It is nice to see such young minds working so well in recognizing the the socio-political ramifications of the present climate vis a vis sex offenders. In the 1950's we had McCarthyism. Ahh, I yearn for the classics, don't you? 'Reds' were under your bed and up your ass and if we didn't stop 'em (and I mean pronto, pal), then we'd all be eatin borscht and speakin rooski by the end of the year! So, anything that was done against a commie rat, or someone suspected of being a commie rat, or someone who might maybe possibly know someone who had a friend who's uncle dated a commie rat, was AOK because we were protecting America, Land of the Free. So what if freedom took a little hit, who cares about their freedom, anyway, they're just commies. J. Edgar and the rest of the paranoid right got away with just about anything, all in the name of protecting freedom. But, people being what they are, folks got tired of the 'commie threat'. Enter, as you accurately noted, drug addicts. Reefer madness, LSD junkies, speed freaks and pill heads. Who cared about THEIR rights? After all, they were the flotsam of society. So what if maybe some guy who smoked a joint was imprisoned for 100 years? He'd probably go on to rape chihuahuas and stab babies anyway. Well, that got old, too, and they tried .....pornography!!! Prosecuting the likes of Larry Flynt and anybody else who DARED to show *gasp* penises and vaginas actually touching. ohmysweetfuckingjesus!!! The country faced ruin!! Well, the public fell off that bandwagon in a New York minute, but wait!! Some bright-eyed bluenose came up with.......child molesters!!!! Ho ho, they cried! Now WHO could be in favor of dirty, foul, disgusting child raping baby humping scum sucking goat roping PEDOPHILES!!! Nobody, that's who!! So more and more laws were passed, giving the Gubmint more and more control over the populace, under the guise of protecting us. Ohh, gents and ladies, I could ramble on for hours, but you get the point. They start with the most loathsome fiends imaginable, and then the repression begins to trickle down to the more mundane individuals, but ones the Gov decides need to be "under control". Since 9/11 they've started on 'Terrorism'. Now it's legal (indeed, even desirable) to intern American citizens in foreign countries (i.e. Cuba) and torture them, all in the name of Democracy. Paraphrased, this piece is from the aftermath of Nazi Germany: "First they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew, so I did nothing. Then they came for the Gypsies, but I was not a Gypsy, so I did nothing. Then they came for the Catholics, but I was not a Catholic, so I did nothing. Then they came for the dissenters, but I was not a dissenter, so I did nothing. Then they came for me, and I cried out for help, for I was innocent. But there was no one left to help me. Peace my brothers.