quickfix: With all due respect, I did not miss the point… I DID understand the meanings of ALL the words as well as the EXACT intent of the relevant question… That was NOT the issue!… What I did was present my candid observations as I perceived them in my good faith effort to seek an understanding of what happened… The question WAS longer… and, contrary to what you stated, it DID make a HUGE difference for me and I got “unnecessarily” aroused… I do NOT know why!… Perhaps, I just "worry too much"... but I WAS unmistakably telling the TRUTH when I said “No!”… Also I was not accustomed to hearing in my every day conversation “have you ever been in contact with foreign intelligence service”… It was, ans still is, INTIMIDATING to me... and just reading it sends chills down my spine!... am I oversensitive? fine... call me oversensitive... but I WAS telling the truth!... and THAT was what the FBI wanted to know!.... The polygrah did their search for the Truth NO justice!... The UNMISTAKABLE fact is that I have never been in contact with a foreign intelligence service nor do I have the intention, or desire to contact ANY foreign intelligence service. I have NO place in my life for undue stress or negative energy!... Also, frankly, I wouldn’t know where to begin to contact such intelligence services... and even if there was a way for me to find out (and NO!... there is NOT as I am NOT looking), what do I say? “Hey, Mr. Igor of the KGB… I am a nobody… I have nothing to offer you… I know nothing about US intelligence or national security (nor do I want to know)… All I know about politics is what I hear on Fox News and Sean Hannity… how much would you want to pay me to be your “Pink Panther” spy”… I am just not a political person… I barely watch TV and when I do, I mainly watch comedies and music to maintain a stress free life… Socially, I see friends, do business and chase women!... I never bother talking politics… and when I do, I end up defending our President’s “moral clarity”, “inspiring personal faith in Jesus” and, knowing all too well that when he took office, he had absolutely NO intention of going to war or to get involved in nation building… Yet, he IS protecting us EVERY single DAY… Not ONE terrorist attack took place on US soil since 9/11/2001 for ONE reason… Our President had the balls to take IMMEDIATE charge under exceptional circumstances and unprecedented reality. He lead the world in a war he NEVER anticipated or even wanted... He made TOUGH “thankless and unpopular” choices with one focus in mind "Defending the U.S." the best way he knew!... Would you have loved to just "pray" and wait with Monsieur Jacques Chirac and just "hope" that the terrorists will perhaps just be "nice" to us and no longer attack us? As Sean Hannity so masterfully put it, "the price of INACTION far exceeded the price of action!"... Listen… the 2 facts of which I am 100% SURE are 1. I was TELLING the TRUTH!... 2. I do not know why I reacted when he asked the relevant question. INVOLUNTARILY, and SUBCONSIOUSLY, the moment he “started” posing the relevant question, I got “unnecessarily” aroused… as the question progressed, my anxiety cascaded… when he finished the question and I answered “No”, I was relatively calm for some odd reason… but then with the 20-30 seconds of silence, “suspense” got the best of me… then I was fearful of screwing things up involuntarily”, then.. what else?... my right leg “twitched”. All that took place KNOWING that I was telling the TRUTH!... So the polygraph’s “premise” that if I was telling the truth and I had nothing to hide “I will just answer the question and remain calm” is flat out WRONG!... That means that the Polygraph is NOT an ABSOLUTE… It is FLAWED… and it IS junk science… I can support using the polygraph as a “trick method” in investigations and I applaud those who use it effectively as an investigative tool to get a confession or catch a crime… but to blindly rely on the Polygraph results as being ABSOLUTE is harmful to our National security and beneficial ONLY to the terrorists whose ENORMOUS backlog of tapes and documents is STILL awaiting translation… Such tapes and documents may very well hold the key to stopping the next terrorist attack on OUR soil!... That is my MAJOR concern… The Polygraph is SENSELESSLY compromising our National Security… and ignoring that fact is dangerous, bureaucratic and inept!... I have no doubt that there MUST have been thousands of other good, solid, decent and patriotic Americans who have unnecessarily “failed” the Polygraph examination while telling the truth… Obviously, there is a LARGE section of the population that are, like me, “worriers”… and “emotional”… and “over analyzers”… and "over-sensitive"... That does NOT make them liars… nor does it make them spies!!!!!.... KNOWING "ALL TOO WELL" that my country desperately NEEDED my language skills, my PR savvy, and my critical mind, it took me over 4 years to even get off my fat lazy butt and do the RIGHT thing… We are the MOST compassionate nation on the face of the earth (we went to war in Afghanistan and brought food with us)… yet we are failing the PR war so miserably… Many all around the world still "falsely" accuse us of being the “Big Satan”!... Such "disconnect" we have is ascribed directly to the severe shortage of "critical minds" who understand the delicate intercultural differences between us as Americans (or Westerners) and the rest of the world. "What" we are saying is clear "We do want a peaceful world and all our boys and girls want is JUST come back home"... We are just failing at "the way" we are saying it"... and that makes us look like "the cowboys... the invaders... the imperialists... and the bad guy"... What amazes me is, to date, CNN (as well as ALL our Arab and European allies) still shamelessly refer to our troops in Iraq as "the occupation forces" instead of "liberators". If I were in charge of our PR, I would start IN the U.S. by "explaining " every day to the Media the enormous IMPACT of every word they say on our National Security... and every day to the Democrats that "Politics MUST stop at the Atlantic". I applaud anyone in Congress who "disagrees and even blasts" the President behind closed doors... but I do NOT want to hear it... because if I can hear it, America's enemies also can hear it and, guess what, they use it EVERY day in their evil “deceptive” propaganda against us... It takes a LOT of guts for an Arab American to do what is right for our country!... In addition to the obvious inherent risks associated with "working for the FBI", risks ONLY Arabs understand for teh most part, we naturally much prefer to stay away from politics and enjoy the good life and good food!... Well... THAT I ALREADY have and fully enjoy!... The lousy $39 an hour and "2nd class contract employee" status with NO benefits nor pension was NO motivation for me WHATSOEVER!!!!!!... Actually, it is iniquitous and a blatant act of ingratitude to ALL those Americans who are currently employed as Contract Linguists!... They, just like full time employees, have families to feed and deserve a secure income and job stability for the good work they do! When I finally got the nerve (and frankly the energy) to take the initiative and do what is RIGHT instead of being lazy and relying on OTHERS to do all the work to protect our nation... What happened? I got a slap in the face... by what? By a dummy Polygraph!... As to your comment that “the Bureau should stick to catching bank robbers, and leave the intell work to the intell folks”, I respect your right to express your opinion, but I totally disagree. The FBI along with all the other good agencies ALL should share the credit for protecting our nation and keeping terrorism AWAY from our soil. So let us not be “dividers”…. Let’s give credit where credit is due… CORRECT what is obviously wrong... and let us “unite” in the face of a common barbaric evil… “Terrorism”!....