quickfix wrote on Mar 26
th, 2014 at 7:19pm:
Yeah, I'll weigh in- Doug Williams is full of shit. This "65%" is some ridiculous figure he pulled out of his ass. Why? His mission is to sell as many books and DVDs as he can to dupes like you. Listening to Doug Williams is both FOOLISH and DANGEROUS.
OK Quickfux, here is one more for you... The Connecticut State Police have provided the following statistics in a "Selection Process Update":
As of August 27, 2003, all of the six hundred seventy three (673) candidates scheduled for polygraph examinations have completed it. _Two hundred twenty seven (227) applicants passing the polygraph have proceeded to the background investigation phase of the selection process. _One hundred five (105) polygraph reports have yet to be evaluated. Excluding the 105 polygraph reports not yet evaluated, 227 out of 568, or 40%, passed. The remaining 341, or 60%, failed!
Note that the polygraph is the fourth step in the Connecticut State Police selection process. Those 60% of applicants who are being branded as liars have all passed a written examination, a physical fitness assessment, and an observational test.
Given that polygraph screening is completely invalid (as confirmed by the National Academy of Sciences in its landmark report, The Polygraph and Lie Detection, it is clear that the CSP is falsely branding large numbers of truthful, qualified applicants as liars and wrongly disqualifying them from employment.
And by the way, Quickfux, my mission is to put myself out of business. And I'll happily quit selling manuals and DVD's the day after you and your cohorts quit running your scam of "lie detection".