Hot Topic (More than 15 Replies) Too terrified to take it. (Read 8760 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Trenzalore
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Too terrified to take it.
Feb 18th, 2015 at 4:04am
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I am being accused of a despicable crime that I DID NOT DO. unfortunately the investigators are refusing to even entertain the idea that it was made up, even though the person who accused me has accused 4 others in the past only to take it back later. I am not afraid to take the polygraph because I am afraid they will find out the truth, I am afraid because I don't trust them. ( machine or operator ) In 2006 my friend was asked to submit to one in order to * clear * his name from a non violent crime he was accused of. I know he was innocent because we are all out at the bar with a crap ton of people when the thefts were committed but according to either the machine or the dipwad administering the test, he was lying. My allegations are violent and sexual in nature so yes I am freaking terrified. I am a grown man who hasn't cried a tear since I was a kid and I have been such a wreck that I can't stop sobbing. I know I am innocent but they ( police and DA ) keep telling me that a polygraph can prove I am innocent but if I go to trial I am facing several years for a crime I did not do. I need advice bad. Please forgive my rant. Should I just take the damn thing and let the fate fall where it does?  If you want to know more, then let me know I will message you.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Ex Member
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #1 - Feb 18th, 2015 at 4:34am
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I think I can speak for most in this forum when I say that you should not submit to polygraph testing. If you have police officers telling you they think you committed a crime, you need to clam up and seek legal counsel asap.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #2 - Feb 18th, 2015 at 4:43am
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Your concerns about taking a polygraph "test" are well-founded. Polygraphy has no scientific basis, and it is common for truthful people to wrongly fail. Moreover, the police and DA are lying when they tell you that a polygraph can prove you are innocent. Polygraph chart readings are not admissible at trial (unless, in some states, if the suspect stupidly signs a stipulation agreement).

As used by criminal investigators, the polygraph is often little more than a pretext for interrogating a suspect without a lawyer present. While the polygraph chart readings may not be admissible at trial, any statements made by the suspect are admissible. In this connection, the suspect's "failing" the polygraph may be a pre-scripted part of the interrogation plan.

At this juncture, if I were in your shoes, I would seek the counsel of an experienced criminal defense lawyer, and importantly, I would not speak with investigators in the absence of legal counsel for the reasons articulated here by law professor James Duane:

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Dan Mangan
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #3 - Feb 18th, 2015 at 12:26pm
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Don't take a polygraph with the cops.

Have your attorney arrange a private polygraph with a credentialed private examiner. Don't tell a soul. No exceptions.

If the outcome is favorable, your attorney can provide the authorities with the complete examination package -- charts, raw data, video, etc. -- for their review.

Daniel Mangan, M.A.
Full Member, American Polygraph Association
Certified PCSOT Examiner
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Aunty Agony
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #4 - Feb 22nd, 2015 at 7:38pm
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It is most likely that if the police and the DA are badgering you to take a polygraph test then they don't have sufficient evidence to get the indictment much less convict you.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box creatureman
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #5 - Feb 27th, 2015 at 2:37pm
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Dont submit to one with the Police! They will interrogate the crap out of you! Get a lawyer and only do a private poly, at the most, with attorney client privilege protection.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Trenzalore
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #6 - Mar 13th, 2015 at 7:15pm
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Sorry I took so long to respond but as I am sure you can understand, things have been hectic.

Okay so far everything they have thrown at me has failed them. So far every time the police, DFS, or the DA tries to come up with something that will prove I am guilty, it only proves I am innocent. A list of things that have gone in my favor: DFS admits she has done it before to several other people, I have witnesses, she has told a few others that she lied but changes her story for DFS and police, DFS told me that her story has been inconsistent, She was given the safe exam at MY request because she refused it and the doctors stated that she is still a virgin and shows no sign of ever being touched, let alone raped. ( Best evidence in my opinion ). I handed over all my devices ( laptop, Phones, thumb drives, SD cards and stuff ) to be examined by the police cyber crimes department and it was all cleared. Because of all these things, the DA told my attorney that he has no reason to charge me with anything and has no intention of doing so.  But now that they have exhausted all their avenues and have come up with nothing, they told my lawyer that if I take the poly and pass it, they will drop the investigation. I know I am innocent but the idea of leaving my fate up to a faulty machine and human error just don't make me comfortable. Problem is, my attorney suggests I take it. If I get a false positive ( or negative, depending on what is worse ) wont that just be like giving them the one bullet they need against me? But on the other hand, last Tuesday after court, my attorney ( before they requested I take the poly to end it ) told me that I am going to have to testify as well as my witnesses and her and since there is nothing that shows any wrong doing on my part and the DA admits that, that the DA and judge will be very hard pressed to find a reason for filing charges on me. He said he thinks I have an outstanding chance of this ending. So I know what I want to do, but I want other opinions considering so much has changed. Thank you.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #7 - Mar 14th, 2015 at 11:47am
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I think it is unwise to voluntarily submit to any law enforcement-administered polygraph examination/interrogation. In particular, it would be a mistake to sign any agreement stipulating that the results of such polygraph examination will be admissible in a court of law. I think it would be advisable to seek a second legal opinion.

However, and this is something to discuss with your lawyer, if you do agree to a law enforcement or DA-sponsored polygraph, then you should absolutely insist upon the following conditions, with an agreement to be signed in writing prior to any polygraph examination:

1. Your lawyer will be present with you inside the polygraph suite the entire time. The claim by polygraph operators that the presence of a third person would make the "test" untenable is a self-serving lie.

2. The entire polygraph procedure, including pre-test, in-test, and post-test will be video-recorded.

3. Immediately upon completion of the examination, you will be provided with a copy of the video recording as well as a printout of the polygraph charts, the polygraph operator's report, and the computer data file associated with the examination. (You may optionally state that a copy of these will be provided to for an independent review, which I will be happy to provide.)

