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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner) (Read 59987 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Sergeant1107
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #15 - Oct 23rd, 2007 at 12:59pm
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I don’t understand how you can characterize the behavior of the trolls (their behavior classified them as such, by definition) as “telling another side of the story” or as anything similar.  The people who were banned were contemptuous, rude, insulting, and disrespectful from the moment they registered here.  I think the five or so people who were recently banned engaged in more ad hominem attacks in the past month than has been seen on this board in the past several years.

nonombre wrote on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 1:35am:
The examiners you "banned" did not engage in any conduct that had not been pointed at them time and time again over the several years this site has been in existance...

Your comment makes it clear that you do not approve of the conduct you feel has been directed at examiners over the past several years.  If the behavior is unacceptable (and I do believe personal attacks are unacceptable) it does not become any less so because it is being done by someone with whom you agree.  It also does not become any less acceptable if you resort to the schoolyard argument of, “He started it!”

nonombre wrote on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 1:35am:
What you did do was to engage in what every petty dictator has always done.  Silence the opposition.  You have done that well.  Bravo, you are quite proud I am sure.  

This is simply a gross mischaracterization of events.  If you want to see an example of petty dictatorship that will instantly silence the opposition, go to and post a message questioning the validity of the polygraph.  The post will be deleted and your account will be banned within minutes.

On the other hand, George allows pro-polygraph posts every day.  The people who were banned were banned only after repeated admonishments to keep their discourse civil, and they chose to ignore those warnings and continue their personal attacks on the posters themselves, rather than on the ideas espoused by them.  

You and I have engaged in lengthy online debates about various aspects of polygraphy, and I don’t ever recall you taking the “anti” side.  Your opinion has always been welcome and I don’t ever recall questioning your veracity or attacking your character in any way.  If George was truly the “petty dictator” you have named him, as soon as you made it known you were not opposed to polygraphy he would have banned you.

nonombre wrote on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 1:35am:
Quite proud you have silenced the "trolls" I believe you called your opposition? Gee, and I thought you were above name calling...  

Trolls are defined as people who, “regularly posts specious arguments, flames or personal attacks to a newsgroup, discussion list, or in email for no other purpose than to annoy someone or disrupt a discussion. Trolls are recognizable by the fact that the have no real interest in learning about the topic at hand - they simply want to utter flame bait. Like the ugly creatures they are named after, they exhibit no redeeming characteristics, and as such, they are recognized as a lower form of life on the net, as in, 'Oh, ignore him, he's just a troll.'"

I understand (though I do not agree with) your justification that the examiners who were recently banned from this forum were merely retaliating for similar behavior that was directed at them for the past several years.  I don’t see how you can reasonably characterize such retaliatory behavior as anything other than attempts to annoy, attack, and disrupt.  Such behavior is, by definition, trolling.

nonombre wrote on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 1:35am:
Thank GOD they never hired you, for people of your psychological make-up is just what thieves and traitors are made of (yes, we have learned that through intense research)...I now believe the FBI actually did the right thing in the end and Jack Trimarco was one hell of an agent. I am very proud of his work.  

And then you finish up with another argumentum ad hominem.  You disagree with George’s opinion on the polygraph so he must be psychologically similar to thieves and traitors.

I think any objective observer to these proceedings would easily conclude that George, Gino, and Drew conducted themselves with far more grace and class than did any of the examiners and polygraph supporters who were repeatedly attacking their veracity and character.

