Hello guys!
I've been meaning to come back here but my DSL was down.
Boy has this thread grown!
I'm happy to report that I took and passed my polygraph! I could not have asked for a better examiner. He is top notch in the polygraph community. I'm sure some of you polygraphers on this site know him. (He knows you!) I was completely forthcoming with him about coming to this site, and others.
George, we discussed you and your book. He said it was an "interesting read." I haven’t read it but I may check it out later…
My examiner already knew when he asked me if I had researched the internet re: the polygraph, because later in the exam he showed me printouts of MY posts!! But, it was ALL GOOD because I hadn't posted anything negative or incriminating.
He admitted being suspicious about knowing I had been here but after we talked he "vindicated" me. Because I was so forthcoming and had just passed an extremely extensive background investigation, he told me that he didn’t believe I was trying to hide anything or that my intention was to be deception or beat the box. He even reworded questions for me that I told him I wasn’t comfortable answering with certainty. He also admitted that the polygraph exam is not 100% but because he’s being doing it longer than I’ve been alive (almost 30 years) he knows how to weed out bad candidates for the test. He gave the box a 95-98% accuracy rating.
Because I'm such a knowledge junkie, the examiner taking the time to explain to me the polygraph process in GREAT AND LENGTHY DETAIL, caused me to fear the process less and less. He explained to me how the test works, each part of the machine itself, and how he’s spent almost 30 years reading examinees’ body language, handwriting, voice tension, facial expressions, etc. (also that’s been trained significantly in all of the above).
He SHOWED me my results after the test and how I reacted to each question. The responses measured and how there are recorded is quite amazing. I remembered one question that reeved me up (because I realized I forgot to tell him something during our conversation before the test...but it was okay because it was information I had already disclosed in my application, during the oral board, and with my background investigator) and I could see, ON THE CHART, how I spiked!!!!!!!
Ironically, when asked about countermeasures, I didn't spike at all, but I did spike on other questions. He explained to me that what "saved" me was that all of my charts were different. The only thing that was consistent was me showing no response to the countermeasures line of questioning.
After experiencing this process, my conclusion is that someone has to be psychotic to successfully "beat the box" with a veteran examiner!!
LieBabyCryBaby is right about the process being "an art" and "2 fold" (the science of the machine itself and the examiner's role). He is also right about the possibility that ignorance, in this case, is a better guarantee to passing than knowing about the test.
Another officer told someone told him not to look up the polygraph on the internet for the same reason. He passed his as well. If ever in a position to do so,
I will certainly caution anyone interested in becoming a police officer for an agency that does polygraph, to NOT research the exam until after he/she takes it!! For those of you thinking you WANT to employ countermeasures in order to get hired as a police officer because you DO have something to hide,
please choose another profession! I don’t want you getting me killed! And, for those of you who have bought into the notion that you HAVE to employ countermeasures because telling the truth will cause you to fail, DON’T DO IT!
My overall opinion about the polygraph is that although the science is not 100% accurate, the interrogation aspect of it IS 100% effective. If you are being completely honest, regardless if it’s pre-employment, criminal interrogation, or whatever, you’re screwed if you’re a liar and you’re more than likely okay if you’re trustworthy.
By the way, I got my start date!!! I’m an official rookie
that is now academy bound!!!!
In closing, I'd like to THANK LieBabyCryBaby for his candid replies and everyone else who stayed on topic.