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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam (Read 1097462 times)
Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Twoblock
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #180 - Nov 25th, 2008 at 3:03pm
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You haven't seen anything yet. Look forward to all of us having to take MMPI 10 or 11 to detect our stress level caused by the Federal Reserve Globalist taking control of our lives and our unwillingness to work toward removing our idiot congress that allowed it to happen. They will use hundred dollar words, that is meaningless to the average citizen, to explain their five cent reasons for making us take it.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Frusstreatedd

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #181 - Nov 26th, 2008 at 12:04am
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psych1 wrote on Nov 25th, 2008 at 8:55am:
With all due respect, I believe you have overlooked an important factor here.  There seems to be alot of focus on the MMPI-2 as a diagnostic instrument.  However, this is not its sole fuction in a clinical context.

In your situation, as a psychologist, I am very interested in the quality of life of individuals coping with chronic pain.  Since the MMPI-2 is sensitive to changes in distress over time, the MMPI-2 is often used as objective way of quantifying emotional distress level and emotional symptomatology and tracking their change over time. It is very common to give the MMPI pre and post treatment for chronic pain syndromes, so the treating physician can see how quality of life has improved (or possibly not improved) after a course of treatment. This is for your benefit, as it allows the treating physician to: 1.)understand how you are coping with chronic illness/pain so appopriate referals can be considered (ie., psychiatry, psychotherapy services if needed) 2.) as a way of tracking and objectively measuring improvments in emotional/psychological functioning after a treatment has been implemented.  

Although the cost is a pain (and I can sympthathize), you should feel comforted by the fact that your physician is taking a look at the entire clinical picture here. Until recetly, "sucessful treatment" in physical medicine was defined  solely as "symptom eradication."Fortunatley, in recent years, medical provders have become more cognizant of overall "quality of life" issues and the emotional/psychologcial sequelae that affect the chronic pain population. Personally, I would take comfort in the fact that your doctor is viewing you as whole person, rather than just a black box of symptoms that need to be treated.

That's all fine and dandy if I WANTED to take the test, or if I was WILLING to shell out the $200. bucks!  I was FORCED to take this test, all patients MUST take this test if they want treatment from the Pain Management Clinic!

I can't see my pain managemnt doc until he sees the results of the stupid test.  Then he's gonna say "Gee, Judi, looks like you have a bit of occassional depression and you seem to be suffering from fatigue".  And I'm gonna say "Yeah doc, severe back pain has a tendency to piss people off, wear them out, and overall cause great frustration at the inability to carry out daily chores.  But thanks for the $200. dollar opinion, which I could have told you for FREE."

Psych, you obviously have no concept of out of control medical costs, and the average person's INABILITY to shell out $200. bucks at the drop of a hat.  You don't have a clue what happens to the average Joe when he can't come up with the extra money, especially around the holidays when money is tight enough already!

Well I can tell you what happens, they don't get treatment for their back pain!  That's right!  They go home, look at their bills, decide the power bill has to be paid first, and the back pain treatment has to be PUT OFF until sometime after the New Year, when they get a chance to cough up the extra money!  Chew on this: you are CAUSING people to SUFFER.  Suffer for weeks and weeks longer than necessary.

Like a lot of people my age, I have other medical problems I am dealing with, including the posibility of endometrial cancer, having to get surgery for that, which obviously takes priority over my aching back.  I had to cancel my appointment with the eye doc to do cateract surgery, coz I just can't afford it right now!

The ONLY thing this test does is wrecks havoc on my empty wallet, while plumping up the wallets of God knows how many folks who work in the psych system.  And wastes VALUABLE time, time I don't have, fooling around with nonsense.  I can quickly and easily describe my quality of life to my doc, I sure as heck didn't need some expensive test to do my talking for me.

I have very good insurance, BCBS, even so, the part I have to pay is quickly adding up to well over $1,000.00 and that Is BEFORE I get my bill for the endo surgery!  God only knows when I'll be able to get back to the eye doc, but please pat yourself on the back that your industry is hurting me.    
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Frusstreatedd

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #182 - Nov 26th, 2008 at 12:44am
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Twoblock wrote on Nov 25th, 2008 at 3:03pm:

You haven't seen anything yet. Look forward to all of us having to take MMPI 10 or 11 to detect our stress level caused by the Federal Reserve Globalist taking control of our lives and our unwillingness to work toward removing our idiot congress that allowed it to happen. They will use hundred dollar words, that is meaningless to the average citizen, to explain their five cent reasons for making us take it.

