Yes, this is Joe McCarthy. I have been watching this discussion board ever since the suit became “public”.
I looked over the discussions and considered every point. Some are good and others are just plain piss poor. While thinking, pontificating, and doing deep thought brain thingies in my mind on the events for the past few months, I realized that the answer was right in front of me. POLYGRAPH.
This is a case about polygraph examiners and therapists that believe in polygraph. Probation relies on polygraph as a tool it to put people back in prison. Let’s note that some of the people belong there. Clearly, they do not have a problem using polygraph as a tool in their arsenal. So here is what I was thinking.
I said to myself “Self, what if everyone stipulated to a polygraph exam? Everyone, the examiners, the therapists, even the two probation officials. Have an INDEPENDENT polygraph examiner come in and polygraph each and every person on the front captioning of the lawsuit except for the lawyers. We don’t want to blow up the instrument. I already caught them in a few lies. I will let them guess which ones.
The tests will consist of relevant questions agreed upon by all examiners, therapists, probation officials, and their lawyers. All parties will be identified by number chosen by lot. A representative of the Court and the INDEPENDENT examiner will be the only two people who will know the true identity of each number.
The test format will have to be an R&I because if there is anyone that could get around a control question test, it’s a polygraph examiner. Because therapists and the probation officials can be coached, they will be given an R&I as well. After the charts are collected, they will be scored numerically through ROSS and globally by the administrating examiner. Copies will be made of all charts with the identifying information redacted from them and new identifier will be put on the charts to ensure that this next step will be one hundred fair. The only person who will know the true identity of each chart will be the Judge and his representative. All the newly identified charts will be given to each polygraph examiner involved in this action and one additional examiner who is not involved with this action, who is not the original examiner, and who is no one that the original examiner may know.
The charts will be blind quality controlled by each polygraph examiner through ROSS and globally. The score sheet will then be attached to each chart with a notarized affidavit. For all you guys that do not know what ROSS is, I will be more than happy to educate you. The scored charts along with the affidavit and score sheets will be sent back to the court where a court officer will then properly identify each chart. The identities of each chart will then be released to the lawyers and their clients. Inconclusives will count as a DI and obvious miscoring will leave the examiner open to perjury, contempt of court, and any sanction available.
If they are telling the truth that there is no intentional exclusive agreements to manipulate the market, offering and/or receiving of kickbacks, favoritism, creating monopolies, or intentionally pushing of anyone out of this market by unlawful restriction of trade, then they should not have a problem with taking the exam that is relied on so heavily by all the parties involved. I know that I have no problem with it because I have done nothing in bad faith.
It should be interesting to see how many step forward.
The reason why I am posting this on is because I believe that this will be the only forum in which I can be heard. On top of that, I can rest assured that the responses will be watched very closely by all.
I will try to keep the people on this board updated on the responses received or the sounds of deafening silence that I hear. I will also be setting up a blog so regular updates can be posted along with all documents that are of public record.
Maybe this will put the issue to rest. Maybe it will aggravate the issue. No matter what it does, it will cause discussion and provoke thought about the polygraph industry and if the people in the industry are truly “dedicated to the truth”.
I have thrown down the gauntlet. I have called you all out. I will be counting the day for a response and will post the response of each person either here or on the blog.
The fax is on people.
Now in the eloquent words of Mick Foley
“Have a nice day!

Joe McCarthy