quickfix wrote on Feb 16
th, 2017 at 7:48pm:
Total bullishit. There is no evidence whatsoever to support this. Show us anecdotal evidence. You have none. And I'm not going anywhere. I will continue to "troll" and mock the fools like yourself.
I'm not going to name names on this forum, but I've seen everything firsthand but the suicide. You crack me up when you ask for anecdotal evidence.

Do you know that anecdotal evidence means evidence based on hearsay and not hard facts? Thanks for proving what true morons you polygraph examiners really are

You think you are mind readers and psychologists but you have less education and knowledge than a hair stylist

Do you even have a high school degree? If not, there is this thing called a GED. You can work on that when you're not cleaning the latrines in between polygraph exams.
If you want testimonials just check out this website. How about the former Marine 1 pilot who was rejected from the CBP because the polygraph accused him of cheating on his wife? It cost him a job and could of cost him his marriage. Luckily he isn't married to a woman like the morons we've seen in these threads.
You don't know anything about me. Your foul language and threatening tone is all the proof anyone needs that you are a low class thug. If you really understood honor and integrity you'd understand why this witchcraft offends honorable people. I'm glad that you'll keep posting because you are one of the best recruiting tools for the anti-polygraph cause.
If you wonder why I'm spending my golden retirement years (thanks for the age discrimination and disrespect by the way) I have good reasons. I am a patriot and am sickened to see the honorable professions of law enforcement and intelligence tainted by clowns like you. Also, I am involved in recruiting and am disgusted to think that so many of these good, decent young people who are working and sacrificing to get into my former profession are going to have their dreams ripped away because of this polygraph bull shit. By the way, don't worry, I don't tell them anything about the polygraph. I don't want to tempt them to check out countermeasures and give the Nazi's that run our security divisions a reason to go after them. Keep on entertaining yourself on this site and thanks for entertaining us.