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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam (Read 1095561 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box geeve
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #285 - May 13th, 2009 at 1:53am
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I would really appreciate getting the other questions for the MMPI-2, and any other information you have. Do you know how to get the answers that they score it by, or determine your personality by?
Would you email me at Thanks for any help you can give.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Twoblock
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #286 - May 16th, 2009 at 7:56pm
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Research this thread. Hostage posted a website that lists all questions on MMPI-2. If you have a copier, make yourself a copy.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box davido
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I need the answer keys for the MCMI-III
Reply #287 - Jun 6th, 2009 at 10:42pm
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I need to get the answers to a test that's quite similar to the MMPI 2. Specifically, for the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, or MCMI-III, I need the Manual, answer keys, and Hand-Scoring User's Guide. Does anybody have any of these items, or have any ideas on how to get them. You can either answer here, or email me privately at davido_de at  Thank you.

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box psych1
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #288 - Jun 8th, 2009 at 5:31am
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All of these assessment instruments are copyrighted, are not in the public domain, and there are no "answer keys." Im sure the MCMI-III is being used as part of a larger assesment process. Just answer the questions honestly. 

« Last Edit: Jun 9th, 2009 at 8:05am by psych1 »  
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anti-MMPI-2
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #289 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 1:49am
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(Yes, the research literature does indeed show that the MMPI-2 is a good measure for assessment of psychopathology. It is the most widely used personality/psychopathology screening in the Western world for this very reason. However, the test should not be interpreted blindly and the results should always be supplemented by other clinical information (such as an thorough clinical interview before hand) if diagnostic decisions are going to made. For example, If a cleint is in the midst of messy divorce and the partner is using every method possible to get child custody and take all of his financial assets, I would certainly expect some elevation of paranoia above the norm. In the context of this situational variable it is quite understandable, and I would explain this in the report so no one gets the wrong idea by just looking at the numerical score. 

I mentioned in my last post that both the sensitivity (proportion of actual positives which are correctly identified) and specificity (proportion of negatives which are correctly identified) of the individual subscales is very high. I do not have the sensitivity and specificity averages for each scale in front of me at the moment.  It varies by study and the population in question, but its in the very high 90% range. Perfectly acceptable for clinical use. I do not do these screens for enforcement agencies as part of my practice, but I see no reason why people should be paranoid about this issue.)
I have to disagree with the above post!!!! I took the MMPI-2 and the Rorschach after I just had moved from Europe to the US. I am also originally diagnosed with a psych disorder in europe.  

I never was shown any resulst from these tests from the LPAE who administered the test. I just thought it was a waste of time to be honest. After about 6 months I quit seeing this blowho because I was tired of being told that everything I had experienced in my abusive childhood never happend and that I just imagined my illness. What I find even more insane about this is, she had access to my mental records from Europe. You know what she did?????? She went in the records in front of me, picked pieces apart, made fun of the pdoc who wrote the notes and basically disregarded everything.  ???????? Professional huh?  

Now almost 2 years later I found out, that she diagnosed me with Antisocial Personality Disorder!  ??????? I NEVER was involved in any crimes. I don't have a record.  I NEVER took any drugs and am NOT a alcoholic. I NeVER coned anybody. I am NOT violant. Everything what they list for this personality disorder I am not. 
You would not believe to what extend this LPAE went to warn the whole hospital staff AND the community about me.  Because of her unprofessional actions, my life in that community was ruined!!! We ended up moving this year to get away from it. 

I have done some research now and she never conducted a pre interview about my past, she never considered my current situation when I took the test and she never explained the test to me. She never asked for any documents. NOTHING!!! She even claimed I made up all my education from my homecountry. Heck, she even claimed that the statement in my regular medical records about both of my parents having high blood pressure was made up.  Or that my mother's brother doesn't have schizophrenia, since I supposedly made that up too. 