Lorsque vous utilisez un argumentum ad hominem, tout le monde sait que vous êtes intellectuellement faillite.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box EJohnson
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #16 - Oct 23rd, 2007 at 2:06pm
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Fabulous. Now let's set the record straight. George and all have characterized polygraph examiner postings as "a coordinated effort." Such is not true. Being acquanted with fellow examiners and commenting on the site "after hours" regarding the utter lack of robust opinions on this site is hardly "coordinated." Posting research that demonstrates the complete folly and damage to lives of the tlbtld "countermeasures" is not disinformation, it is scientific proof. I was bannished not as a result of ad hom attacks (although I've had my share and recieved them too) but I posted a survey on this board asking threaders if they recieved any malware, bots, or trojans----and even giving regards to the fact that alleged problems on this site could be fictitious or unrelated to That my friends and adversaries is what got Paradiddle banished. I am always up for debate, but when posters refuse to acknowledge scientific research, construct validity, and true experience----than such amounts to the twin of ad hom attacks. To further the insult, Gino and George have sold the identities of members for amusement. First the Vipre gang, now the polygraph examiners, next it will be you. I am greatly disappointed in George's paranoid accusation of "coordinated" attacks---which amounted to some field examiners deciding to represent with the exact same argumentative style as you here propogate. Your own soup tastes sour indeed.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #17 - Oct 23rd, 2007 at 2:40pm
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Mr. Johnson,

There can be little doubt that yours was a coordinated effort, and a well-informed source has confirmed that you, in fact, were the key player in this endeavor to debase the level of discourse on this message board.

It is true that your posting privileges as Paradiddle were banned after you posted a poll -- a poll calculated to insinuate the false notion that sends malware to our visitors. But you had disregarded multiple earlier warnings to abide by our posting policy.

Let anyone who claims to have received malware from state so openly and provide proof. No one can do so, because we have never sent anyone malware of any kind.

In his polygraph examination of Sahil Sharma, videorecorded for evidentiary purposes and played in open court, Dr. Louis Rovner, Ph.D. (one of your group) falsely claimed that I sent him a virus (a federal crime). I have refuted that claim by posting the complete text of the only e-mail message I have ever sent to him. Any who continue to repeat such false and malicious accusations may find themselves in court.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box EJohnson
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #18 - Oct 23rd, 2007 at 2:54pm
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Mr. Johnson,

There can be little doubt that yours was a coordinated effort, and a well-informed source has confirmed that you, in fact, were the key player in this endeavor to debase the level of discourse on this message board.

It is true that your posting privileges as Paradiddle were banned after you posted a poll -- a poll calculated to insinuate the false notion that sends malware to our visitors. But you had disregarded multiple earlier warnings to abide by our posting policy.

Let anyone who claims to have received malware from state so openly and provide proof. No one can do so, because we have never sent anyone malware of any kind.

In his polygraph examination of Sahil Sharma, videorecorded for evidentiary purposes and played in open court, Dr. Louis Rovner, Ph.D. (one of your group) falsely claimed that I sent him a virus (a federal crime). I have refuted that claim by posting the complete text of the only e-mail message I have ever sent to him. Any who continue to repeat such false and malicious accusations may find themselves in court.

So now you're reading minds? I made no such insinuations and you know it! A poll is a question, not a statement---and my poll if you are brave enough to post---gave implicit allowance for people to vote that they have recieved no Netherland malware. As a fact, that post was the single most harmless and earnest post I have ever made at this site, period. I too was afraid of false rumors regarding malware as I wanted more polygraph examiners to post here to even out this place---In a private examiner's forum, I stated that "George would not use malware as no-one would put rattlesnakes at their own friont door"--in an attempt to defend your formerly percieved honor-----plus----I was beginning to feel like a liberal at Fox News over here and wanted some balance----and I was afraid that rumors of malware would preclude fearful examiners from coming over for the debates. Do you think polygraph examiners are afraid of you George? No. They are afraid of your site---and now they probably do not trust your anonymity assurances. Your credibility is severely damaged here---and any reassurances of internet security will be under great scrutiny. I am greatly disappointed.