4. The polygraph results will not be admissible in court.

When your lawyer insists upon these entirely reasonable conditions, it is likely that the request that you submit to a polygraph interrogation will be withdrawn.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Doug Williams
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #8 - Mar 14th, 2015 at 1:53pm
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George W. Maschke wrote on Mar 14th, 2015 at 11:47am:

I think it is unwise to voluntarily submit to any law enforcement-administered polygraph examination/interrogation. In particular, it would be a mistake to sign any agreement stipulating that the results of such polygraph examination will be admissible in a court of law. I think it would be advisable to seek a second legal opinion.

However, and this is something to discuss with your lawyer, if you do agree to a law enforcement or DA-sponsored polygraph, then you should absolutely insist upon the following conditions, with an agreement to be signed in writing prior to any polygraph examination:

1. Your lawyer will be present with you inside the polygraph suite the entire time. The claim by polygraph operators that the presence of a third person would make the "test" untenable is a self-serving lie.

2. The entire polygraph procedure, including pre-test, in-test, and post-test will be video-recorded.

3. Immediately upon completion of the examination, you will be provided with a copy of the video recording as well as a printout of the polygraph charts, the polygraph operator's report, and the computer data file associated with the examination. (You may optionally state that a copy of these will be provided to for an independent review, which I will be happy to provide.)

4. The polygraph results will not be admissible in court.

When your lawyer insists upon these entirely reasonable conditions, it is likely that the request that you submit to a polygraph interrogation will be withdrawn.

Good advice George!  I have always said that polygraphers are like thingy roaches - they run away when the light is shined on them.  The polygraph procedure cannot withstand public scrutiny because it will become apparent that it is nothing but a fraud.  The polygraph is just a prop for an interrogation - nothing more and nothing less!

I have been fighting the thugs and charlatans in the polygraph industry for forty years.  I tell about my crusade against the insidious Orwellian polygraph industry in my book FALSE CONFESSIONS - THE TRUE STORY OF DOUG WILLIAMS' CRUSADE AGAINST THE ORWELLIAN POLYGRAPH INDUSTRY.  Please visit my website POLYGRAPH.COM and follow me on TWITTER @DougWilliams_PG

Doug Williams
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Aunty Agony
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #9 - Mar 15th, 2015 at 1:35am
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Trenzalore wrote on Mar 13th, 2015 at 7:15pm:
Problem is, my attorney suggests I take it.

That's a problem, all right.  In fact, it's the most serious problem you have right now.  Your lawyer may sincerely believe that the polygraph is an accurate lie detector, or he may just be careless and lazy.  In either case, he is dead wrong.

Your chances of passing a polygraph exam are about 50%.  You can increase those chances through training and practice, although nothing can guarantee 100%.  OTOH your actual guilt or innocence has absolutely no influence on the result.  It's like betting on going to jail or going free by flipping a coin, but by studying TLBTLD you can weight the coin.

Let me give you the game theory payoff matrix:

                  | A poly exam would   | A poly exam would   |
                  | prove you innocent  | prove you guilty    |
You refuse to     | You are cleared     | You are cleared     |
take a poly exam  | of all charges      | of all charges      |
You agree to      | You are cleared     | You go to jail      |
take a poly exam  | of all charges      |                     |

So the only way you can go to jail is if you agree to a polygraph exam and luck is against you.  Now George and Doug are giving you vary good advice about how to influence which column you end up in, but you don't need that advice as long as you can select which row you start out from.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Trenzalore
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #10 - Mar 15th, 2015 at 3:04am
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I thank everybody for the advice and I decided I am not taking it. They have already proven my innocence for me on several documented occasions and I would be a fool to give them the chance to get to me on this. I will inform my attorney Monday morning. I just have one question. What is TLBTLD?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Aunty Agony
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #11 - Mar 15th, 2015 at 4:57am
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Trenzalore wrote on Mar 15th, 2015 at 3:04am:
What is TLBTLD?

George's book The Lie Behind The Lie Detector.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Doug Williams
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #12 - Mar 15th, 2015 at 3:27pm
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Aunty Agony wrote on Mar 15th, 2015 at 4:57am:
Trenzalore wrote on Mar 15th, 2015 at 3:04am:
What is TLBTLD?

George's book The Lie Behind The Lie Detector.

Check it out! Here is a new (and very affordable) polygraph instrument.  Now you can test yourself before the real thing!  Study George's book (or my manual) and then do some practice tests on this little beauty.  It records exactly the same things as the polygraph used by all the polygraphers!  And you can get it on EBAY for about $100!


I have been fighting the thugs and charlatans in the polygraph industry for forty years.  I tell about my crusade against the insidious Orwellian polygraph industry in my book FALSE CONFESSIONS - THE TRUE STORY OF DOUG WILLIAMS' CRUSADE AGAINST THE ORWELLIAN POLYGRAPH INDUSTRY.  Please visit my website POLYGRAPH.COM and follow me on TWITTER @DougWilliams_PG

Doug Williams
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Trenzalore
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #13 - Mar 17th, 2015 at 9:45pm
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Well I have to take it. I have no choice. The assholes did the worst thing they could. They had child services take my kids and placed them in separate foster homes and told me if I pass the test I can have them back.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Trenzalore
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Re: Too terrified to take it.
Reply #14 - Mar 17th, 2015 at 10:39pm
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I was also just reading in the book where it says not to take deep breaths. I only take deep breaths. in September 2011 I was hospitalized with double pneumonia both lungs filled. I was there 2 weeks and since then I can only take deep breaths. Even just saying yes or no to a question causes me to  have to take a long deep breath. Should I make this known?
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