Polys are crap, pure and simple.
I wouldn't waste my time on this website if I didn't believe in George's objective of ridding our society of this ridiculous tool.
I've done my time attached to the silly contraction, and both times I went in with the, since Im telling the truth, why should I worry? attitude

Though unlike George, I INITIATED the polys in both instances. Moreover, to ensure that results would be undisputable, I used attorneys to employ the services of two TOP firms in the the Dallas area (seems that in Dallas, you have to go through an attorney to access the highest accredited firms). I spent THOUSANDS of dollars to ensure the truth would hold water via the use of two highly credible firms.
Ive never had a criminal record, never arrested, NEVER had other allegations against me, Ive held a TS clearance w/a BI, am well educated, at a senior management level of the institution I work for, and a volunteer in my community.
I falsely failed BOTH polys, on the two separate allegations.
After the results the operator of one firm had the nerve to point his finger in my face and start yelling, You lied! You lied! Admit it! Admit it! Tell me the truth!!!. ---- And this how a highly credible firm performing this type of work acts? The best in Dallas?
Of course, no evidence was found to back either of the poly results, leaving the poly standing out there by itself, unsupported. Child Protective Services never interviewed me on the allegations (sent me dismissal letters in both instances), the accusations never went to court, I was never even visited by law enforcement. Yeah, what a great tool a poly is.
So, in the 90% accuracy that poly operator claimants have, how many false positives are being excluded? Mine was. Are others? Probably many, as false positives arent something one tells the world about or puts forth as statistical data; its something that one hides because of the negative connotations associated w/the failures.
I'll bet the farm that there are many people out there that end up as defendants that confidentially volunteer to a poly and fail, only to be cleared of charges, later. Ill bet that they NEVER discuss their false positive results, because of the negative connotations associated with failing a poly, as the operators have LIED to the public on the accuracy and the creditability of the results for so long, and it seems to be taboo to face off against poly community claims of accuracy.
Sure, some people will misuse this site, but as Seeker said in a post a yr or so back, This site does have both sides - good and bad. What anyone chooses to find here will be based upon their intentions when coming to this site. That philosophy can be applied to anything in life; whats meant for a good cause can be twisted into evil results.
Besides, how many people have been interrogated and released back into our society w/o further investigation because they DID pass a poly when they were guilty? Ask the Ted Bundys of the world. All the more reason to ban polys.
Cop, what would you and "I smell" do it you weren't operating polys? Sell tuna behind a fish counter? And thus your justification for being proponents of a vehicle of crap... "I got no where else to go, I got no where else to go..."
Well get the crap polys out our society one day, youll see.