All men are mortal. Socrates was mortal. Therefore, &&all men are Socrates.-----Woody Allen  &&
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Sergeant1107
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #19 - Oct 23rd, 2007 at 3:22pm
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EJohnson wrote on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 2:06pm:
Fabulous. Now let's set the record straight. George and all have characterized polygraph examiner postings as "a coordinated effort." Such is not true. Being acquanted with fellow examiners and commenting on the site "after hours" regarding the utter lack of robust opinions on this site is hardly "coordinated." Posting research that demonstrates the complete folly and damage to lives of the tlbtld "countermeasures" is not disinformation, it is scientific proof. I was bannished not as a result of ad hom attacks (although I've had my share and recieved them too) but I posted a survey on this board asking threaders if they recieved any malware, bots, or trojans----and even giving regards to the fact that alleged problems on this site could be fictitious or unrelated to That my friends and adversaries is what got Paradiddle banished. I am always up for debate, but when posters refuse to acknowledge scientific research, construct validity, and true experience----than such amounts to the twin of ad hom attacks. To further the insult, Gino and George have sold the identities of members for amusement. First the Vipre gang, now the polygraph examiners, next it will be you. I am greatly disappointed in George's paranoid accusation of "coordinated" attacks---which amounted to some field examiners deciding to represent with the exact same argumentative style as you here propogate. Your own soup tastes sour indeed.

If I understand your point of view, when you post a study that supports your opinion, it is “scientific proof.”  When someone else posts a study or refers to a study that is counter to your opinion, what is that?  If you refer to a study it demonstrates the complete folly and damage to lives this site is responsible for, but if I refer to the NAS research study or the OTA study from 1983 my cites are shrugged off as being irrelevant?

You write that you are always up for debate, but is that really how you would characterize the majority of your posts here, as debate?  Really?  You were engaged in a debate?

When I posted my story regarding the polygraph and you questioned my veracity regarding not only my experiences, but also that I was even a police officer, was that a debate?  When you continually denigrated not only my opinion, but me personally, simply because I do not agree with you, was that a debate?

If you are so certain that the polygraph is well grounded in science and is a valid method for detecting truth or deception, I would think you could easily refute any contrary opinions without resorting to name calling and accusations of lying.

It is difficult for me to believe that your intention when you came to this site was to engage in a debate about the polygraph.  It seems obvious that your intention was to treat anyone who disagreed with you with contempt and disrespect.

For anyone who was unfamiliar with the polygraph and who chose the last month or so to do some research on it, if they visited this message board I have no doubt that they came away with the conclusion that, based on the sample they observed here, polygraph examiners are rude, disrespectful, peremptory in their decisions, and completely unable to intelligently defend their chosen profession without resorting to juvenile personal attacks against anyone who disagrees with them.

I doubt that such an impression is accurate for the majority of polygraph examiners, but that, sir, is the impression you and your comrades left over the course of the past few weeks.

Lorsque vous utilisez un argumentum ad hominem, tout le monde sait que vous êtes intellectuellement faillite.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box EJohnson
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #20 - Oct 23rd, 2007 at 4:25pm
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If I understand your point of view, when you post a study that supports your opinion, it is “scientific proof.”  When someone else posts a study or refers to a study that is counter to your opinion, what is that?  If you refer to a study it demonstrates the complete folly and damage to lives this site is responsible for, but if I refer to the NAS research study or the OTA study from 1983 my cites are shrugged off as being irrelevant? 

Honestly, that again? We already went over this. The 83 study was debunked by the researcher as being inadequate. The NAS study is interpretable as that polygraph is not a purley scientific test, but "demonstates far better than chance" results. Here you go again with circular logic-----your but but but but is well, old.

You write that you are always up for debate, but is that really how you would characterize the majority of your posts here, as debate?  Really?  You were engaged in a debate?

I stated that I was always "up for a debate" but this site offers scarce debate, but rather it is on a crusade. Ask the early "heretics" about the Crusader's debates.

When I posted my story regarding the polygraph and you questioned my veracity regarding not only my experiences, but also that I was even a police officer, was that a debate?  When you continually denigrated not only my opinion, but me personally, simply because I do not agree with you, was that a debate? 

Agreed, because your "story" has (according to the pro-polygraph crowd) a mathematical improbability. 3 examiners 3 tests---wrong each test. According to a very rough calculation, that is a 1 in 25,000 chance---add that with your proclivity to refer to your LIFE as a STORY, your countless hours on this site chasing cops/investigaters, and other oddities---and you have a cake that tastes fishy. Sorry if you became upset, I meant no disrespect---but I did have substantial suspicions---and to deny the above oddities is rather strange in and of itself. My life is my life, a story is something I tell my kids at night night time.

