Normal Topic Polygrapher said I passed but HQ said otherwise (Read 1666 times)
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Polygrapher said I passed but HQ said otherwise
Dec 17th, 2006 at 9:39pm
Mark & QuoteQuote Print Post  
A few months ago I took a polygraph for the position of Special Agent with a Federal Law Enforcement Agency.  I went into the test knowing nothing about polygraphs except : "Tell the truth and you'll pass."  I told the truth in finite detail but the polygrapher said I did not pass; a few weeks later, I received a letter from HQ which reinforced the polygrapher's decision.  

However, I knew I did not lie, so I appealed the decision and requested a re-test.  The re-test was granted and this polygrapher stated that I passed but because this was a re-test, HQ would make the final call.  Well, much to much to my surprise (and disappointment) I just received a letter from HQ stating that I had also failed the 2nd polygraph.  I am intensely puzzled . . . any thoughts as to how/why HQ disagrees with the polygrapher?

Also, I am applying for the position of Special Agent with a few other Federal Law Enforcement Agencies and when asked about my applications with other agencies, I have informed them of the polygraph failure situation.

If I have the opportunity to test with other agencies, is it likely that I would have a fair shake in the polygraphy process due to the inevitable bias incurred by my previous 2 failures?

To this day, I will not read much about polygraphs other than how to appeal unjust decisions.  My thinking is the less I know about the polygraph itself, the better.  I am a severely honest person and I hid nothing from anyone during that application process.  I am a military member, people have trusted me with their lives.  There is nothing more important to me than integrity.  Now, one agency, in one fell swoop, has caused others to question the best part of my character.  

I wonder if polygraphers and their agencies really understand that someone in my position would have no reason to lie . . . ???  By lying, I have everything to lose: My good name; A TS clearance; trust from others; and of course, the oppportunity for my dream job.

By telling the truth, I keep my good name and have the opportunity to continue serving my country.

Why would I lie?  I was never worried about the polygraph because I just kept telling the truth.

Should I try to get the results of my polygraph so I can give them to the other agencies for which I am applying??

I mean no disrespect toward that agency nor polygraphers themeselves.  They have a very tough job to do.  After this experience, however, if I do become an Agent with another Agency and the Agency lends polygraph results as evidence that a certain person has committed a crime, I do not think I would be able to sleep at night.   At present I cannot rightly put stock in the ability of a polygraph to distinguish between the truth and a lie.
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Re: Polygrapher said I passed but HQ said otherwis
Reply #1 - Dec 18th, 2006 at 2:20am
Mark & QuoteQuote Print Post  

It's a damn shame federal agencies doesn't expend the same honesty and integrety that they require of prospective agents.

I will offer this: If you are hired by any of these agencies and don't lose some of your honesty and integrety, you won't keep your job. You will have to play thier politics. And Bud, politics does not include honesty OR integrety. The definition of politics is "you scratch my back and I will scratch yours". However, in federal employment, it is "you will scratch my back and to hell with your itches".

I would NEVER work for government. City, County, State or Federal. I'd rather scracth shit with the chickens.
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Polygrapher said I passed but HQ said otherwise

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