Joe McCarthy
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Reply #24 - May 12th , 2015 at 7:52pm
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OK, but SOT is a fact of life, it is here and being done and it is not going anywhere...... for now. I can't speak for other states, but here in Texas, it is a dirty business filled with people who are too scared of polygraph when there is a basis for testing, in your words. I am now on a crusade to do the right thing and expose it all, and/or fix it; and if the industry don't get on board with cleaning up from within, the integrity of the PCSOT market will lose what credibility it has left. The Polygraph Examiners in Texas lost the right to partly regulate our own industry because we have shown that we are not trustworthy enough to do so in a manner that is fair and reasonable. TDLR only got half the job done though; but more on that later. How can you make the public feel warm and fuzzy about a procedure that a given industry avoids using itself like the black plague; all while telling the public that this is a good fix to the issue of sex offender self report? Moreover, if we are here, for lack of a better term, to judge the integrity of others, should we not be willing to look from within and judge our own though the use of facts, adherence to our own rules, and a sense of equity to ALL involved. That when something is an issue, fix the issue over cutting off the hand of the person pointing out the issue? Or maybe I have simply consumed too much koolaide. All I know is this Texas issue is not going away until it is solved. This has been made clear by the actions of the examiners involved in this Texas mess. There are examiners down here that are more obsessed with their vendetta against me for coming here in 2008 that they just didn't want to let everything pass quietly and let it go. If I am going to be forced out, I will not go without letting people know the truth and provide documentation to prove it up. This just makes me see what a destructive group of people they are, and if they will do this to me after squeezing out a win on a technicality, what will they do or what have they done to an easier target. The people of Texas deserve to know what they are getting into. Because someday, it may be them or someone they love in that polygraph chair. How you ask? It's not just the sex offenders. Some counties are using PCSOT like testing with DWI as well and they are looking into expanding into other areas. Now while the vast majority of America doesn't want to diddle a kid, those same people do get into a car after throwing a few back and it is literally a throw of the dice if they get caught. Boom. Then they are at the mercy of Mr. 45%. All it will take is to screw over one important politician's niece or nephew, and polygraph will be looking at another EPPA. I am not the only one who sees this. I am not the only examiner who sees this coming if we don't clean it up from within. Fact is, the Texas Polygraph Industry would rather play damage control to their integrity over have integrity by coming clean about their behavior, taking responsibility and accountability for it's actions, and fixing the integrity of the foundation to build a stronger and more trustworthy structure. If you want a more honest and trustworthy profession, that is where it starts, with integrity from within. Something that is seriously lacking.