So she basically read it blind I guess.  The minute I walked into this womans office, she didn't want to hear what I had to say. Would interrupt me and then talk about her family or a patient who was colour blind. 

When I tried to put in a complaint, I was laughed at by the patient advocat. I tried to have my records released to my new pdoc, but they continued to loose the request of release. I put in a complaint, which was lost also.   I had no support whatsoever, because of this bloody idiot going amok with her "diagnosis"!!!  And all I am is a SAHM!!!  I don't even have a influenzing position.  I could not even get a job because of this, it was known all over the community.  Even my neighbors in the street where I lived knew about this. Which is actually a federal offense, but hey... I am the bad guy, that is what her test results say, so I guess it is ok for her to break the law. 

  Do you have any idea what I had to go through??? And I have NEVER done a thing to anybody.  She even went so far and had notes put in my children's medical file about this, so when I brought my children in for routine appointments they were automatically checked for abuse. Every time I saw a physician I was treated very negative. Before I knew I just thought these people were just rude, but after I found out, it made all sense. 

Yes I am angry! And I am very bitter about this!!!  

I do NOT support these tests!!! In the wrong hands, they can be lethal weapons and ruin lifes!!!!  This is just nuts!!!
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box psych1
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #290 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 8:23am
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So did a test do all this to you, or did a person? 

If true, this seems to be the story of an incompetent practitioner and misuse of test data, no? Is that the tests fault, or the persons fault?

PS: What is an "LPEA" anyway. Assuming this is in the US, if this person not a doctoral level provider, they should not be giving the MMPI at all anyway.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anti-MMPI-2
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #291 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 1:43pm
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psych1 wrote on Jul 26th, 2009 at 8:23am:
So did a test do all this to you, or did a person? 

If true, this seems to be the story of an incompetent practitioner and misuse of test data, no? Is that the tests fault, or the persons fault?

PS: What is an "LPEA" anyway. Assuming this is in the US, if this person not a doctoral level provider, they should not be giving the MMPI at all anyway.

Ok, I got a little carried away last night. Just thinking about what I had to go through upsets me all over again.  I agree it was not the test itself, but the person who evaluated it.  I actually ended up in a psych facility last year for 11 days, because I had a mental breakdown. My husband had to involuntary admit me. I never have felt so freaked out and scared before, not even when I used to hear voices and had hallucinations.  

It took me a little while to find out what her credentials were, because she never told me. I guess I was a bit naive and trusting in that matter when I first came to the States, because I had a really good Psychologist and Psychiatrist where I came from.  
LPAE stands for Licensed Professional Art Therapist or Licensed Professional Art Education, depending on which State he/she is licensed at. I read that this is a Masters Degree. So no PHD. 

What I also don't understand is, she lives in the South, but is licensed in the State of Alaska.  When I do a search on her, supposedly she never has lived in Alaska. Now why would she be licensed there??? Don't you have to live in the State where you are licensed in??? 

I did some research on my own now to figure out why she could come to such a conclusion.  I assume, that my level 4 must have read high.  But that does not automatically mean the person is a psychopath. I have always honored any laws and regulations. In fact, in my country I have a degree as a Legal-Assistant. One big logical conclusion for her should have been, that if I would have had a record somewhere, I could not have qualified for a green card/legal alien visa. They do a extensive background check for that. 

I am though, somewhat opinionated and I don't easily just let someone tell me what to think. I like to form my own opinion about something, by looking at it closer, collect information and facts, then draw my own conclusions and then either agree or disagree. Though, I don't harp on my opinion, especially not, when someone has much better facts and information than I do.  I also tend to be outspoken and say what I think. But I don't believe that makes me a psychopath, I believe it makes me more of an independent thinker. What is your take on that?  

Also, during the time of taking the test I was very homesick, I also didn't like where we had to live and was in a depressive phase because of that. Plus, I did not really want to come to the States to live. I really like my homecountry!! I think it is a pretty good place to live.  So I don't know if that had something to do with how I answered certain questions???!!!  I am just left to wonder. 