LOL, so true. Wink
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Mad Mikey

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #183 - Nov 29th, 2008 at 4:05am
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Hi to all!

For those who want to 'practice'  MMPI-2  try this address and plug in your answers and the copy the results into MS word and print out.

Please don't jam up or abuse this site or it may disappear!
( I use it to weed out all the losers for free!)

remember, they don't call me 'Mad Mikey' for nothin'!!!!

keep smilin'!!!
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box PITHON35

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #184 - Nov 30th, 2008 at 8:41pm
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I have a handful of the questions from when I took the test a month or so ago for the ARMY.  email  for info
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Mad Mikey

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #185 - Dec 2nd, 2008 at 3:37am
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Hi to all!

A good cheap place for books on MMPI is Ebay!!

I bought 2 off there for under $20 each. Just put 'MMPI' in the search window and let'r rip!

If you pick carefully you can get everything you need to figure it out, more over to do the test on your own and figure out the results and make sure the people testing you don't screw you over!!

Public libraries often don't have anything on MMPI, so this is the way to go!

see ya!

... remember, they don't call me 'Mad Mikey' for nothin'  !!

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Mad Mikey

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #186 - Dec 2nd, 2008 at 4:36pm
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Hi all!

Mad Mikey made a mistake!

EBAY  search  'MMPI Book'

The list of material is good, just bought another book on MMPI
for less then $10 shipping incl.!!

see ya!!!!

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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box JC

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #187 - Dec 4th, 2008 at 2:01am
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Please be careful. The MMPI is a very good and thorough test, but must be interpreted by a trained counselor or psychologist. Anyone who would post these questions is not and it is irresponsible. This is a good test, but is also dangerous in the wrong hands. 
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Twoblock
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #188 - Dec 4th, 2008 at 2:10am
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Dangerous???  Please explain how so. By saying such a thing, you are indicating that you know.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box ejb

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #189 - Dec 4th, 2008 at 3:52am
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DippityShurff wrote on Aug 14th, 2006 at 2:48am:
I guess I have always wondered if the MMPI and other personality inventory tests can be/have been defended in Court as valid instruments? Anybody have any information on this? 

I've been studying this in my psychology class this semester. Though no test can ever give the complete picture of a person, the MMPI tests are highly regarded amongst psychologists. The MMPI is arguably the most effective.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box psych1
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #190 - Dec 4th, 2008 at 5:46am
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DippityShurff wrote on Aug 14th, 2006 at 2:48am:
I guess I have always wondered if the MMPI and other personality inventory tests can be/have been defended in Court as valid instruments? Anybody have any information on this?  

I've been studying this in my psychology class this semester. Though no test can ever give the complete picture of a person, the MMPI tests are highly regarded amongst psychologists. The MMPI is arguably the most effective.    

I think it is safer to say that is the most emprically researched instrument, and has wide range of clinical utility, both diagnsotic and for treatment planning purposes. However, I generally prefer other briefer measures unless there is a specific reason I need to use it.  But yes, it is irresponsible (and illegal) to post the instrument online.  Scale elevations mean very differnt things depending on other scale elevations. What does Scale 3 represent when K is more than standard deviation above the mean? Does it really mean anything?  Should it be interpreted?  If all the Harris Lingoe scales of particular parent scale are elevated, but the parent scale itself isnt, what does this mean?  Can you interpret it, and if you do, what is your clinical rational for doing this?  Can you justify, both statisically and clinically, why this intepreation was done? How were the content scales constructed and keyed? How is this different from the way the clinical scales were keyed and constructed?  What does this mean when you interpret them?  If a content scale and clincial scale are discrepant from one another, what could be responsbile for this and what do these discrepancies represent clinically?  What if content scale DEP is elevated, but clinical Scale 2 isnt?  What does this represent? If the content scale ANX is elevated, but Scale 2 and 7 arent, what does this mean? Does the content subscale titled "Antisocial Practices", really measure this behavioral construct?  Scale names can be misleading ya know. How and at what T elevation do you intepret scale 8 if BIZ1 and BIZ2 are low?  How does that change the construct of what is realy being measured? And, do you know when you have to plot a non-K corrected profile? This is what clinical trianing provides, and you wont find all this stuff I mentioned in text books. This would be my argument for why interpretation by someone not trained is flawed and misinformed, and represnts an undue danger to the public through the risk of misdiagnosing, inappopriately diagnosing, or overlooking serious psychaitric disturbance. A persons emotional welfare/care is on the line here. Thats serious business if you ask me! This is also the rationale courts have used in decieding that this practice meets criteria for "malpractice" in tort litigation cases. Hence why we have licensing laws/requirements for practicing psychologists in all 50 states, right?

