EosJupiter wrote on May 29
th, 2007 at 11:59pm:
I am indeed impressed that your willing to share your knowlege. And in all honesty have enjoyed the postings. I am sure some of our local polygraphers who are not so happy your posting. But one has to ask why ? This answer carries alot of weight in regards to your stock on this board. As with all things here, it is taken with a grain of salt and some analysis. I look forward to your response !!
Regards ...
Hi - Lets say it's a cleansing ritual. I have spent many years and loads of cash undergoing
basic p/g training, advanced training, refreshers etc in addition to acquiring several other DOD
technologies and techniques.
I have often been engaged in fierce argument with other p/g examiners when disputing their calls and then made it my personal quest to prove my findings - if they were different and often they were.
Too many p/g examiners sell their souls in order to get repeat business or to satisfy someone else's
suspicions. I never sold results and I pissed off a lot of people in doing so.
EG: " Please test these four subjects. We know that subject A did it, but we 'need to prove it' "
That type of statement is enough to motivate many p/g examiners to turn in a DI result notwithstanding
the scores achieved.
Since 1995, whenever I have administered an apparatus test (p/g or cvsa ) I have presented the
apparatus to convince the subject that the computer wizadry is finding him/her DI if that was the
result of my Statement and Kinesic Analysis. I have proven to myself, that SA and Kinesics is
the most powerful DOD tool. SA is also not a verifiable science, because it relies ultimately on a
confession or conviction to notch up accuracy points, but every time I have been involved in a
major fraud investigation, SA has led to a high rate of conviction. The fact is that it is not easy to lie
and subjects own words give them away. SA is wonderful stuff.
How's my stock doin ?