I tried to gain insight to these records, but was told by the patient advocate with a grin on her face, that if the Psychiatrist and therapist deem it dangerous to the patient they can deny showing the medical records. ???? I think that is a load of crap to be quite honest!! But they can turn around and just spread around defamatory statements and all just based on a test result???? I mean, she has no facts whatsoever.  Same with accusing me of doing drugs. She never even asked me if I would be willing to do drug testing. I would have agreed to that. She could have randomly tested me for drugs.  Besides...... the Psychiatrist I saw back home did random testing on me, because I used to be on Tegretol.  And to cover all of her bases this Psychiatrist I saw back home also tested for drugs. And as I said before, this blowhole of a LPAE had access to these records.  
Unprofessional to no end!!! 

I still believe though, in the hands of the wrong person, these tests are lethal weapons!!!   
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anti-MMPI-2
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #292 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 6:12pm
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I have been reading many many of your messages.  Personally, you all have scared me to death.  I have been referred to a neuropsychologist by my psychiatrist and neuroligist due to both long-term and short-term memory loss after 36 ECT treatments.  I saw him onThursday and testing was begun.  I brought the MMPI-2 home and completed it.  I answered the questions truthfully.  Now you all have me afraid of what I may be "labeled" as.  I am sure depression will show up as I am being treated for that but who knows what else it will show.  Should I be concerned about this test.  Does anyone have any suggestions for help for my memory problems?

Run and burn the test!!!!  Besides, the requirements for how the test is supposed to be taken are already violated, because you are not supposed to take the test home and finish it.   

Run, all I can say. And don't forget to burn the test!!! I am serious. Taking this test and some lunatic evaluating my test has brought me nothing but grief and trouble!!!!
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anti-MMPI-2
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #293 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 6:40pm
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Twoblock wrote on Dec 4th, 2008 at 2:10am:

Dangerous???  Please explain how so. By saying such a thing, you are indicating that you know.

Yes, dangerous in the wrong hands!!!!  I have experienced it myself, took the test and some lunatic read it.  Nothing but grief and trouble!!!
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box psych1
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #294 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 8:02pm
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Again, your gripes seem to be with an individual practitioner, not a test. Obviously, a person who is incompetent enough not to know that she is not  suppose to give this test in the first place is not gonna be competent enough to properly interpetret its results either. Again, this has nothing to to do with theory or psychometric validity of the test itself. Im sorry for your struggle, but perhaps your issue is one another board? Perhaps a formal ethics complaint to her licensing board as well?
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Anti-MMPI-2
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #295 - Jul 26th, 2009 at 11:56pm
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psych1 wrote on Jul 26th, 2009 at 8:02pm:
Again, your gripes seem to be with an individual practitioner, not a test. Obviously, a person who is incompetent enough not to know that she is not  suppose to give this test in the first place is not gonna be competent enough to properly interpetret its results either. Again, this has nothing to to do with theory or psychometric validity of the test itself. Im sorry for your struggle, but perhaps your issue is one another board? Perhaps a formal ethics complaint to her licensing board as well?

I am sorry that I have to disagree with you here, this is not just a gripe as you call it.  I believe people need to be aware that this test is not foolproof, especially not in the hands of incompetent professionals. I also want people to be aware, that it can have pretty bad consequences.  Isn't this test also used in forensics? What I have read is, it actually also decides if someone goes to jail or not.  I find that pretty frightning.  And no, I don't consider this a rant/gripe either what I just wrote.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box psych1
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #296 - Jul 27th, 2009 at 12:19am
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Anti-MMPI-2 wrote on Jul 26th, 2009 at 11:56pm:
psych1 wrote on Jul 26th, 2009 at 8:02pm:
Again, your gripes seem to be with an individual practitioner, not a test. Obviously, a person who is incompetent enough not to know that she is not  suppose to give this test in the first place is not gonna be competent enough to properly interpetret its results either. Again, this has nothing to to do with theory or psychometric validity of the test itself. Im sorry for your struggle, but perhaps your issue is one another board? Perhaps a formal ethics complaint to her licensing board as well?