If you are so certain that the polygraph is well grounded in science and is a valid method for detecting truth or deception, I would think you could easily refute any contrary opinions without resorting to name calling and accusations of lying. 

I did such and examiners such as Nonombre have done so for years----to no avail. If Christ came down and said poly was a good tool for detecting deception, you'd call him the devil. We probably agree there, eh? So what is there to debate? You are your persona, and I was mine---until George and Gino decided to out me for posting a poll to see if the allegations of there being malware here are phony.

It is difficult for me to believe that your intention when you came to this site was to engage in a debate about the polygraph.  It seems obvious that your intention was to treat anyone who disagreed with you with contempt and disrespect.

Ad hom attack all the way Sarge, the pancake makeup doesn't disguise your feelings. My intentions were to have some fun sharing some sarcastic witicisms with people who support the disengagement of treatment by Sex Offenders, and the supporters of ending polygraph by encouraging citizens to lie to US Sworn Law Officers. Plain-n-simple Sarge.
For anyone who was unfamiliar with the polygraph and who chose the last month or so to do some research on it, if they visited this message board I have no doubt that they came away with the conclusion that, based on the sample they observed here, polygraph examiners are rude, disrespectful, peremptory in their decisions, and completely unable to intelligently defend their chosen profession without resorting to juvenile personal attacks against anyone who disagrees with them.

More ad hom----calling people who disdain folks that support sexual recidivism and lying to police officers as "juvenile." I can take it, can you? Does sarcasm and sardonic remarks hurt your feelings? At least no one is trying to get you fired from your job because of sarcasm. The outing of polygraph examiners rather than simple banishment is tantamount to slitting tires-----the lowest form of retribution on the internet. Sarcasm is just words, not deeds or instructions.

« Last Edit: Oct 23rd, 2007 at 5:28pm by EJohnson »  
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #21 - Oct 23rd, 2007 at 9:17pm
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getrealalready:  When I searched Google with "polygraph," (not anti-polygraph, but polygraph) a short while ago, I notice that your site comes up number one (even ahead of the American Polygraph Association's site) and their site came in at number 8. No wonder they are apoplectic.  You are the electronic portal to polygraphy for the whole world.

Even polygraphers cannot deny that that this site is THE address for polygraph related issues on the Web. Our search engine rankings are indeed high. They may disagree with the content here—but they know we are tops with regard to visibility.

What outsiders do not see is the sheer volume of contact we receive from major media organizations, prominent attorneys and others who influence polygraph policy along with the “thank you” notes from those who have successfully employed countermeasures.

EJohnson: At least no one is trying to get you fired from your job because of sarcasm. The outing of polygraph examiners rather than simple banishment is tantamount to slitting tires-----the lowest form of retribution on the internet. Sarcasm is just words, not deeds or instructions.

Mr. Johnson, despite what you may believe, our motive in exposing you and your compatriots was not to hurt your careers or tit-for-tat revenge

In actuality, we were tremendously concerned that the educated readers described above might read the posts of paradiddle & co were and see them as so abusive and off the wall to the point that no group of adults—let alone a group of professionals—could have possibly authored them. 

Instead, the only logical conclusion would likely have been that the posts were prepared by George and I in a fraudulent attempt to portray polygraph examiners in a negative light.

We were forced to disclose identities to defend against the well-founded concern that we fabricated the posts to make polygraph examiners look bad.

Fortunately, as I have said earlier on this thread, while I certainly have issues with how polygraphs are conducted, THE TOMFOOLERY THAT WENT ON HERE SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS BEING REPRESENTATIVE OF ALL POLYGRAPH EXAMINERS. 

It was the brainchild of a rogue group of polygraph examiners that was taken to a degree that apparently at least one fellow examiner found reprehensible.

It would appear that (admittedly there are exceptions) there exist some patterns in the demographics of the outed trolls.  Level of claimed formal education is not high (Rovner being the exception), the examiners are local and private (not Feds), they have a high degree of involvement in post conviction sexual offender testing (the bottom feeders of the screening world), and they for the most part are located in the Rocky Mountain and western states.  

