I am glad you are tired of my posts, so why don't you
get the hell off this site. Why don't you just spend time
on the censured site, polygraphplace.com; there you can
sucker in all those unknowing, trusting people. Yes, I
have taken a number of NSA polys, and although I am
far from an expert on the subject, after reading the
DoDPI Interrogation and Interview Handbook, I could
see that their little acting jobs were scripted from the
manual. You must be really angry at this site (can't
blame you); I would be angry too, if people started
figuring out that my profession was a scam. Well,
maybe it is actually better that you keep trashing this
site, that way, newcomers will see polygraphers for
what they really are. Every time I watch Law-and-Order,
I see the same interrogation techniques (lying,
manipulating, aggression, etc.). Maybe your hostility is
one of those little acting jobs, hugh ?
Actually, my name isn't "Hugh."

Good guess, though. One adjective I haven't used to describe my feelings about this site is anger. Humor, yes. Sad, yes. Misinformation, yes. Fearmongering, yes. Silly, oh yes! But anger, no. It takes a lot to make me angry. What you judge to be anger is simply a quick wit and enjoyment in using it to poke fun at short-sighted people who are so willing to buy into information that supports their hopes and conjectures.
You correctly characterize interrogation as a blend of lying, manipulation, and sometimes aggression. Tried and true methods to extract information from the guilty. The innocent needn't fear. The polygraph, besides being much, much more accurate than George and Co. would have you believe, is also an excellent tool of intimidation to extract information from the guilty. If that's all it were, it would be of value. Fortunately, there are those of us with actual experience rather than tired rhetoric, regurgitated misinformation, and hopes of revenge who know it actually works, much to the dismay of the tiny minority of polygraph failures who dispense their placebo on this site.
One last thing: I will "get the hell off this site" either when I really do tire of it (which shouldn't take much longer), or when George and Co. tire of me making them look bad, at which time they will find a pretense to get rid of me.