Quote:Sancho Panza
Nice nic. Do you happen to fit the character? A squire who serves his master faithfully? Are you greedy but kind? Faithful but cowardly? You started out good on this thread and I agree with your early words. But somewhere along the line you strayed into the rhetoric and BS.
Quote:For example: According to a study conducted by the Colorado Department of Corrections and Published in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 989:411-427 (2003)
LOL. A rehash of a study actually conducted in 2000. Never understood why the Academy published it and charges for access, since the Colorado DOJ released it to the public domain when it was completed.
The 180 offenders studied are hardly a representative sampling of the average sex offender. All 180 were men with boy victims that were between 6 and 9 years old. Only a polygraph supporter would take a narrow study like that and assume it applies to all 700,000 convicted sex offenders in this country
Quote:Results of the first polygraph examination revealed on average for each offender: 163 additional victims, 504 additional offenses, and 4 additional categories of sex offending behavior.
Right. Since we're assuming these 180 offenders are the 'same' as all sex offenders that means there are some 114 million victimized children we don't know about? That would constitute EVERY child in the USA. So what's the catch? It's what they call a "victim". Every time an offender saw a photo of a child and had a sexual thought, that was a victim. If they looked at the same photo several times, that was several different "offenses". Even masturbation to an erotic fantasy constituted a "victim" and an "offense".
Quote:Sex Offenders do not go back to prison because they failed a therapy polygraph.
Nope. They go back to prison for getting kicked out of therapy...because they failed the polygraph. Kind of like saying people don't die from the bullet, they die from the tissue damage and loss of blood.
Runs counter to the general perception of more than a few around here that George's board has become a haven for all sex offenders, doesn't it? I doubt they're here because the support that voodoo. Besides, if an offender lies his a** off denying all manner of vile deeds and fantasies and scores NDI on all of it, do you honestly think he'll then say he lied about it all? Of course he wouldn't

He would extol the virtues of the machine and then laugh about the utter ignorance of not only the polygrapher but the person who asked him if it 'helped'.
Quote:In conclusion Oregon and New York both cite statistics that show a significant reduction in Sex Offender recidivism since they implemented post conviction polygraph examinations.
Care to give us a citation? I'm aware of both states making a point of saying that
treatment reduces recidivism, which is true. But I'm not aware of either categorically stating that the polygraph alone causes a reduction in recidivism. Enlighten me.
I guess if i was you I would use "no name" for a nic. Want to explain to the rest of the members here just how you happen to know what other sites the NAMBLA site has links to? What, you go there but promise that you only read the articles?
A pleasure Ms. Taylor. I don't recall seeing too many women getting involved in discussions here.
Quote:Otherwise, if your sentence was over, you would not still be in S.O. Therapy.
Don't have much experience with the judicial system, do you? I can name you an offender just released from prison two months ago for a cocaine conviction. Because he had a sex offense 27 years ago for which he served 18 months probation, he was ordered to undergo sex offender treatment during his parole period. Fortunately for him he only had two months left

Courts and parole boards around the country impose sex offender conditions including treatment on any offender with a sex offense at any time in their past.
Quote:And GM - just because you believe polygraph is pseudoscience doesn't negate your culpability!
What culpability? Here's the deal. If Jester is inclined to commit a new offense, it makes no difference if this site exists or not. No amount of polygraphing is going to stop him, whether he knows it's pseudoscience or not. True therapy will help him identify the precursors to a re-offense and help him deal with them. But
only if he wants it that way.
Quite the fanclub, EJ
Quote:As someone who spent 5 years with large caseloads of sex offenders, I can attest that such personality types abound.
Whoooo. An
I spent 10 years sitting in on group therapy sessions as an "informed observer". A veritible revolving door of new faces every month. And I have a very close friend who has spent the last 15 years supervising sex offenders on probation and parole for the DOC of a large state. Can't say that Jester's overall behavior is indicative of those offenders, and neither does my PO friend. Yes some exhibit a combative attitude towards "the system", but such is the nature of all criminals with all crimes. Likewise a sense that it's "not my fault". And I can't say I ever met a car thief remorseful about the fact his victim had to take a cab for two weeks while the insurance company worked out the details. You see, this behavior you talk about isn't reserved for sex offenders. It's prevalent for all offenders.
Quote:A talking moron can repeat mantras of therapy
Freudian slip, EJ?

You talk the talk pretty good, but have you ever walked the walk? Sex offender therapy is all things and no things. A true therapist will not have an outline for all offenders. Something that works for one offender may have little if any value for another. And even if something works for 'most' offenders that doesn't mean it works for all. The polygraph is such a therapy "tool". It will scare the bejeezus out of some to the point they'll tell all. Not really a bad thing. But that has to be weighed against the utterly arbitrary nature of the exam and the people giving them. A greater number are scored deceptive simply because if the examiner scored everybody NDI and there were no new offenses or violations being 'fessed up to somebody high up might wonder why they even need the poly. No poly, no food for the polygrapher. Face it. As an examiner it's in your best interest to produce results that insure your continued usefulness to the therapy system.
Quote:Mr. Truth
Glad to see you still hang around here
I agree with your statement to Jester. After the initial screwup it was as much his own fault as the others. A simple phone call. Having had the same antagonistic attitude against "the system" I know exactly what his thoughts were. But I learned quickly that the system holds all the cards, even when they're wrong.