Although we would likely not find valid many of the practices of federal examiners doing specific issue criminal testing and are likely not held in any higher regard by them than by the trolls, we are pleased to know that the feds are either smart enough or principled enough not to get involved in the shennanigans that led to the outing of these trolls.
« Last Edit: Oct 23rd, 2007 at 9:54pm by G Scalabr »  
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box EJohnson
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #22 - Oct 23rd, 2007 at 10:19pm
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OK ---let me get this straight----we post that one of your man-crushes was alleged to be the worst examiner in the career of a senior examiner's witness in a lifetime of service---and that Drew was thought to not even have a grasp of the concept of polygraph, despite attending a school which this site portrays as being like that of a barber college (apperently it wasn't so easy). Then, the examiners go on to post a peer reviewed study debunking the efficacy of the countermeasures which this site--ahem---swears by. Some taunts by both sides later---one coming from Bill Cridder who wished that my family were raped in prison for life, lest I forget that I am to "F off" also-----sweet stuff. Insult to injury Cridder's post was not discarded---despite it being as a direct threat to my family. Then you guys in a desperate move to grasp control over your little t-shirt infomercial here, decide to label us all as trolls and reveal our identities-----revealing our identities to people such as your senior user Bill Crider who gives me the whillies. No intelectual discussion on the study----just curious misdirection , study construct insults and unspecific caveats that real scientists apperently thought were good enough. Plus, Drew is still a local hero. 
Meanwhile, you claim to be attempting to preserve the dignity of a profession that needs no help from you, and has hollored amongst ourselves "bombs away" with every new development in the now serious study of debunking TLBLD and some of the disinformation we have sat idley by while you spew.  
Gino, thanks for keeping our public image in mind. You are a Saint! Tongue

« Last Edit: Oct 23rd, 2007 at 10:45pm by EJohnson »  

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Donna.Taylor

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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #23 - Oct 23rd, 2007 at 11:09pm
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Gino, you know full well the exposure was due to information that was posted on your ‘expert’ Drew.  You were never forced to disclose identities.  It was an act of revenge….plain and simple.

For the record, I received ONE ‘civility’ warning from GM and that was after I was called a ‘whore’ by two block.  (Hey TB I see you joined the discussion again when you found out we were banned…lol)   I do find it interesting that I was banned when I corrected GM - not because of warnings (although I've also had my share and received them too).   I didn’t use an anonymous proxy to hide from GM.   And for the record 1904 ‘outed’ me several weeks ago.  You relied on a hack examiner to get your dirty work done.  And, by the looks of things, it doesn’t look like it stopped any of us from posting?     Shake and bake baby! 

I hold my head high and feel honored to be part of a rogue group (lol – you AP guys are too much!) of examiners.  Ray, Eric, Lou, and Ted – my hat is tipped to you guys.   BTW, Nonombre, thanks for the kind words -  I hope they don’t ban you.

BTW, I see Gino has removed some of his posts.  Didn’t he say something along the lines of ‘the looks on their faces this morning would be like pumping the neighbor’s cat? Gino, that is sure an off the wall comment….

So if you are outing people, Gino, why hide your identity?  Be a man.  You said we didn’t have the nads to post under our own name and yet GS is a pseudonym. Wink
« Last Edit: Oct 23rd, 2007 at 11:36pm by Donna.Taylor »  
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #24 - Oct 24th, 2007 at 12:34am
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EJohnson wrote on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 4:25pm:
The outing of polygraph examiners rather than simple banishment is tantamount to slitting tires-----the lowest form of retribution on the internet.

And sockpuppetry and coordinated efforts to taint message/discussion boards are generally considered the height of dishonest and reprehensible behavior on message boards of all sorts, and outing the perpetrators is generally par for the course (where possible -- banning, if it's not).

I've spent more than a decade in online argumentation using many venues, and the treatment you've received is not only normal--most netizens would probably consider it well-deserved justice.