If people come across a bootlegeed copy on the internet and decide to "practice" it, so be it.  However, the literature on analogue malingering and coached malingering demonstates that this often a futile effort and can backfire unless you spend insane amounts of time reading about the clinical scales, content scales, validity scales, and so forth.  But that is me. I suppose I would just rather spend my time doing something else with my spare time.   Roll Eyes 

"Admissability" of the MMPI itself in courts is not really an issue, because the MMPI itself is not entered as a piece of evidence. Courts can not, and do not, dictate what instrumens psychologists use in a court ordered psychological examination. However, the "Frye Standard" of admissability says that scientific evidence presented to the court as testimony must be interpreted by the court as "generally accepted" by a meaningful segment of the associated scientific community. This applies to procedures, principles or techniques that may be presented in the proceedings of a court case. In practical application of this standard, those who are proponents of a particular scientific issue must provide a number of experts to speak to the validity of the science behind the issue in question. The MMPI does indeed meets this standard, as there are literally hundreds of validity studies of the MMPI. Therefore, psychologists can depose or testify opinions based on the MMPI (and clinical interview among other things) to the court. It is up to the jury to deciede how much weight or credibility, if any, to give to this testimony.

PS: I sent a note to Pearson and the UM Press about the test being posted online.  Maybe they will shut it down, maybe not. Im not sure how they do it.  I have done my ethical duties either way.  Plus, someone would probably just host it on another site as soon as the other is taken offline. Se La Vee..... Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: Dec 4th, 2008 at 7:15am by psych1 »  
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Mad Mikey

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #191 - Dec 4th, 2008 at 11:16pm
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Hey   Psych1:

Say it ain't so!

don't take away my free MMPI  site!!

I love testing hires for free!!

Have a christmas heart!

see ya!

remember, they don't call me 'Mad Mikey' for nothin'!!


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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Twoblock
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #192 - Dec 8th, 2008 at 9:42am
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Are you going to defend your stupid ass statement or are you going to "hit and run"?  OTOH I guess it could be dangerous if used in the outhouse instead of softer paper. In untrained hands one could get a paper cut on one's hiney.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box Fucker

Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #193 - Dec 9th, 2008 at 3:45am
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Ignorance is biss, I have takin this test over 6 times over a 7 year period and each time it has come up with a different answer, its a diagnosis test that does not look at just lies, but any type of incoherent, inappropriate thought patterns, that maybe considered twisted and deranged.  Any agency that uses this test will have there own criteria, so even if you attemp to cheat you will need to know the criteria for that agency to begin with you crappity smackin morons.
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Paste Member Name in Quick Reply Box joe2008
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Re: MMPI 2 First 75 Questions out of 567 Psych Exam
Reply #194 - Dec 12th, 2008 at 7:47am
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I took the test today and actually only had to answer 299 questions. I have to go back tomorrow and finish the last 24. I got side tracked with the receptionist and thought I was done. I do remember answering a lot of questions no but I think I will double check the questions I marked yes. Thanks for the heads up. What was the first question suppose to intend to do. What does it matter if you read a mechanics magazine? And the the question about whether I thought women should have equal sexual freedom. Was that suppose to make you unbios or somehow equal. I actually thought of my 3 young girls and wanted to answer no. But in the society we live in today everything has to be equal according to the statis quo.
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