I am sorry that I have to disagree with you here, this is not just a gripe as you call it.  I believe people need to be aware that this test is not foolproof, especially not in the hands of incompetent professionals. I also want people to be aware, that it can have pretty bad consequences.  Isn't this test also used in forensics? What I have read is, it actually also decides if someone goes to jail or not.  I find that pretty frightning.  And no, I don't consider this a rant/gripe either what I just wrote.

A test does not deciede whether someone goes to jail. That is strictly a judge's or jury's job/ruling.  In a forensic case, a psychologist renders an opinion to a court based on many sources of data (not just one test) that assists in "trier of fact," and then a judge or jury deciedes how much weight to give that person's opinion/testimony in the context of the rest of the facts of the case. A judge or jury then reders a verdict. Psychologists and test results do not send people to jail, judges and juries do. I am not sure how or why you have this mistaken impresion of the american justice system. 

Lastly, I do not know of any professionals who view any tests (medical or psychological) as "fool proof." I think most of the public knows this as well. This is why we (psychologist) are aware of, and publish, the senstivity and specificty of our assessment instruments, just as any medical physician is aware of the false-positive and false-negative error rate of their medical tests. So, again I am unsure why you think that anyone would view a test a "fool-proof"? Professionals know this of course, and i think any reasonably educated member of the public knows this already as well. 

PS: Any test is arbitrary without a properly trained professional to interpret it, and, any and all tests can be misued in the hands of the wrong person. This is not a new concept, or one that is unique to the MMPI.
« Last Edit: Jul 27th, 2009 at 1:15am by psych1 »  
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box T.M. Cullen
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #297 - Jul 27th, 2009 at 4:49am
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Can a person facing criminal charges be forced by the court to take the MMPI 2?  When is it used?  To determined competency to stand trial?


"There is no direct and unequivocal connection between lying and these physiological states of arousal...(referring to polygraph)."

Dr. Phil Zimbardo, Phd, Standford University
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box psych1
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #298 - Jul 27th, 2009 at 5:08am
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T.M. Cullen wrote on Jul 27th, 2009 at 4:49am:
Can a person facing criminal charges be forced by the court to take the MMPI 2?  When is it used?  To determined competency to stand trial?


If you find a way to force someone to sit down and spend an hour and a half reading questions and bubbling in answers on a scantron sheet, please let me know ASAP Grin

The MMPI has little to do with comptency.  If there are questions about feigning of psychaitric illness in order to get out of the charges (and there often is), then yes, it often gets used (along with other measures) because there is so much research supporting the validity scales for this purpose. However, determining competency itself is acomplished via a very long and very thorough clinical interview detailing medical, occupational, academic, and psychiatric history, and of course, functioning and state of mind at the time of the offense, as well as inteviews with collateral informants who knew or were around the person at the time prior to the offense in question.  MMPI might be used to further document the extent of psychopathology, but unles it is grossly discrepant from what one gathers in the interview, it is of little consequence, clinically. However, if I have a long and well documented history of ligitimate psychiatric ilness via the medical records and the defendant is screaming about how aliens are inserting thoughts into his head, then no, I dont really need and MMPI at that point Smiley
« Last Edit: Jul 27th, 2009 at 5:27am by psych1 »  
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #299 - Aug 20th, 2009 at 10:23pm
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If the court orders the test, the one sure as hell better take it or he/she will be in violation of a court order. However, this test can be messed with just like the polygraph and, done right, psych1 or noone else can certify that it was messed with as in the case of the polygraph, done right, the polygrapher would be  only guessing that countermeasures are used. Unfortunately, the courts will go along with testmony of both professions knowing they are guessing. 

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