Normal Topic I/R poly (Read 3651 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box amakuchi
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I/R poly
Nov 26th, 2006 at 3:12am
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Well..... I had a periodic (once every so years) CI scope poly a while back.  Just my luck, the test that I took is of the I/R type. I took the test 4 times that day and in between tests was made to wait by myself to sort out my feelings on what was bothering me on a question.  I believe it because it is one of the agencies stated by this forum to use the I/R type of test and also because there were no obvious control questions. The test consisted of relative and "is today wednesday?" and "Is your name blah-blah?" types of questions. 

The only statements I that stand out are, "The test will begin now." and "the test has finished now". Would these be something good to make a choice about use CM's on or am I stuck with only "making a good impression" on the poligrapher/interrogator?

After grilling me in-between sessions and one last time at the end of the final one the polygrapher stuck to his "you are having issues" and then concluded and said that the charts would be sent for review. I was not told that I had failed but I guess they don't come out and say that anyway.  So now I just stare at the callendar and wait until I get called or not.  Thanks for reading this.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box EosJupiter
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Re: I/R poly
Reply #1 - Nov 26th, 2006 at 6:19am
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I think you will be fine, as you gave up no admissions, and since this is not a pre-emplyment poly, its highly doubtful anything will come from it, you endured the periodic brow beating and electric rubber hose treatment. This is just my opinion of course, but I hope you realize just what a bunch of BS this periodic polygraph exam scam is.
Much success to you.

Regards ....

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box amakuchi
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Re: I/R poly
Reply #2 - Nov 26th, 2006 at 3:52pm
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Thanks for the read, Eos

The only statements  that stood out to me were, "The test will begin now." and "the test has finished now". Would these be something good to make a choice about use CM's on or am I stuck with only "making a good impression" on the poligrapher/interrogator? and watching my breathing?

There was the classic, "I like to think of this room as a black box. If you have anythng to get off of your chest it will go into the black box and I'll bury it."
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: I/R poly
Reply #3 - Nov 26th, 2006 at 5:36pm
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The Relevant/Irrelevant screening test is documented in Chapter 12 of the Federal Psychophysiological Detection of Deception Examiner Handbook:

The Handbook makes no mention of using announcements of test beginning and end for comparison purposes. However, Len Harrelson, the late former director of the Keeler Polygraph Institute (where early federal polygraphers were taught the R/I technique), did use these announcements for comparison purposes. It wouldn't hurt, and might help, to show a reaction during such announcements.

What the Handbook does mention being used for comparison purposes is an optional "overall truth" question. So, if in the course of a R/I screening test you were asked, "Do you intend to answer truthfully all of the questions on this test?" or "Have you truthfully answered all of the questions on this test?" it would be beneficial to show a reaction.

Similarly, if asked an optional "stimulus question," for example, an unreviewed (during the pre-test) question like, "Does 10 + 9 = 19?" it would be beneficial to show a reaction to it.

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box amakuchi
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Re: I/R poly
Reply #4 - Nov 26th, 2006 at 8:13pm
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Thanks, George.

I'll review the chapter. There were no overall truth questions such as the, "Do you intend to be truthfull" or anything like that but there was the "directed lie" during the "non-test" poortion during the pretest interview and I suppose that is what is meant by the "stimulus question" . So armed with that if I get called back I will go from there. I seem to think I'll be called back. 

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box George W. Maschke
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Re: I/R poly
Reply #5 - Nov 26th, 2006 at 8:18pm
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amakuchi wrote on Nov 26th, 2006 at 8:13pm:
Thanks, George.

I'll review the chapter. There were no overall truth questions such as the, "Do you intend to be truthfull" or anything like that but there was the "directed lie" during the "non-test" poortion during the pretest interview and I suppose that is what is meant by the "stimulus question" .

No, it isn't. You're confusing the stimulus question optionally used in R/I screening with the stimulation or "stim" test, also called an "acquaintance test" (regarding which, see Chapter 7 of the Handbook).

George W. Maschke
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box amakuchi
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Re: I/R poly
Reply #6 - Nov 27th, 2006 at 12:02am
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Thanks for clearing that up, George.

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I/R poly

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