan had taken the bicycle without permission?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Michigan State Police Polygraphers Andrew Longuski and Derrick Jordan Arrested for Stealing a Bicycle and Disorderly Conduct
Reply #2 - Oct 1st, 2019 at 4:33am
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After the 18 May 2018 arrest of Michigan State Police polygraph operators Andrew Longuski and Derrick Jordan for the alleged theft of a bicycle and disorderly conduct, I tried in vain to find any follow-up reporting on their case or any court filings regarding it. It turns out that charges against both officers were dropped and the arresting officer was rewarded with an 8-day suspension. Andrew Longuski has filed a federal lawsuit against the arresting officer and the detective who investigated the case. Terry Camp reports for Flint, Michigan television station ABC12:


By Terry Camp | 
Posted: Wed 5:15 PM, Sep 25, 2019  | 
Updated: Wed 6:48 PM, Sep 25, 2019 

SAGINAW COUNTY (WJRT) (9/25/2019) - A retired Michigan State Police polygraph examiner who made national headlines for the wrong reasons last year is suing the department after criminal charges against him were dropped.

Andrew Longuski was visiting Mackinac Island with a fellow polygraph examiner when they were accused of stealing a bicycle. The case drew national attention after the two men were arrested and charged.

But, those charges were dropped.

The Michigan State Police trooper that made the arrests was suspended for several days. Now, he's facing a lawsuit.

"It was splashed all over the media. It even made it to Time Magazine," said attorney Julie Gafkay, who is representing Longuski.

He had worked 25 years with the Michigan State Police when the left [sic] allegations against him and Derrick Jordan went public last May

"Excellent reputation and now it's gone because of these charges that went national -- that he stole a bike on Mackinac Island, and that's just not true," Gafkay said.

The prosecutor says a few months after the news splashed around the world, all the criminal charges both men faced were dropped. Now Longuski, who recently retired, is suing trooper Ryan Akers and Det. Sgt. Gary Demers, who handled the investigation.

The lawsuit claims this was a malicious prosecution.

"They both had available to them evidence that would have shown that Andrew Longuski did not commit these crimes, and it was totally disregarded," Gafkay said.

She said some of that evidence is surveillance video that was never viewed and witnesses who were never interviewed.

Longuski hopped on a bike that Jordan was riding after dinner on the island while both men were there for a conference. Gafkay said Longuski had no idea where Jordan got the bike.

The complaint says when the dust settled, Akers, the arresting officer, was suspended for eight days by the state police.

"He ultimately was disciplined for his misconduct associated with this investigation," Gafkay said.

A Michigan State Police spokesman couldn't comment on the lawsuit Wednesday because they haven't been served with it yet. Akers couldn't be reached for comment and Demers declined to comment.

Longuski's lawsuit is Case No. 2:19-cv-00190 in the Federal District Court for the District of Western Michigan. His statement of complaint may be read here.

George W. Maschke
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Michigan State Police Polygraphers Andrew Longuski and Derrick Jordan Arrested for Stealing a Bicycle and Disorderly Conduct

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