The unfortunate fact seems to be that many of the polygraphers who post here engage in some of the most dishonest behavior you can find on the Internet, all the while declaring themselves the guardians of truth.  Ironically, while said perpetrators seem to think they're being sneaky, it's actually pretty obvious to outside observers and those of us who actually DO care about truth.  The activities on this site have provided rich examples of this over the years.

Color me distinctly unimpressed by your claims that has now, somehow, tainted its reputation by revealing your dishonesty for all to see.  In fact, it's barely a remarkable event -- it's happened here time and time (and time) again.
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #25 - Oct 24th, 2007 at 12:40am
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Donna.Taylor wrote on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 11:09pm:
Nonombre, thanks for the kind words -  I hope they don’t ban you.

For all his abrasiveness, nonombre is, at least, not engaged in game-playing in an attempt to avoid discussion and create false impressions.  In fact, his long-time presence here is living proof all of your compatriots' claims that, somehow, is not interested in open discussion ring hollow.

I have no idea whether you actually understand why you as a group were outed.  If you do, then you demonstrate (once again) the lack of ethics displayed by so many polygraphers who post here.  If not, then in my opinion you have a real blind spot regarding your own behavior.
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #26 - Oct 24th, 2007 at 1:09am
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I lowered myself to respond to your flame-bait statement about "my goat". George admonished me for it because he upholds standards for the site and I asked him to delete that post. Yes, we all hear from him to when we get out of line. Once is enough for the AP's however.

My latest post was to the Sargeant not you. 

Don't ever get the mistaken idea that you people could run me off the site. I plan to never again be drawn into your type of flaming. I hope to hold myself above that.

Also, don't get the mistaken idea that I'm against SO monitoring. I am for what ever it takes.
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #27 - Oct 24th, 2007 at 1:40am
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EJohnson wrote on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 10:19pm:
. No intelectual discussion on the study----

Mr. Johnson:

Please feel free to join my attempt at actually having an intellectual discussion on Mr. Hont's study.

"Although the degree of reliability of polygraph evidence may depend upon a variety of identifiable factors, there is simply no way to know in a particular case whether a polygraph examiner's Conclusion is accurate, because certain doubts and uncertainties plague even the best polygraph exams."  (Justice Clarence Thomas writing in United States v. Scheffer, 523 U.S. 303, 118 S.Ct. 1261, 140 L.Ed.2d 413, 1998.)
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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #28 - Oct 24th, 2007 at 1:55am
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Your posting of names and information on a site that has long touted that it respects the anonymity of those who so choose to post that way shows poor ethics on your part.

Regardless of the disposition of those that posted, the fact of the matter is that they could have simply been banned, as has been done with anti polygraph posters whom have done the same in the past.

I would gather to say that this was not the type of ethical debating nor political strategy taught to you in college.  This type of thing amounts to nothing more than mudslinging or negative propaganda based on ad hominem attacks.  I would have thought that someone of your intelligence and specific education would not stoop to such a game.

I know that there are anonymous anti polygraph posters who have participated in personal attacks on this site and of which you know the real names of.  Will you now post their names and information?  Although it might be thought by some to be fair, I do not think it would be any more ethical than aforementioned.

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Re: Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)
Reply #29 - Oct 24th, 2007 at 2:33pm
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nopolycop wrote on Oct 24th, 2007 at 1:40am:
EJohnson wrote on Oct 23rd, 2007 at 10:19pm:
. No intelectual discussion on the study----

Mr. Johnson:

Please feel free to join my attempt at actually having an intellectual discussion on Mr. Hont's study.

Ah shucks, come on nopoly4me, please call me Eric!---not that "Mr. Johnson" formal stuff! And may I ask what your name is and where you reside?

thought not

All men are mortal. Socrates was mortal. Therefore, &&all men are Socrates.-----Woody Allen  &&
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Outing the Trolls: The Polygraph Peanut Gallery (A Cast of Characters Starring Eric S. Johnson, Raymond Nelson, Donna Taylor, Ted Todd, and Louis Irving Rovner)

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